christmas presents: consumerism

walden freemanwalden freeman Posts: 511
edited September 2008 in Poetry, Prose, Music & Art
our captains are giving
alphabetical orders
(in captions)
closed like the ports
with tolls where we
flip the coins;
keep the change
to yourself:
you were lost
somewhere south of florida but
north of hell --
the keys unlock
tropical depression
so great
ideas can slip through each palm
tree-dropping coconuts
into our puddles
formerly pools of genes
and from skyscrapers
i'm drawn to sidewalks
in chalk
hands cracked clapping
at impeccable tree
aim from each hummingbird
we've cursed in cursive
love letters about the lives
we lost together
the will to be alive
and dead-set on
getting to the bottom of this
mystery of ships that sink
our kitchens in disbelief
i've discovered
the funny thing is
that most black and white movies
were so full of gray areas
that they wound up becoming
inadvertent social commentaries
before their time
ran out
they made it to silent afterlives
similar to hell
but cold
where no one bothers
to ask what's wrong
with this picture
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  • awesomeness!!...~
    "Forgive every being,
    the bad feelings 
    it's just me"

  • justamjustam Posts: 21,412
    I like the way old black and white movies are so full of social information about the time in which they were made.

    That's perhaps the most interesting part of them!
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