What would have been different if Gore was elected?

You hear this all the time, or did during the reign of Bush, that "if only Gore was elected things would be better, we wouldnt be at war" etc....
And while Gore no doubt won the election by every numerical and mathmatical stretch of the imagination, I dont think a damn thing would have been different.
Gore in 2000 and even before wasnt some crusader and hero. He was seen as stiff, as boring, and as a liar, who said he invented the internet.
He wasnt on the cover of magazines, and he didnt have his own documentary. He was the typical politican: boring.
something happened though between 2000 and 2004 or so. He changed. And so did I would wager, our perception of the world. In 2000 gore sure as hell didnt run on a platform of "saving the planet". Everyone acts like he is some legendary activist and environmentalist. he may be that in 2009, but before that, in 2000 and before, he wasnt running for president on the "lets green the planet" ticket.
He participated with clinton in the bombing of bosnia, and the bombing of a sudan pharaceutical company. He and his wife believed that music that has "objectionable" content deserved to be censored, and as recently as 2000 when someone sent him a Mos Def record, one of the most thoughtful and intelligent hip hop musicians of our time, Gore sent a patronizing letter to the person, and it was quite clear he hadnt listen to a single bar off the record. Gore and his kind believe(d) that marilyn manson and heavy metal causes kids to commit violence, murder, and suicide.
How was gore going to respond to
My whole point is this: Gore if elected in 2000 would have started a war in afghanistan, and believed that iraq was a threat to the world, so its reasonable to assume he could have considered sending in troops. The Gore of 2000 wasnt talking about how the planet was in crisis and that things needed to be done. The Gore of 2000 sure as hell didnt see anything wrong with illegally invaded Bosnia and spreading the propoganda that a genocide was taking place.
Gore needed to lose. He needed to lose to become what he is now. I still have major problems with him and his views, but no one calls him boring anymore. He is a hero. His documentary was a huge hit. In 2000 I dont think he could have convinced a single rock star to play a benefit for a cause he deemed worthy. In 2007 he was the force behind Live Earth one of the biggest rock benefit shows ever assembled.
Why do people act like Gore was going to change things back in 2000? He was too busy talking about "lockboxs"
And while Gore no doubt won the election by every numerical and mathmatical stretch of the imagination, I dont think a damn thing would have been different.
Gore in 2000 and even before wasnt some crusader and hero. He was seen as stiff, as boring, and as a liar, who said he invented the internet.
He wasnt on the cover of magazines, and he didnt have his own documentary. He was the typical politican: boring.
something happened though between 2000 and 2004 or so. He changed. And so did I would wager, our perception of the world. In 2000 gore sure as hell didnt run on a platform of "saving the planet". Everyone acts like he is some legendary activist and environmentalist. he may be that in 2009, but before that, in 2000 and before, he wasnt running for president on the "lets green the planet" ticket.
He participated with clinton in the bombing of bosnia, and the bombing of a sudan pharaceutical company. He and his wife believed that music that has "objectionable" content deserved to be censored, and as recently as 2000 when someone sent him a Mos Def record, one of the most thoughtful and intelligent hip hop musicians of our time, Gore sent a patronizing letter to the person, and it was quite clear he hadnt listen to a single bar off the record. Gore and his kind believe(d) that marilyn manson and heavy metal causes kids to commit violence, murder, and suicide.
How was gore going to respond to
My whole point is this: Gore if elected in 2000 would have started a war in afghanistan, and believed that iraq was a threat to the world, so its reasonable to assume he could have considered sending in troops. The Gore of 2000 wasnt talking about how the planet was in crisis and that things needed to be done. The Gore of 2000 sure as hell didnt see anything wrong with illegally invaded Bosnia and spreading the propoganda that a genocide was taking place.
Gore needed to lose. He needed to lose to become what he is now. I still have major problems with him and his views, but no one calls him boring anymore. He is a hero. His documentary was a huge hit. In 2000 I dont think he could have convinced a single rock star to play a benefit for a cause he deemed worthy. In 2007 he was the force behind Live Earth one of the biggest rock benefit shows ever assembled.
Why do people act like Gore was going to change things back in 2000? He was too busy talking about "lockboxs"
Post edited by Unknown User on
but that's only because it's how the GOP was able to cast him.
Al Gore NEVER claimed he invented the internet, that's just a lie made up by pundits who didn't have anything else to attack him with. He made a comment about how he was one of the senators who took the initiative to "create the internet" which was true... without Al Gore and a few other people, public access to the internet would have taken decades more. He saw what a great tool it would be long before most people did and was very instrumental in making sure that everyone could use it. The actual "inventors" of the internet all agree that without Al Gore, modern access to the internet would have taken another generation.
The "He says he invented the internet" lie was made up on "Meet The Press" and is still believed by the gullible to this day.
