the mother fucking boy bands

how can i convince that the lyrics in songs by bands like pj, nin, sp, ect. are more poetic than those in ( eek ) backstreet boys, Nsync, ect. ? (Give only factiual info. that could stand up as a argument.)
Post edited by Unknown User on
Suffice to say that the genre of music that they reside in has rarely, if ever, posed over for hardcore simulaic poetry. It is usually reserved for the love rhyme, which can certainly be viewed as poetry.
I think what you want to say is that OUR bands have more substance, more to say and a deeper way of putting things. They use analogy and metaphor. They paint with brush strokes of intimate detail.
Boy bands, on the other hand, have all the depth of a Slip 'n Slide, paint with such broad strokes as to be called fingerpainting. They have metaphor, certainly, but their versions of metaphor are tired cliches, and so many borrowed themes.
Boy Bands by their very nature are formulaic. They are designed for the sole purpose of making money, nothing less. There is no real concern for art, nor personal liberty in that matter. Most boy band members seem completely content to be used as long as they get their millions by their mid twenties, so that they will no longer have to work anymore. They are front page role models with quotes and axioms fed to them daily through a dairy machine made of PR and press media. They are designed to explode, to fade, to possibly bounce back, but to inevitably disappear. They are the controlled dispensation of a musical fad. The pop trend personified.
Rock and roll, on the other hand, while certainly not without their moneypit creations, cannot deny its own roots as the harbinger of social rebellion or reform. By their very nature, the rock bands that live the longest or cast the longest shadows for the rest of us to grow in have many things in common: They have excellent musicianship (something that is certainly not required for a boy band as they usually have no musical talent save their voices and have all their music written for them), memorable personalities, the members have color, panache, intelligence, or a dry humor, say, that separates them from other bands and brings them back to humanity's borders for a short while. And they have a message, or messages. They carry with them a purpose in what they do. They have a passion that brings them together as a cohesive unit and allows them to have lasting power as a whole, adaptation as individuals, and growth internally and externally. Rock bands aren't nearly as tied down by limitations as the Boy Bands are. Hence rock bands are able and have much more freedom to say what they like in their music and to get their message across. Boy Bands have no such freedom as they are corporate creations and are therefore corporate controlled. They are all image in a commercial sense. The good rock and roll bands are all image in a very personal sense.
I think I should shut up now. Sorry seven. I hope I haven't ruined ANOTHER thread.
i dont care who you are,
where your from
what you did
as long as you love me....
thats pretty deep stuff for me, i mean all this pearl jam stuff doesnt seem to be that meaningful.... but who could compete with the endless amount of talented young males manufactured together singing songs probably written by 50 year old males in there houses on keyboards... ppfft how dare you even think these hard working muscians should be put down, their music is so insipirational
backstreets back, alright! i mean that just changed my whole life around! i dont know where i would be without the backstreet boys!
ok just kidding,
i couldnt lie anymore, im sure i will be punished by something, for slandering the all mighty jam...
but i was like 9 or soemthing when the backstreet boys where big, so i mean i didnt even know the light that pearl jam was beaming i have a fair excuse to own an album. its hidden away along with other incriminating ones...
there is no need to put any points forward, because its a plain and simple case.
manfactured songs are pumped out by the millions, there all alike, abotu the same things, and sell because the majority of cd purchersers are 16 yr old girls and what the fuck would they know about talent,
i know because im a little older, only 17 and the majority of girls listen to meaningless crap...
so for anyone to even suggest that these lyrics, of popular pop bands, should i say singers, could have a more potent inpact on someones life are ridiculus!
those popy little dorks alot i heard this one
tune a few ago i think it was timberlake somethin
aout changing time but it's a cryer also i think shania
twain is on fire with the melodies now if we could just
get her a new producer hahhahah really i'm just kidding