just saw family values tour

we arrived at 6pm...so we missed most of the bands. i was able to see stone sour,defftones, and of corse korn. my seats were 4 rows back, but on the side right in front of the base speakers. i can't remember the defftones singer, but he was the only one who could sing loud enough for me to hear the vocals clear enough. anyways, i don't know much about stone sour, but i thought they were pretty good. defftones kicked ass. they played passenger with the stone sour guy singing. korn was amazing as always. something is wrong with jonathan though...they would brake between every song, while he would huff on a oxagen tank. he still sounded good though. but my favorite part besides the music was watching all the freaks.
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damn, i cant wait for the new album.
by FAR, the best part of the night though was chino coming out and doing 'wicked' with korn... that was fuckin' balls out... hoping they release a dvd... and the deftones are playing in phoenix on october 29. can't wait to see them again, especially in a small venue like the one they're playing.
oh yeah, stone sour was good, as was flyleaf. but korn and deftones were definitely the best.