Saudi's and US Lowering Oil Prices to Thwart Iran?

Glenn Beck talked about this last night on his show. I don't know whether to believe it or not but it is an interesting and convincing theory.
Beck said that Saudi Arabia is purposely helping to lower the price of oil to help implode Iran's economy and thereby weakening their radical government, decreasing their influence in the region and lessen their opportunities to opbtain nuclear weapons.
Reason's Why This May be Happening:
- The Saudi's evidiently can aford to do this, or at least this method is much cheaper and safer than an eminent military conflict with Iran, and this ensures the US won't try to invade and occupy another Muslim nation.
-The Saudi's don't want Iran to have nuclear capabilities any more than the US, and they don't want Iran to have another puppet state in Iraq, like they are close to obtaining in Lebanon.
- The Saudi's were publicly against Hezbollah in this past summer's skirmish with Israel.
- Iran's economy is in bad shape.
- They have an unemployment rate of about 10% and inflation is running around 50%.
- Their economy is almost soley reliant on oil, and oil revenues are used to subsidies much of their society.
- It costs Iran much, much more money to pump their oil from the ground than other countries due to their equimpent and methods (so whatever damage is done to the Saudi economy it will be magnified for the Iranians.)
- Iran is the world's second largest importer of gasoline behind the US, so they are vulnerable in that aspect.
Evidence It May Be Happening:
- The price of oil has dropped 20% in the last 18 months.
- Saudi Arabia has publicly said they are okay with this and have not called for OPEC meetings to adjust prices (they are letting it slide, so something must be up with that)
- Dick Cheney went on a private trip to Saudi Arabia many months ago with the official purpose being stated as "to discuss regional affairs" (sounds pretty fishy to me/ could have been a cover to discuss this strategy)
- Why else would we be in bed with the world's largest supporter of fundamental Maddrasses?
- There is no way Bush will let the Iranians obtain a bomb, and we have pulled the dogs off diplomatically (that doesn't make sense unless things are going on we don't know about)
- We have sent three carrier battle groups to the region (these are not for fighting insurgents in Iraq as someone else mentioned)
If Iran's economy starts to collapse, obtaining a nuclear weapon will be the last thing on the regime's mind. Their citizens will revolt if the subsidies quit flowing things get too bad. There are many moderate voices in Iran, and a viable dissident movement - which the regime must fear and respect.
Of course, oil has to keep moving down to really have an impact. But if oil can go as low as the $20 range per barrel, the mullah's days are numbered.
What do you guys think about this?
Beck said that Saudi Arabia is purposely helping to lower the price of oil to help implode Iran's economy and thereby weakening their radical government, decreasing their influence in the region and lessen their opportunities to opbtain nuclear weapons.
Reason's Why This May be Happening:
- The Saudi's evidiently can aford to do this, or at least this method is much cheaper and safer than an eminent military conflict with Iran, and this ensures the US won't try to invade and occupy another Muslim nation.
-The Saudi's don't want Iran to have nuclear capabilities any more than the US, and they don't want Iran to have another puppet state in Iraq, like they are close to obtaining in Lebanon.
- The Saudi's were publicly against Hezbollah in this past summer's skirmish with Israel.
- Iran's economy is in bad shape.
- They have an unemployment rate of about 10% and inflation is running around 50%.
- Their economy is almost soley reliant on oil, and oil revenues are used to subsidies much of their society.
- It costs Iran much, much more money to pump their oil from the ground than other countries due to their equimpent and methods (so whatever damage is done to the Saudi economy it will be magnified for the Iranians.)
- Iran is the world's second largest importer of gasoline behind the US, so they are vulnerable in that aspect.
Evidence It May Be Happening:
- The price of oil has dropped 20% in the last 18 months.
- Saudi Arabia has publicly said they are okay with this and have not called for OPEC meetings to adjust prices (they are letting it slide, so something must be up with that)
- Dick Cheney went on a private trip to Saudi Arabia many months ago with the official purpose being stated as "to discuss regional affairs" (sounds pretty fishy to me/ could have been a cover to discuss this strategy)
- Why else would we be in bed with the world's largest supporter of fundamental Maddrasses?
- There is no way Bush will let the Iranians obtain a bomb, and we have pulled the dogs off diplomatically (that doesn't make sense unless things are going on we don't know about)
- We have sent three carrier battle groups to the region (these are not for fighting insurgents in Iraq as someone else mentioned)
If Iran's economy starts to collapse, obtaining a nuclear weapon will be the last thing on the regime's mind. Their citizens will revolt if the subsidies quit flowing things get too bad. There are many moderate voices in Iran, and a viable dissident movement - which the regime must fear and respect.
Of course, oil has to keep moving down to really have an impact. But if oil can go as low as the $20 range per barrel, the mullah's days are numbered.
What do you guys think about this?
Post edited by Unknown User on
As for collapsing the economy of Iran instead of a military strike. That is a good idea. Just hope that what you have been told is true and that a user friendly new government will toe the line. Because if they want to persue the nuclear geenie, then we are back at square one. And I have had cheap oil prices for a couple of months. Lucky me, eh.
On a side note. I wonder if Cheney and his boys in SA were enjoying a laugh, looking at the pics of the true terrorists while sipping wine and watching other countries get bombed to bits. But nothing wrong with that picture at all.
Write this post down, and remember it in 4 or so years...
With the current Iranian regime, no American president would or will let that happen. We'll see Hillary or Obama bombing Iran, and we'll see a politicla flip flop. The Dems will be all for it and the Repubs will find a reason to be against it. Yay politics.
I would surely hope that this is true. It's a viable alternative to military action that would further destabilze the region. I'm no expert when it comes to the oil industry, so I ask how would this impact the deal that Iran has with China?