
World's smallest works of art .. Truely amazing!!!

(UK)_foxymop(UK)_foxymop Posts: 234
edited December 2005 in The Art Wall

Willard Wigan

His 2005 exhibition is currently on display in Harvey Nichols, Manchester ..
He's fairly well known in England but for those who haven't heard of him here's a few of his sculptures. His work is unbelievable.

_38624335_titchmas150.jpg. . . . . .elephant-on-pin.jpg
Santa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elephant on a pin head

Thinker-001.jpg. . . . . .statueofliberty.jpg
'The Thinker' on a pin head . . . . . . . . . . .Statue of Liberty in the eye of a needle

Willard began his micro sculptures at the age of five: "I remember an anthill in my back garden was destroyed and I decided to make houses for the ants. Then I moved on to chairs for them."

He makes his micro sculptures out of matchsticks and cocktail sticks and uses a tiny surgical scalpel to make miniscule cuts.

Some are many times smaller than the fullstop at the end of this sentence. Many are even smaller still, with some being completely invisible to the naked eye.

He works in total solitude at a quiet retreat in Jersey mainly at night when there is a greater sense of peace in the world and less static electricity to interfere with the immeasurable precision and tolerances required to create the pieces.

He uses a powerful microscope which can magnify what he is working on by 250 times what can be seen with the naked eye. When they go on display they also have to be viewed through powerful microscopes.

Willard's website: http://www.willard-wigan.com

♥ ♪ ♪
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    PJammin'PJammin' Posts: 1,799
    that is incredible! thanks for posting. i enjoyed viewing his art and reading about it. :)
    I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
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    that work is truly amazing! thanks for sharing that post with us!
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    "elvis" on a pinhead is awesome!...and the boxing ring - cassius clay beside the matchstick is crazy...
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    omg that seems impossible
    dream like your living forever
    live like your dying today
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    holy shit!

    that IS amazing!
    Come on pilgrim you know he loves you..


    Oh my, they dropped the leash.

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    mariposamariposa Posts: 2,523
    WOW! That is some passion...

    Those are some amazing art. And I agree the 'Cassius Clay' art is pretty damn cool.

    Great post!
    "All the strength that you might think would disappear, resolving..."
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    GizmoGizmo Posts: 38
    Nice! What a person doesn't come up with :).
    Thanks for sharing ...
    (Arnhem 29/08/2006 - Antwerp 30/08/2006 - Antwerp 31/08/2006 - Dusseldorf 2007 - Werchter 2007 - Berlin 2009)
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    - Still so many answers I don't know, realise that to question is how we grow -
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