Most Controversial Band Of ALL TIME........

1stPlace: Emperor(or anything out of Norway in the BM-era)
2ndPlace: Dimmu Borgir
3rdPlace: Cannibal Corpse
Honorable(or dishonorable depending who ya talk to) Mention: Slipknot
What do you think?
P.S..: Im not saying these bands are bad(although CC and DB suck) just that they are controversial.
2ndPlace: Dimmu Borgir
3rdPlace: Cannibal Corpse
Honorable(or dishonorable depending who ya talk to) Mention: Slipknot
What do you think?
P.S..: Im not saying these bands are bad(although CC and DB suck) just that they are controversial.
"Feel it rising, yeah next stop falling!"
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Post edited by Unknown User on
'Bigger than Jesus' comment from John sent all the religious nuts loopy in America's south...
and they all eat rainbows and pooh butterflies!
Damn, I forgot about them, I know who they are and own an album or two, but still Emperor and other BM bands lived their lyrics and actually burned churches and killed priests with hatchets. Now thats more frightning than controversial!
EDIT: Also Horde was very controversial for making a Christian bm album with song titles such as "Invert the Inverted Cross"
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the bad idea or me befallen by it?
True True, but CC had a song called "I C-m Blood" that was controversial and look at the album covers!
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I'm no expert - dont think i've ever even heard one of their (GG's) songs (EDIT the song titles alone are enough to make me queasy)...I just saw a documentary about them and that made me curious so I did a bit of reading about them after that - EDIT always talked about killing himself on stage, feces incidents, lottsa blood, riots....all that good stuff.
and they all eat rainbows and pooh butterflies!
The stuff is like Mindless Self Indulgence or Insane Clown Posse, but more offensive. And...just buy an album, I wont spoil it for you!
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Canibal Corpse is messed up, just plain digusting for the sake of being disgusting.
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
and they all eat rainbows and pooh butterflies!
And there is much better death metal out there. They have no talent, they are competing with nicklecrap and limpbizkit(however you spell it i dunno) for the title of worst band ever.
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Well, yeah they got banned in florida but CC got banned in Germany, Korea, Ecuador, and the list goes on.
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About what?
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All for a little song called Me So Horny
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
ummmmm....about being a song that is about killing cops....I would imagine
.....not quite as crazy as the other stuff you mention in this thread (ie no priests were killed), but as far as mainstream attention goes this was pretty contreversial
and they all eat rainbows and pooh butterflies!
Oh, I thought that Cop Killer was the lead singers stage name!
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Ice T - lead singer
and they all eat rainbows and pooh butterflies!
Oh yeah, sorry forgot.
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and Mayhem was waaaay more controversial than Emperor, if you ask me. It is a better story at least
Exactly. He used to actually molest women on stage, eat his own shit, and beat the crap out of audience members on a regular basis.
What exactly was the story behind Mayhem anyway? I heard something about the bandmembers wearing parts of a dead bandmates skull as a necklace around their necks. There must be more to the legend than that?
Main Entry: con·tro·ver·sy
Pronunciation: 'kän-tr&-"v&r-sE, Brit also k&n-'trä-v&r-sE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -sies
Etymology: Middle English controversie, from Anglo-French, from Latin controversia, from controversus disputable, literally, turned against, from contro- (akin to contra-) + versus, past participle of vertere to turn -- more at WORTH
1 : a discussion marked especially by the expression of opposing views : DISPUTE
dude shot himself, bassist or something found the body, ran off and took a picture of it for an album cover, reportedly made brain stew (pretty sure this is false) and then was murdered by the guitar player
The most effective and fluent anti-war/politician/racism/etc voice in music.
Plus he got death threats for just switching to electric guitar.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"