Shamless gushing over a way talented friend (ZEP FANS check this out!!).....

VEDHEAD27VEDHEAD27 Posts: 3,091
edited February 2006 in Other Music
NOW'S THE TIME, THE TIME IS NOW. :D This is a friend of mine covering the mighty ZEP'S Ramble On. This guy is such an incredible talent. I've been a fan since I first saw him perform back in '99. The dude straight up hit CORNELL notes!! :eek: First time I've ever seen it not only attempted but nailed! :eek: Unreal! He's since been in a ton of other bands and I recently found out that he also contributed his talents on a LED ZEPPELIN tribute CD. I, as usual, was just way impressed with the voice. I've passed this onto friends here and there but figured what the hell...why not post it on the board? :D Gotta spread the word! Not only to take on CORNELL (hey, if anyone wants to hear that song I will gladly send it/post it) but then to come ahead and take on PLANT too?!?! Dude has got BALLS! I'm just nothing but impressed here and oh so proud of my bud.

Ok, enough gushing. :) I just wanted to share (what I believe to be anyway) an extremely kick ass version of a classic song.....

Hope you all enjoy!

"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√

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  • VEDHEAD27 wrote:
    NOW'S THE TIME, THE TIME IS NOW. :D This is a friend of mine covering the mighty ZEP'S Ramble On. This guy is such an incredible talent. I've been a fan since I first saw him perform back in '99. The dude straight up hit CORNELL notes!! :eek: First time I've ever seen it not only attempted but nailed! :eek: Unreal! He's since been in a ton of other bands and I recently found out that he also contributed his talents on a LED ZEPPELIN tribute CD. I, as usual, was just way impressed with the voice. I've passed this onto friends here and there but figured what the hell...why not post it on the board? :D Gotta spread the word! Not only to take on CORNELL (hey, if anyone wants to hear that song I will gladly send it/post it) but then to come ahead and take on PLANT too?!?! Dude has got BALLS! I'm just nothing but impressed here and oh so proud of my bud.

    Ok, enough gushing. :) I just wanted to share (what I believe to be anyway) an extremely kick ass version of a classic song.....

    Hope you all enjoy!

    Yeah he has a great voice, although I wasn't so keen on the rocked up parts to be honest, although it is difficult not to compare it to the original, plus I love Train's cover of that song (the best song they ever did), which I can post if anyone wants it. I'd like to hear the Cornell song!!!
  • EchoesEchoes Posts: 1,279
    he's pretty good for a cover artist
    printf("shiver in eternal darkness\n");
  • that is effin AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
    dream like your living forever
    live like your dying today
  • That is pretty F*Kin incredible! He's a lot more talented than many artists who've already made it big. To him, I'd say "your time is gonna come". Thanks for sharing! :)
    Up here so high I start to shake, Up here so high the sky I scrape, I've no fear but for falling down, So look out below I am falling now, Falling down,...not staying down, Could’ve held me up, rather tear me down, Drown in the river
  • On the Zep topic, here is a fun interview...

    Dear Superstar: Robert Plant
    He was Led Zeppelin’s self-proclaimed “golden god” and the terror of hotel managers around the globe. But that didn’t stop you from asking Robert Plant questions about Elvis Presley, karaoke, bustling hedgerows and the size of his hammer

    By Adrian Deevoy

    Blender, September 2002

    “I am everything,” declares Robert Plant, administering the mightiest handshake in rock. “I am hungry and I am thirsty” — here he launches into the extraordinary shriek that held Led Zeppelin aloft for more than a decade — “and I need a little luuuuv.”

    Padding around an English penthouse suite that provides a panoramic view of his native Black Country, the 53-year-old singer is in a playful mood, flirting shamelessly with the two women tending to his careworn face and mutinous mop of blond curls. Later, when Blender remarks that his seventh solo album, Dreamland — a psychedelic stew of twenty-first-century blues — is a work of considerable power, Plant laughs. “Of course it’s a f**king good record! You get a whole slice of my life for a mere $15.”

