new season of '24' ramping up the propaganda
New 24 Season Showcases Mass Terror, Concentration Camps
Propaganda Keeps Being Pushed by FOX
Steve Watson
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
The new season of 24, that is to air this coming weekend, is to prepare the American people for the idea of concentration camps, detention centers and the rounding up of people in times of crisis.
The opener depicts an America besieged by mass terrorist attacks and public paranoia, with 11 cities, including New York, Atlanta, San Antonio and L.A., having been attacked in the space of a few weeks. Watch it:
A Fox news broadcast pumps out on street corners and at bus stops from TV screens as the terrified public are urged to report anyone they consider suspicious.
A brown skinned man is refused entry onto a bus as the people around him look at him as if he is some kind of space alien.
Cut to the Oval Office were there is an argument going on between the National Security Advisor and the President's aides about the morality and constitutional implications of using concentration camps/detention centers in America.
The National Security Advisor, who the President's aides are surprised to find is opposed to this, states "These places that you keep building, they are nothing more than concentration camps."
Note how the Security Advisor states that camps are already built and keep being built. She goes on to state that a "revised plan" on behalf of the White House "justifies locking up every American who prays towards Mecca."
read/watch more at the link. early last year, halliburton was given a $385 million dollar contract from the gov't to build detention facilities. are the people at 24 pre-conditioning the public to accept their use? i couldn't imagine anyone at fox would deal in propaganda..
more reading:
New 24 Season Showcases Mass Terror, Concentration Camps
Propaganda Keeps Being Pushed by FOX
Steve Watson
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
The new season of 24, that is to air this coming weekend, is to prepare the American people for the idea of concentration camps, detention centers and the rounding up of people in times of crisis.
The opener depicts an America besieged by mass terrorist attacks and public paranoia, with 11 cities, including New York, Atlanta, San Antonio and L.A., having been attacked in the space of a few weeks. Watch it:
A Fox news broadcast pumps out on street corners and at bus stops from TV screens as the terrified public are urged to report anyone they consider suspicious.
A brown skinned man is refused entry onto a bus as the people around him look at him as if he is some kind of space alien.
Cut to the Oval Office were there is an argument going on between the National Security Advisor and the President's aides about the morality and constitutional implications of using concentration camps/detention centers in America.
The National Security Advisor, who the President's aides are surprised to find is opposed to this, states "These places that you keep building, they are nothing more than concentration camps."
Note how the Security Advisor states that camps are already built and keep being built. She goes on to state that a "revised plan" on behalf of the White House "justifies locking up every American who prays towards Mecca."
read/watch more at the link. early last year, halliburton was given a $385 million dollar contract from the gov't to build detention facilities. are the people at 24 pre-conditioning the public to accept their use? i couldn't imagine anyone at fox would deal in propaganda..
more reading:
i'm more a fan of popular bands.. like the bee-gees, pearl jam
Post edited by Unknown User on
right. sounds like you have people arguing it both ways.
its a tv show for christs sake. its not real.
was their showing of the littlest groom propaganda for small people?
I never tune into the show when it's on. but a friend started to rave about it the other day. something about it being the best show on television, then he put a few episodes on, i gotta say, it's not the worst show around. but of course not the best.
"A brown skinned man is refused entry onto a bus as the people around him look at him as if he is some kind of space alien"
That was kinda a funny scene.
Hail, Hail!!!
send him to pakistan. he'll find bin laden for you.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
lost is clearly the best show on tv, and that's just fact.
i think it's funny...this propoganda talk. reading some of the posts on the first God, i'm guessing that most recent posters here think that having an american flag as a stamp is some xenophobic, nationalistic propoganda.
for all the bullshit that us right wing whacko's have to put up with at the movies, comedy clubs, etc, deal with the fact that a popular tv show focuses on radical zealots, you pinko crybabies
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Lost have painted themselves into a corner it seems like....Too many plots..
not interested in plots...the characters are great.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
I agree. What the fuck are polar bears doing in the jungle?
And they keep introducing new characters and stuff to spend time building characters for sub-plots. I think 'Lost' started out reallly good, but, they've bogged themselves down with Soap Opera-esque vignettes.
Hail, Hail!!!
I heard a theory they were stuck in purgatory....Not sure if a network would tackle that kind of angle though...
dude, you are just being downright hateful now....
the show has never been about some huge's about the characters!
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
where did you hear that? that is actually my theory but never heard anyone else say it?
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Buddy of mine at my new years party. Do you think they would play that angle? I mean it has to be supernatural reasoning at the very least.. Or just one big bad hallucination.
Fine... then develop the characters and quit introducing more and more characters to fill out each one hour episode.
'Lost' is the 'Twin Peaks' of the 2000s... weird shit happens for the sake of weirdness... not for progressing the over all plot line.
Hail, Hail!!!
no, to me, it's clear that they are in purgatory (sp?) the show is about redemption and everyone gets a chance to "start over."
I think a lot of people have grown tired of the show b/c of the lack of plot...but i think it's a really interesting idea....and i usually hate tv shows, including 24...which is funny, since this is a 24 thread.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
it's just a matter of taste...i love personal stories...i love books, tv, movies that explore characters...plots just aren't that important to me....who was it who said "fuck the plot"? it might have been salinger
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
which is why salinger is the most over-rated and over-hyped writer of the last century...
Try again.
Just another example of the far left's own use of "fear mongering." Remember when the Republicans were going to steal the elections in 2006?
And seriously, why do they always keep ignoring Jack's advice? It's season 6 people. Get your heads out of your asses!
however, heroes is the bomb.
I've watched just about every episode of Lost...the first season was almost 100% goodness...but it has sucked since with only a few good spots...I wonder why I even watched it now and I wonder if I will when it comes back.
I feel like I've invested so much that they owe me something, so I may watch, but it is FAR from the best show on TV.
Sorry, I'm just a bit bitter about the direction of that show.
24 is simply awesome!!!!
It was a good show the first season, but now it's simply retarded.
The Others, The Hatch, The Code, all these new characters, etc, ect, ect... Soooooo dumb!
Pretty sad when a show that was intended for one season gets stretched out and made retarded because of ratings...
Oh well.
finally!!! thank you. heroes is prob the best new show. lost has got a bit... well lost. i really liked seasons 1 and 2 but the first 6 episodes of season 3 were wank.
anyone for prison break?
Don't get me started on Prison Break... the main guy (the brother of the one on death row) has the most irritating facial expression (note SINGULAR) in history. It's like 'this is my pretty annoyed face', 'this is my really angry face', 'oh look I'm happy now, see me smile'... ALL the same fucking expression... much like Horatio in CSI Miami :eek: So irritating.
24 however IS the best programme on tv. It's the only one I HAVE to watch, refuse to answer my phone or be civil to anybody... gripping stuff it is. However, it IS just a TV programme :rolleyes: . To suggest it's being used by the Fox network to condition people is simply ridiculous. Why then would they have had such a peaceful, noble, anti-war president in David Palmer?
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
The funny thing about that is Chloe seems to be the only one to ever believe Jack, but she, at the same time, looks like she really does have her head up her ass.