Alex Jones: Terrorist Storm

I'm listening to Alex Jones Radio Show 9:00 - 12:00 PM Central. He announced his latest DVD "Terrorist Storm" available next month for order. You can download it from for subscription fee of $5.95 within a couple of days.
He said the movie cost them $80,000, all the money made from previous releases. See this is the difference between Alex Jones and Michael Moore. Moore has made millions from Fahrenheit 9/11, so much that he has a team of bodyguards. Alex Jones uses his proceeds to make more movies, he even authorizes everyone to copy and redistribute his DVDs for non-profit educational purposes. A caller on his show tonight announced that he had made and distributed 6800 copies. Alex Jones is a soldier of truth. Michael Moore is a joke.
He said the movie cost them $80,000, all the money made from previous releases. See this is the difference between Alex Jones and Michael Moore. Moore has made millions from Fahrenheit 9/11, so much that he has a team of bodyguards. Alex Jones uses his proceeds to make more movies, he even authorizes everyone to copy and redistribute his DVDs for non-profit educational purposes. A caller on his show tonight announced that he had made and distributed 6800 copies. Alex Jones is a soldier of truth. Michael Moore is a joke.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
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q: how do you know bush is lying?
a: his lips are moving!
Ahahahah, that's awesome!
why would the Bilderberg group go through the trouble of finding out where Alex was staying then try to contact him several times at the decoy room before the conference??
The team booked a decoy hotel in order fool Bilderberg security as to their real location. The decoy hotel has been receiving
numerous calls from individuals within Bilderberg's Brooke Street hotel - despite the fact that Alex told no one he was staying there.
Further reports on this incident and developments from the Bilderberg conference itself will feature here over the next few days.
Alex Jones Detained On Orders Of Bilderberg Group
15 hours of hell at the hands of immigration who knew they were coming
Alex Jones and his team were detained by Canadian immigration on orders of the Bilderberg Group for a 15 hour nightmare of interrogation, accusations and threats of arrests in anticipation of the conference in Ottawa which starts today.
The group were detained at 11:45pm last night and only released after 2pm today.
Customs openly told Alex as soon as they brought him into custody that the Bilderberg Group was aware of his arrival and that this was the reason for his detainment. All three members of the team were instantly detained despite going through different immigration desks.
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Charlie Sheen, who has spent 4 times this amount of money on prostitutes, drugs and booze in a couple year period, was the guest of honor at the 911 event. He stayed within proper distance of the restrainment order established by ex-wife Denise Richards.
The Ties that Bind:
Above article is just the tip of the iceberg. Nothing as it seems.....
Jones Bohemian Grove "infiltration" was probably staged as well. Through Zionist run Channel 4 in the UK..
Episode #62 of Revolution Radio from .
Exposing controlled opposition in the "alternative truth" movement...
The title of the latest Jones DVD is "TERROR STORM". I like the 1977 shark movie by the same name better...
Huge Pearl Jam fan since Ten. Have every album and many of the live performances and 'bootlegs'.. Just wanted to drop in and leave this message........
There is a HUGE difference between Moore and Jones. Moore still works for the man and makes the average Yank who dosen't want to go to deep into a story, say 911 feel good about themselves and can hiss at the government. Jones puts it in your face for you to figure it out or at least dive a little deeper into the story.
If Moore was for real. All the people who rag on him on this board would need to do a little bit more research before opening their mouths. Same can't be said for Jones and said posters.
If Capitalism and pseudo-Christianity equates to Patriotism, than i agree that Alex Jones is a true American pay-triot..
His 911 info is worth sharing with other people who don't believe in "conspiracies", but when it comes right down to it he leaves just as much out of the bigger picture as Michael Moore did. Such as the Zionist/Israeli involvement, the Vatican/Jesuit involvement, and other corporate/Hollywood elements, of which Jones himself works for..
Jones is a member of a society called "The Remnant Saints" whose motto is "So the Remnant might remain and establish Zion"..
Alex Jones, Honorary Founding Member of RSICC
Approved December 24, 2001
These individuals have accepted their nomination to serve as founding members of Remnant Saints Inter-Continental Congress.
Albert V. Burns of the John Birch Society
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz of
J.J. Johnson of
Alex Jones of
Richard Mack of Sheriff Mack
Geoff Metcalf, WND Radio Host
David John Oates of
Cathy O'Brien of TranceFormation of America
Mark Phillips of TranceFormation of America
The Patriot Saints is the sister organization and it's motto is "For the Kingdom of Zion on Earth".
No wonder Jones never talks about Zionist involvement or the role of Israel, he's a Christian-Zionist. He would seem to be a "rapture ready" Christian Zionist at that, who expects to be taken during the "apocalypse" and returned so he can help establish the Biblical New-Zion and New Jerusalem.
As well, why doesn't Jones go into any details about the Vatican role in the New World Order? He convienetly leaves bits and pieces out of the puzzle, and misdirects us from coming to any real conclusions about who was behind 911.
How did he "infiltrate" Bohemian Grove? It's because channel 4 in the UK which sponsored "Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove", is a Zionist run network..
Just to make it clear, there IS A DIFFERENCE between the Jewish people on whole, and ZIONISTS..
Alex Jones has promoted SCIENTOLOGY authors on his show before, in particular Dr. Breeding, who has appeared multiple times. Jones was even selling Breeding's book on the front page of Prison Planet. PRISON PLANET itself is a Scientology term coined by founder L. Ron Hubbbard in the 1950's, and used multiple times in relation to how the earth was a Prison Planet taken over by a race of aliens using us as slaves. Yet, when Alex Jones was asked in an interview a few months back if he was involved in Scientology, he claimed that he didn't know any Scientologists and had never promoted them in the past..