He WAS on the cover of magazines... there was a very famous cover of Rolling Stone where they had to airbrush his crotch because his penis was so big that it looked like he had a boner.
Al Gore's only stumbling block was that he was a bit stiff compared to the "everyman, Good ol boy" character that W was.
Yes.. we would have been at war with Afghanistan... but probably not Iraq.. and the was in Afghanistan would probably be over now. The constitution wouldn't have become toilet paper and the Oil industry would probably not have been given carte blanche to do whatever they wanted.
NO politician is as good in practice as they are in theory. Even Obama isn't perfect by any means... I was a huge supporter and although there's things I'm not happy with, I know that compromise is part of the game... there just have to be more in the "win" column.
There's not doubt for me that America would have been better off with Al Gore as president... but at this point we'll just have to accept that it never happened.
But stop saying he says he invented the internet. It just makes you look like those Rush Limbaugh "Ditto heads" who believe whatever BS they're fed.
Beat me to it. Gore never said that, and the comments he made on the topic are all true. Fact is, anyone who thinks things now would be the same if he'd been elected is delusional. Iraq would never have happened with Gore in office, period. Our responses to 9/11 would have been far more measures and far less exploitative and reactionary. This would be a better world and country today if Dubya had not been declared winner of that election.
I've always been amused by this. Especially given the fact that Charlie Manson blamed the Beatles.
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
Again.. not true.
Marilyn Manson hadn't recorded a single note when the PRMC was having their hearings which weren't about accusing musicians of instigating suicide. You're thinking of an totally unrelated case in which a family unsuccessfully sued Judas Priest for a supposed backwards sound in a song (better by you, better than me) that sounded like someone saying "do it" over and over again which they decided meant "kill yourself" after their son committed suicide. The suit was thrown out.
Al Gore had nothing to do with that.
Al Gore also didn't really have much to do with the PRMC which advocated warning labels on records with sexual or violent content in the lyrics. That was his wife Tipper Gore. I used to be against it but after hearing a bunch of 12 year old girls singing back rap songs about "fucking the nigga bitch" I think parents should at least know before hand what their kids are listening to.
Please check your facts a bit better before parroting out what you hear on the conservative radio shows. Makes debate a bit easier.
I always figured Al got browbeaten into it by that harpie tipper. But, his daughter did write for Futurama so it's not ALL bad.
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
exactly, exactly.
how anyone can NOT think things would be different, is beyond me.
however, at this point, wtf difference does it make? gore WASN'T elected, dubya was, and we are left with the mess we are in right now, so all we have is right now, and planning for the future. let's hope we can make some forward progress.
(tho i will say i truly did want gore elected and thought he would've made a damn fine prez, and you bet, far better decisions.....*sigh*)
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Its interesting no one else seems to note it.
But as I said, many people called Gore stiff and boring. Whether you agree with his views on the environment or not, I dont hear anyone talking about how stiff and boring he is anymore. People either think he is right on in terms of his views and think of him as I said, as some kind of hero, a guy who can organize one of the largest concerts in history, or as a person who is perpetuating the global warming myth.
al gore has always been an "environmentalist" - it's how i first heard of him back in the 80's ... i'm pretty sure an administration under gore would have produced a significantly different last 8 years ...
as for boring and monotone - why that is even relevant is sad to say the least ...
i think the 'difference' is simply...back then he was VP, and clinton was the man to speak, to shine as prez....gore didn't get much opportunity. also, it was a media ploy by the repubs, contrast stiff and boring gore with good ole boy bushy. i never thought gor was stiff and boring, he also didn't have nearly as much talktime back then as he does now.....as in off the cuff, be himself, share his thoughts. in 2000 i saw him as a truly SMART and intelligent man, well-spoken and one well thought out......albeit perhaps not possessing the same charisma as clinton, or currently, obama. however, in contrast to bush and his good ole boy schtick, his less than stellar record overall......you betcha, gore was/is head and shoulders above him on all levels. i think the main difference between 2000 and 2009 in regards to gore's public persona is simply he has less to lose today, and more freedom to be who he is. i think he got bad advice on how to run his campaign, how to present himself.....and also i think he was fearful of relying too much on clinton to stump for him, so her erred too much on the side of caution and ended up with the stiff and boring label, and the death knell to his election. gore the private, outspoken citizen would always be different from gore the public, prez seeking candidate.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I did check my facts. And maybe you want to check yours friend. The fact I am openly a radical anarchist commie socialist, and have been for years on this board, makes it highly unlikely I would be parroting a single word from the conservative radio crowd. Dont patronize me unless you can get your facts straight.
Who was vouging for Tipper? Who was saying she was correct? If she is the wife of a sitting or was the wife of a sitting vice president and was speaking on policy issues dont you think that what she is doing is being condoned by Al Gore and Bill Clinton? Gore didnt go out and say, "you know, I disagree with my wife's views on music censorship, and believe I have a different way of doing things".