    A tireless road dog, Plant is looking forward to touring the way Vikings anticipated rape-and-pillage season. “I will drive them into the sea!” he shouts, brandishing an imaginary broadsword. “And God help anyone who tries to stop me.”

    His raging appetites are temporarily extinguished by a cup of tea and a chocolate bar. The luuuuv, of course, comes straight from you, the Blender reader. . . .

    How would you rate your new album alongside, say, Led Zeppelin IV?
    In a way, that’s a preposterous question, because I’ve heard my new album only 50 times, and I’ve heard Led Zeppelin IV 50,000 times. The lifespan of the songs is the most important thing. With Zep IV, the band was young and firing like crazy, but this band is firing like crazy, too. I’ll be able to give a proper answer in 30 years’ time.

    When did you last experience a bustle in your hedgerow?
    I can’t tell you what “bustle in the hedgerow” actually means, because that would give it all away, but . . . most recently while admiring the last leaves to open — the leaves of the ash tree — in woods on the Welsh border.

    What’s your favorite karaoke song?
    “Return to Sender.” I last sang karaoke in Beijing three years ago. I was up against this guy from Taiwan who was doing Beach Boys songs, and he was easily getting as much applause as I was. He was fantastic. Elvis versus the Beach Boys in Beijing. Interesting stuff.

    What really went on at Los Angeles’s famed “Riot House” hotel, and when did you last check in there?
    The Riot House, a.k.a. the Hyatt House, was basically a kind of youth club where you had to pay to get in. And you had to pay even more when you left. I can’t check in anymore, because I was banned in 1972. They lift the ban only when the staff who banned you die.

    Is it true that you had the smallest weiner in Led Zeppelin?
    I think it was the weather. Put it this way: It’s amazing what you can do with a good spray can of starch.

    It’s a wet Wednesday evening in May 1970 at Bron-Yr-Aur Cottage in Wales. What are the members of Led Zeppelin doing?
    I don’t know what the rhythm section was up to, because they weren’t there. But let’s see, it’s a wet Wednesday. . . . Jimmy [Page] and I are dreaming of Rodgers and Hammerstein. The house had no power, no services and was on the side of a mountain. It was usually pissing down with rain. We have beautiful women with us, one each, an old English army jeep outside and a blue-eyed collie. They’d just invented the cassette machine with speakers, so during the sexual act — with the women, not the dog — we could play the tape really loud.

    Is there a point beyond which a rocking gentleman can no longer wear leather pants?
    Yes. When gardening.

    What image comes to mind when you hear the name of Zeppelin’s former manager, the late Peter Grant?
    Backstage at London’s Wembley Arena in 1995, where I’d just played with Jimmy Page. That was the last time I saw Peter, and he was a kind, warm, frail guy who invoked so many wonderful memories. He was a different person from the man I saw at the end of the ’70s. He was clean, his vision was clean. He knew that he’d moved mountains, that he’d changed the world for artists. Since he arrived on the scene with Led Zeppelin as his power base, everything shifted in the artist’s favor. He rewrote the book.

    Do you still collect old rockabilly records? If so, is there one rarity that you’d kill for?
    Yes, I still avidly collect rockabilly and old rock & roll records, and I would kill for an original copy of “Love Me” by the Phantom, on Dot Records. It was rumored that the Phantom was the brother of Pat Boone, because he was so much the antithesis of the crooner idea that Boone embodied. A note from Pat Boone’s dark side, can you imagine? I’ve got an English copy of the record, but I want the original from, I’d say, early 1958 on Dot.

    You’ve said of the famous Zep biography, “I want to believe Hammer of the Gods because it’s done us huge favors in terms of aura,” but how much of the book is actually true?
    Well, Boyd, I didn’t say that. It’s a misquote. It’s a pretty submissive comment, and I never would have said it. I don’t want to give any credence at all to the guy who wrote the book. I’d say maybe 50 percent is correct, but what’s missing is the lightness and joy and humor that were always present. But I don’t give a f**k — I mean, we stole songs from black guys who had stolen songs from older black guys. We were hardly innocent.