This was a lie, as Alex Jones has had Scientologist Dr. Breeding on his program numerous times, even selling his book on the front page of Jones' websites..
Alex Jones promotes Scientology:
And, in a strange twist of fate, Alex Jones is also the name of the head of Public Relations for Scientology in the United States. Maybe it's only a coincidence, but considering other evidence, it's rather odd..
Alex Jones: head of PR for Scientology
Don't even get me started on the recent team-up of Alex Jones and Charlie Sheen...
All i'm saying is that there is much more to all this than meets the eye, and i have little doubt that Jones is working for multi-billion dollar corporate/Hollywood elements that are seeking to control the flow of information on 911...
Alex Jones+ Zionist denial+ Vatican denial+ Hollywood connections= A 'truth teller' not to be completely trusted...... IMO..
1) Ultimately, it helps promote his name and face, which is plastered on every single DVD box and in every video..
2) He couldn't afford the legal issues of suing thousands of people who were burning off his DVD's for free even without his permission.
3) If he told people they couldn't burn them off for free, he'd look like an obvious shill..
When Fahrenheit 911 came out, even Michael Moore encouraged people burning off free copies and passing them around the net.. It's good promotion.
Not to mention that about 50% of it is disinfo, science fiction, or a misrepresentation of symbolic history and mythology. His promotion of the literal 12 foot tall Reptilian Aliens from Draco is enough to make many people think he's a nutter, and not take real "conspiracy theories" seriously. Many of his sources are vague, and he's not very scholarly in his approach.. Not to mention that he's been asking for more and more donations and money recently on his website as well as at his former David Icke forums...
There is a truth to what Icke says about Reptilian entities, but he is very misleading and deceptive on this matter overall....
As a matter of fact, he's on a re-run interview right now at
I don't mean to come off like a bastard, but when you're somebody in the position of Alex Jones, and you claim yourself as "The Father of the 911 Truth Movement", as he recently has, then you need to be thoroughly scrutinized and questioned for your motivations and intents.. For him to claim himself as the "Father of 911 Truth" is almost like a slap in the face to all the people who died that day and the families that are still dealing with the loss.
It just seems in rather poor taste for him to claim the mantle of "Father of the 911 truth movement".
out of curiousity, what would that be?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Well, the truth of the matter is that there is ample reptilian mythology in history.. We can look at the vast amount of Dragon lore, or the various creatures from folklore which all take on Reptilian/Shapeshifter qualities..
Count Dracula himself, "King of Vampires", and based on real life historical figure Vlad Tepis, is in actuality from the root of the constellation of DRACO the Dragon. (Hence DRACula). Vlad Tepis was a member of the real life "secret society" known as the Order of the Dragon, as was his father.
Or we could go back 5000 some years to the Sumerian Anunnaki out of Mesopotamia, the first known civilization. These rulers were said to be "Dragon Kings" of the bloodline of reptiles. Or the Egyptian Seth and other beings and gods said to be of Reptilian origin. The Dagon priests of Canaan, the Nagas of the Hindus, ect, ect.. The list goes on and on of mythological gods which take on Serpent like attributes..
Yet Icke takes everything as LITERAL history, and doesn't see the deeper levels of allegory and symbolism that takes place between the lines of all of this.. He uses vague and untrustworthy sources as "evidence" for reptilians and shapeshifters in our modern day era, basically believing every story he's ever told like a gullible kook who doesn't know how to make up his own mind.. And he expects his readers to be gullible fools too, that's why he charges $25 dollars for every one of his books, and 50% of every new book is just a word for word account of his previous books... He's trying to make people believe that the superior "Alien Dragon Gods" are going to return and rule Earth forever.... (Icke himself looks like a Lizard-Man)
Here's a large thread of reptilian symbolism that doesn't take things as literally as the works of David Icke..
The "Shapeshifter" aspect, IMO, simply represents the rise and fall of civilizations, as they "transform" into new kingdoms and territories.. Every major society throughout history have all had very similar gods and goddesses in their pantheons.. In a sense, this is "shapeshifting" to different forms.. Same basic gods, different forms depending on the territory..
In a brief nutshell, those are some of my opinions on David Icke....
There's a lot more going on in space than we are being told. Scary lot's.
Jones is pretty fact based on a lot of issues no?
really? I think someone is not seeing the entire picture here..
It's in what Jones leaves out where I question him. There is a hugely influential role of Zionism that Jones never covers. He's only talked about Zionism in any detail 2-3 times at most over the past 2-3 years. Doing a radio program exposing tyranny everyday, and you've made 12 documentary films, but you've never covered the influential power of Zionism/Christian-Zionism/Israel?!? He's supposedly a "Christian" who believes in prophecy and Revelation (and apparently the Rapture), but he won't cover the religious implications of Israel, and the New Jerusalem??
Hundreds and Hundreds, thousands of episodes of his show, a dozen documentary films and he's never talked about the corruption of the Vatican? About the long and secretive history of the JESUIT ORDER/SOCIETY OF JESUS, of which Illuminati founder Adam Weishaupt was a member of?
There's so much more than this, Jones is just narrow minded in his information, and intentionally leaves a great deal out of the picture.
David Icke is a little too open minded, believing every myth he ever reads as literal history..
Jones is worth watching one of his films, listening to his radio show a few times, but once you've heard/seen that, you've pretty much seen all he's got to offer. Repetitive information in an infinite loop. His attitude/personality is pretty horrible too..
David Icke.. Repetitive and always asking for money and donations... Children of the Matrix was a great book though, if you only believe about 50% of it as literal...