According to transcripts of
Al Gore was present at this. So it wasnt just his wife doing this. He said this "The two most important things I have learned which have changed my initial attitude to this whole concern are, No. 1, the proposals made by those concerned about this problem do not involve a Government role of any kind whatsoever. They are not asking for any form of censorship or regulation of speech in any manner, shape, or form.
What they are asking for is whether or not the music industry can show some self-restraint and working together in a manner similar to that used by the movie industry, whether or not they . . ."
Is having a Parental Advisory sticker on albums good? Maybe, but who decides whats objectionable? Whats satire and whats sick hedonism? And does sick hedonism deserve to be "banned" or at least labeled? As I said Gore views hip hop as some kind of sick hedonism, and sure it has its fair share of wanton violence, brutality and debasing actions. But there are great, powerful and informative hip hop artists out there, but Gore refuses to recognize this.
You dont have your wife, go out and start this censorship front, and then act like you have no responsibility in it all. Gore was supportive of Tippers actions.
It seems to me everyone here is bought off and sold. You are naive to think their is any difference at all in any of the major parties. The Bosnian bombing is just as criminal as the Bush Iraq war, the only difference is Gore and Clinton were the culprits. And the bombing of innocents in the Sudan was also criminal.
Its unbelieveable silly to think that just because someone has a D next to their name that somehow they are a good leader or a good person.
Look at Obama. His actions in the last few months have been exactly the same as Bush. I dont see any major steps to address the economic depression beyond bailing out rich CEOS and multinational corporations. I dont see troops coming home, safe and sound, in fact they arent coming home at all, they are being taken from Iraq and moved to Afghanistan, and I dont see any strides to dealing with health care. Bush didnt give a damn and neither does Obama.
Different sides of the same coin people
Sure he's different in 2009 than he was in 2000. We all are. So fucking what? The fact that Gore in 2009 is different than Gore in 2000 does NOT mean that Gore in 2000 was exactly the same as Dubya 2000. That's a complete logical fallacy. Not that I should be surprised...
Al Gore has never apologized for his wife's actions, and its clear that there is reason for this, he agrees with her!
Artist Song title Lyrical content
1 Prince "Darling Nikki" Sex
2 Sheena Easton "Sugar Walls" Sex
3 Judas Priest "Eat Me Alive" Sex
4 Vanity "Strap on Robbie Baby" Sex
5 Mötley Crüe "Bastard" Violence
6 AC/DC "Let Me Put My Love into You" Sex
7 Twisted Sister "We're Not Gonna Take It" Violence
8 Madonna "Dress You Up" Sex
9 W.A.S.P. "Animal (Fuck Like a Beast)" Sex/Language
10 Def Leppard "High 'n' Dry (Saturday Night)" Drug and alcohol use
11 Mercyful Fate "Into the Coven" Occult
12 Black Sabbath "Trashed" Drug and alcohol use
13 Mary Jane Girls "In My House" Sex
14 Venom "Possessed" Occult
15 Cyndi Lauper "She Bop" Masturbation
The dirty 15. Do they have a point, are some of these songs dirty, Sure. But is this really what congress or the senate or the wife of the vice president should focus time on! Its like Hil's ranting on burning the american flag and talking about how Grand Theft Auto is bad because of its nudity, which she did. Arent there more pressing issues than trying to determine if we should ban and censor Black Sabbath and Madonna?
I am very much against censorship. I dont believe The Gores or anyone at all can tell me what I can and cant listen to. Some of the most important albums in my life, whether its Nevermind or Ten or the Rage catalogue or whatever, all those could be deemed offensive and not appropriate for listening. I dont think out of touch graying senators and congresspeople have a right to tell me what I need to be listening to.
Had Gore listened to mos def and said "Hey this isnt my cup of tea but Mos has some powerful rhymes and speaks intelligently on the plight of young black males" maybe I would respect him more. But the fact he didnt even listen to the cd is practically a felony.
Black on Both Sides needs to be taught in school. As do many records.
Lines like Who be riding up in the highrise elevator
Other tenants who be praying they ain't the new neighbor
Mr Nigga, Nigga Nigga
Two assistants
Two bank accounts, two homes
One problem
Even with the O's on his check
The po-po stop him and show no respect
"Is there a problem officer?"
