Petition to stop dolphin hunts

Take some time and sign the petition (under the video) to stop this disgusting act. Be advised the video footage is distressing
London 1996 Cardiff 2000 Paris 2006 and London 2007.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Whoops,sorry mate. I was half asleep there.
Well, I actually fell for that a few years ago. For some reason, people in parts of the US call one species of fish by a few different names - Dorado, Mahi Mahi or Dolphin. These aren't to be confused with the mammal called a Dolphin which are not what people are eating.
I was in Florida visiting my wife's family and someone said they were going to catch and eat some dolphin. WTF? Turned out it was Mahi Mahi. LOL.
what is it that makes flipper less appealing to eat than a Mahi Mahi? is it because it is deemed an intelligent species? b/c they are friendly? b/c of flipper?
~Ron Burgundy
Not sure. I am certainly not opposed to eating mammals, since I do that daily. I suppose my preconceived notion is that it would be a chewy, tougher seafood, like shark, which I can eat but don't love.
Or maybe it is because of Flipper. I wouldn't eat Lassie, either.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
i never really thought of why until just now,... it was just kind of beaten in there a long time ago i guess,... probably b/c of flipper and sea world
how could you even mention lassie? he's resourceful! id eat bambi (big bambi) and thumper though,...
~Ron Burgundy
Flax is also a great source of Omega-3...and bloodless.
That's what I take.
I eat birds and fish...but no mammals.
Hehehe. Your standup needs some work yourself, Lenny. Jlew plays the Catskills three times a week folks and Dollywood on the holidays.
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
Of coarse I know you're joking, but people should think twice about what they are killing.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I do eat meat and I'm not against all forms of hunting, but there are limits as to what should be acceptable means of food production/extraction.
thank you mr adams.
i think no more highly of the dolphin than i do the great white shark.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say