    Have you seen Almost Famous? Wasn’t “I am a golden god!” one of your lines?
    Jim, you’re absolutely right: I am the golden god. I proclaimed this with a smile — and I wasn’t standing on the roof of a house; I was at the top of a palm tree on the night of Bonzo’s [John Bonham’s] birthday in 1972. It was an unfortunate moment, because someone drove across the garden in a Cadillac and wedged it between two palm trees. And I was busy making sure everyone knew exactly who and what I was. I wanted to get it in perspective before the party really started. It was the night that George Harrison karate-chopped Bonzo’s birthday cake, and therefore had to be flung into the swimming pool.

    What’s your fondest memory of the Starship, Zeppelin’s private plane?
    Oral sex in turbulence.

    Did you ever get into rave culture?
    Some of the music, but very little of the culture. The only rave I attended, which I thought was entirely appropriate, was in a warehouse in Hong Kong harbor the night of the handover, when the British left Hong Kong. Pete Tong and Boy George DJ’d, and it was pretty full-on. I enjoyed that.

    How did your last telephone call with Jimmy Page go?
    What an excellent question. It was December 21, 2001. I said, “Hey, Jim, how’s it going?” He said, “Oh, Christ, I can’t talk now; everybody’s in the car waiting to go.” That was it. Word for word. I’ve seen him since, but that was the last telephone call I had with him.

    Do you have any essential hair-care tips you could share?
    Just make sure you don’t go bald. Bull’s sperm is very good, they say.

    You once met Elvis Presley at Graceland. Is there anything you wish you had said to him that you didn’t?
    I wish I’d said, “Can I come back tomorrow?” He was very funny, very self-effacing. It was a riveting and thoroughly entertaining two hours, which culminated in Elvis and me singing together in the corridor. We sang a song called “Love Me,” which goes [sings] “Treat me like a fool, treat me mean and cruel, but love me.” Then he signed an autograph, which read: “To Robert, a true friend. Treat me like a fool, Elvis Presley.” The woman I was living with kept it for 10 years, but finally gave it back when I surrounded the house with tanks. I said, “If you can’t take a joke, you shouldn’t have joined. Give it back!”

    What was John Bonham on when he recorded “Moby thingy” — and where can I get some?
    He was on Hollywood and Vine, and you can find that on any good street map of L.A.

    What was that thing you had in the ’70s with constantly exposing your bare chest?
    I had a circulation problem. I couldn’t circulate enough. No, it’s true — I wore neither a singlet nor a liberty bodice for a long time, and I could have caught my death of cold. I found that out in Winnipeg — I finally had to put a sweater on.

    Who has weathered better: You, Jimmy Page or Eric Clapton?
    Oh, God! These are cracking questions, aren’t they? I can’t answer that one, though. I have to? Er, Jimmy Osmond.

    Is it true you can’t play the intro to “Stairway to Heaven” on the guitar?
    Absolutely correct. My fingernails are too long. But I can do this [picks up nearby mandolin and strums two basic chords]. That’s as far as I’ve got with “The Battle of Evermore.” But I did play a lead guitar solo when we were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. We were onstage jamming with Neil Young, and he said, “Come on, Robert!” The other guys were like, “What?” But I took a solo and loved every second. No matter how crap I was. It was a priceless and unforgettable moment.

    Can you still fit into the jeans you wore in the mid-’70s? If not, could I please have a pair?
    PAMELAgirl thingyCAT, DALLAS
    Of course, Pamela, but I’ll have to give you a personal fitting.

    My father tells me you were once in a band called Hobbstweedle. I know it was the ’60s, but dude, couldn’t you have come up with a half-cool name?
    The only reason I got the job in Obstweedle, which always gets spelled wrong, is because the original singer got food poisoning. They were a rock band playing Moby Grape and Buffalo Springfield stuff. I stood in for the stricken singer, and wasn’t there for long. You’re right, it’s a dreadful name — but it was at the last Obstweedle gig that Jimmy Page came along and waved his wand at me. He said, “Are you the roadie?” I said, “We can’t afford roadies.” He said, “I’m looking for Robert Plant.” I said, “So am I.”

