just another day

phone rings :
mom, stop at wal-mart
we need some food !
you need food,
Jill needs beer
and I need a break
what else ?
if I can get parked
the dick in front of me
is locked up
waiting for a lady
to put her shit
in the car
she's got like 40 bags
and just started
if the other dick behind me
doesn't stop blowing his horn
I'm gonna whip out a baseball bat
and beat the fuck out of him
mom, stop at wal-mart
we need some food !
you need food,
Jill needs beer
and I need a break
what else ?
if I can get parked
the dick in front of me
is locked up
waiting for a lady
to put her shit
in the car
she's got like 40 bags
and just started
if the other dick behind me
doesn't stop blowing his horn
I'm gonna whip out a baseball bat
and beat the fuck out of him
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a guy gets beside me
and says "in a hurry"
kinda, I hate this place
this is the most
fucked up place
I have ever seen
why is everything you need
always on the far side
of the store
and everything you don't need
in the middle ?
two old men
are looking at me
"we've been here
for 5 minutes
I don't think theres
anyone back there"
2 people come out
one waits on the men
the other guy
just looks at me
not a - can I help you,
what do you need ?
instead I get :
"you guys got locking
gas caps out there ?"
what ?
I need a locking gas cap
yeah, well I need
a half a pound of roast beef
one of the old men
comes over and says
"darlin' . . . (that struck a nerve)
can you tell me what
this says on my list ?"
I'm not sure myself
it looks like paper towels
the other old man
comes over and says
"don't be flirting with him
he's married . . .
I'm the one you want
I'm not married"
I just smiled and laughed
"you've got a pretty smile,
are those your teeth ?"
yes they're mine
I've been asked that
same question about 500 times
I don't get it
"well everyone around here
has false teeth or no teeth.
I'm from Michigan and they
put a lot of fluoride in the water"
thats where I'm from too
how it was nice to
meet someone from home
and how he help build
a lot of stores in the city
that I used to lived in
he said he was on vacation
and that the other guy
was his brother
he asked me
where I was living at now
when I told him
he asked if I knew
where the junkyard was
he said "the other day
I asked my son if he
could take me out to
see my friend Joe
but he told me that Joe had died
I thought the man was gonna cry
it was sad
and then go on
everytime I ran into him
he would ask more questions
he said that he visited
the place that I worked at
everytime he came down
because we had the bolts
that he needed
for his machines back home
around the produce :
he said "I'd like to have
some tomatoes but
my son said to be careful
because you can only
eat certain ones.
do you know what kind
I'm supposed to get?"
the ones that say
'grainger county'
are supposed to be ok
but I don't see any here
he said that his son
lived in grainger county
for a while and asked
if I had been there
yes, unfortunately I have
"don't you like it there?"
lets just say I'll never go back
he said to make sure
that I didn't leave
without saying goodbye
when I got to the front
of the store the man was
going out the door
so there was no goodbye
my alarm last night
but it didn't go off
yet I still woke up
at the right time
and even though
no one was there
I swear I heard
for some reason
I started crying
but I need to so
I just let it run its course
at work today
I had the place
all to myself
and for some reason
if there isn't anything to do
I am allowed to sit there
and do nothing
so I went outside to smoke
and started crying again
then I heard
"darlin' . . . (please don't say that)
if you're gonna smoke
you better stop crying . . .
water puts fire out"
oh its just something
that I've been holding in
for a few weeks now
"well I just came by
to get my bolts and
tell you that I'm going
home tomorrow. I'd
sit down there with you
but I'm afraid that if
I do I won't be able
to get back up."
that your arms were pretty
bruised up, your husband
hasn't been beating on you
has he?"
I don't have a husband
this one is from where
I got pinched by a cooler
and the rest are from work
" a cooler ?"
yeah, the damn thing
is broken and doesn't
open right . . . I had
a good one but
some prick decided
he needed it more
than I did
"you know, my wife
is dead now but I'd
give anything if I
could just talk to her
for 5 minutes.
when your dead,
everyone makes it but you"
you're gonna be ok
tomorrow morning
when you get up
I want you to remember
what I said and
tell yourself