
Look so perfect
I remove your covering
Naked for all to see
Hold you in my hand
Even more enticing
Lick my lips with anticipation
Open my mouth
Take you in
So smooth on my tongue
A mouth full of sweet, sticky goodness
I swallow you down
Bit by bit
Inch by inch
Until you are completely consumed
And then throw away the peel
I remove your covering
Naked for all to see
Hold you in my hand
Even more enticing
Lick my lips with anticipation
Open my mouth
Take you in
So smooth on my tongue
A mouth full of sweet, sticky goodness
I swallow you down
Bit by bit
Inch by inch
Until you are completely consumed
And then throw away the peel
Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
Post edited by Unknown User on
No appologies are necessary!
Spit first - then swallow.
mmmmmmmmmmmmm! Tasty!