    What song can I put on that will make me happy?
    You know, Flora, that’s the hardest question so far. I would suggest “Little Red Book” by Love, but it’s not happy enough. It’s got too many minor drifts in it. How about Dolly Parton’s “Stairway to Heaven”? Yep, that’s the one.

    We all know you can strut like no one else, but what moves do you throw down on the dance floor?
    Ha! I hurl my laptop to the floor and assume the fighting position of a happy Nordic invader. It’s sad, but Anglo-Saxons can only dance to every other beat. And they should never attempt to dance to reggae.

    When were you last so drunk that the juice ran down your leg?
    I find that when I’m drunk I can’t get the juice. There’s no point in spunking if you don’t know what you’re doing. I still enjoy a drink, but I don’t get drunk — I stop before that point. I drink red wine or beer or a gin-and-tonic, and I’m partial to chilled Stolichnaya. I know I’ll drink every day, but I haven’t lost my marbles yet. The room hasn’t spun since I lost my virginity. Back in the days of Prohibition.

    Was there ever a point with Zeppelin where you thought, “That’s it, we’re all going to jail”?
    Several times. The brutality of the police in the southern states in the early ’70s was unbelievable. In either Memphis or Nashville, the police brutalized the fans every time they stood up, so I did a Roger Daltrey spin with the mic and hit a cop on the back of the head. That caused a few problems. In those days, we regularly fell foul of paranoid prejudice. I was spat at in the face because I was seen as antiestablishment. We were always potentially in trouble in those areas, just by breathing.

    Have you ever thought that you might be gay?
    You don’t have to think about it — you know. Have I ever thought I might be gay? I don’t think so.
    Up here so high I start to shake, Up here so high the sky I scrape, I've no fear but for falling down, So look out below I am falling now, Falling down,...not staying down, Could’ve held me up, rather tear me down, Drown in the river
  • wow! :eek:

    Very good indeed Lyd! I would loooove to hear him covering Chris if you wouldn't mind. :D

    He would really do well if to get a permanent band of the sorts, has a load of potential. Really, thanks for this! :)

    *Don't forget to post it or pm if ya wouldn't mind! :p
    "Everyone wants to be the sun that lights up your life, but I'd rather be your moon so I can shine on you during your darkest hour when your sun's not around."
  • EchoesEchoes Posts: 1,279
    To him, I'd say "your time is gonna come". Thanks for sharing! :)

    Unless he writes his own songs, I wouldn't say that.
    printf("shiver in eternal darkness\n");
  • VEDHEAD27VEDHEAD27 Posts: 3,091
    Alrighty, first things first...Echoes he writes his own stuff, always has. :) This was just a spur of the moment thing he did. Some friends of his were doing a Zeppelin tribute and they asked him to sing on a few tracks. He is not normally a "cover artist". He's been in quite a few bands where he wrote a ton of material, played guitar and sang. I found out about him cuze a good friend of mine was the bass player in a band with him. This band was the start of it for me and was the first time I was exposed to his talent. That band was REFUSE. *sniff sniff* ((RIP)) He is currently in another amazing band called, haha, well.... ECHOES. The past 6 months he's actually been working on songs for their new album which is suppose to be released real soon. :) I'm a believer that his "time IS gonna come".

    YAY! I'm so glad that you guys are diggin it this though. Awww and no need to thank me...I am more than happy to spread the word about local artists (especially ones that I know:p )! There are waaaay too many amazing, undiscovered ones out there. YES, Mark I was especially anxious to see what you thought. ;) Awesome! The guy really is quite the talent...and I'm not just saying that just cuze I know him. hehe. Really, before I even met him I was floored. I remember the first time I saw him perform. I could not get over the fact that someone DARED to approach a CORNELL style of singing. :eek: I had to find him after the show and let him know just how badass he was. I walked up and said "ok, I have never heard anyone attempt to touch CORNELL...I mean that voice is untouchable, but that is by far the closest I have ever heard anyone come!!!!!" He smiled and said thanks, beyond modest about it as well which just makes me love it all even more. :o His wife was like , "you have no idea how much that means to him...he LOVES Cornell." :D

    Very cool that you guys are interested in hearing more. WOOHOO! :D I definitely think people need to here this!! Here it is~~> the song where I think he does a damn amazing job summoning the super holy pipes of CORNELL. Beautifully done! Blows my mind! :o

    Enjoy! Love to spread the love! ;)

    P.s. Mark! Thanks for the kick ass article. :D What the? hehe. Funny read!! Ok really though, when are you gonna make a LED ZEP thread in here? The central headquaters of Zeppelin love! Just as I created one to get out all things Cornell...I think you and the rest of us would VERY much benefit from a ZEP one. Think about it! ;)

    "Lo√e, you know the word
    ...YOU invented it!" ~ E√

  • I love the sound of both those bands. Especially loving Echoes and their ways of incorporating the influences. ;) Great band and hell, definitely a wonderful vocalist! did wonderful on Chris' sound, definitely nailed it. Thanks once again, Lyd!!!:D
    "Everyone wants to be the sun that lights up your life, but I'd rather be your moon so I can shine on you during your darkest hour when your sun's not around."
  • VEDHEAD27VEDHEAD27 Posts: 3,091
    NICE! Somehow I knew you'd be a fan. ;) Yeah, Echoes is awesome! I love 'em. Agreed, they really do an incredible job of incorporating all the influences of sound. I think the music really highlights Al's talent too. Refuse is pretty oldschool. They'll definitely always have a special place in my local metal lovin heart. :D

    Again, you are very welcome! Thank YOU for listening. :)

    "Lo√e, you know the word
    ...YOU invented it!" ~ E√

  • That's awesome!! Thanks for sharing.

    I can hear it now..."Say Helloooo To Heaven"
    "I Miss You Already!!!!!"

    "Sorry is the fool who trades his love for high-rise rent, Seems the more you make equals the loneliness you get"

  • lol, I feel the need to give this more thought. I absolutely loved the sound of Refuse and can definitely feel and understand how great they were and what a shame it was for them to have ceased as a band. Echoes is definitely great and glad to know they are around and I will need to see if i can have a chance at maybe finding an album? I don't know, but it definitely has a sound I can get into and love.

    And the way he covers Chris, it truly is a-fucking-mazing. I agree with you on all terms, Cornell and Plant both, that he can nail them dead on. He is a great talent and has incredible potential to make a lot of what is there. I wish all the best to him and this career.

    Also if you wouldn't mind, which I don't think you would, lol. I was hoping I could possibly send the links of the band or of him, etc. and kinda widen the horizons and let others see what this man/band has to offer? I'd be glad to do so my friend, quite deserving. :)
    "Everyone wants to be the sun that lights up your life, but I'd rather be your moon so I can shine on you during your darkest hour when your sun's not around."
  • VEDHEAD27VEDHEAD27 Posts: 3,091
    Sure thing Thumbing My Way! :D Glad you enjoyed it. Ahhh some TOTD?! :o Trust me, I keep telling him he should release a covers albums. :p His wife is also a singer/vocal coach. She did a cover of SHAME IN YOU and I tried to tell her she and hubby need to get together and cover RIGHT TURN. ;)

    reach! YES!!! I love it. :D I'm telling you, I knew we'd see eye to eye on this. ;) And HORRAY...SPREAD THE WORD for sure!!! Send EVERY link! Shit! haha. Do it! Do it! Aww that's so cool. You rock girlie! WHOLE LOTTA LOVE to yas! :D

    "Lo√e, you know the word
    ...YOU invented it!" ~ E√

  • reachdown12reachdown12 Posts: 693
    I want to give this a BUMP for those who haven't heard this yet. Trust me, it's worth hearing! :D
    "Everyone wants to be the sun that lights up your life, but I'd rather be your moon so I can shine on you during your darkest hour when your sun's not around."
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