Damn straight, it's called race
That motivate the jake (woo-woo) to give chase
Say they want you successful, but that ain't the case
You livin large, your skin is dark
They flash a light in your face
If white boys doing it, well, it's success
When I start doing, well, it's suspect
Don't hate me, my folks is poor, I just got money
America's five centuries deep in cotton money
You see a lot of brothers caked up, yo straight up
It's new, Y'all living off of slave traders paper
But I'm a live though, yo I'm a live though
The white unemployment rate, is nearly more than triple for black
so frontliners got they gun in your back
Bubblin crack, jewel theft and robbery to combat poverty
and end up in the global jail economy
Stiffer stipulations attached to each sentence
Budget cutbacks but increased police presence
And even if you get out of prison still livin
join the other five million under state supervision
This is business, no faces just lines and statistics
from your phone, your zip code, to S-S-I digits
The system break man child and women into figures
Two columns for who is, and who ain't niggaz
Numbers is hardly real and they never have feelings
but you push too hard, even numbers got limits
Why did one straw break the camel's back? Here's the secret:
the million other straws underneath it - it's all mathematics
whatever you think of hip hop, or modern MTV hip hop, or music in general these lyrics deserve discussion. They deserve to be discussed by young kids in school to get their minds spinning and thinking about these important issues.
The fact Gore refused to even listen to one song on the cd says more about him than any policy issue or any speech he gave.
That said, you fact checked?
Is that this congressional hearing:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parents_Mu ... rce_Center
The one that took place in 1985? Hmmm, last I checked, Clinton/Gore weren't in the White House until 1992/93...
But hey, I didn't exactly fact check that last sentence.
Right we all change based on experiences and events and just plain growing up. Again, I watched the debates in 2000. I saw Gore. He wasnt exciting. He wasnt interesting. he was boring. Straight out. I dont know many people, beyond the poster in this thread who could say he was somehow a dynamic speaker. Suddenly when Bush became president and after the abuses in iraq came to light gore was giving rousing powerful speeches and was a hip guy. What i am suggesting, I know horror of horrors Soulsinging, to actually use some intelligence, i know thats something you arent familiar with, is that Gore, OH MY GAWD! changed, because he went through something, and it changed him. That he wouldnt be the Al Gore of 2009, the hip, smart, cool, and "leader" and "spokesman" of the global warming crisis without having lost to Bush in 2000. I know outrageous to even entertain such ideas. But hey this being a discussion board, I thought, maybe these folks would be interested in discussing rather than bashing my ideas, and acting like I was suggesting Aliens had landed. I guess I shouldnt be surprised...
So Gore didnt think music and objectionable content was bad in 1992? He changed his opinion and said "my wife was wrong back in 1985 and I was wrong in 1985"?
Lets be clear and not forget he was a sitting politician, whether we are talking 85 or 1992. He was in power.
Yeah and when I think of rational and level headed and honest debate, a sharing of ideas, one person saying an idea, and another sharing another, while being respectful, I definitely dont picture you dear friend Soulsinging.
The fact you defend a politician, any politician says alot about you soulsinging. In my code of ethics and moral, politicians are scum and liars. They lie cheat and steal. Not the group of folk I usually cast my lot with. But if you want to spend your days sucking up to these lowlives, go ahead, hope it works out for ya.
Politics is so stupid. PJ can support whoever they want, but look at what Tester has done. The guy is the same garbage as every other politician. He isnt remotely progressive. And is intolerant.
Um... she wasn't the wife of a sitting vice president.
The PRMC hearings were in the early 80s. Bill Clinton and AL Gore hadn't met yet. They weren't elected to the Presidency and VP until about 8 years later in 1992.
I'm not going to bother addressing anything else you say because your timeline and facts are so jumbled up with internet rumors that it's kinda annoying.
Have a nice day.
and amazing to think ALL politicans are celarly lying, cheating scum...not a ONE could have even one redeeming quality or desire to do good in the world...only self-proclaimed radicals posting on message boards can. all politicans are not the same, because all people are not the same. talk about painting with a broad brush! of course, we should simply pack it all in and go back to hunting and gathering. have to get off the computer tho. you first.
seriously....gore and bush = NOt the same. and it would be a very different place. still maybe not what you want, or many others, but it most definitely would be different, and more than likely...for the better. however, if one thinks mccain and obama are the same, all are the same...well i guess all you see is 'sameness'.......whereas many of us see differences. again, they may be too sublte for you - that i can appreciate, but differences none the less that some of us happen to deem important.
btw - even if gore disagreed with his wife - and i doubt he did - but evn if he did, why in the hell should he apologize for her?
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
- Reps under the Bush administration brought our nation into a war under false pretenses which led the death and instability of hundreds of thousands of innocent victims while empowering radicals and terrorism as a consequence.
- Dems under the Clinton administration had ongoing bombings and terrible trade sanctions which led to the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent victims while empowering Saddam as a consequence.
The economy:
- Reps under the Bush administration did everything possible to ensure deregulation of corporate law and policy which led to the gain of power, profit and legitimacy of private entitites and business. This massive deregulation is widely responsible or directly related too the current economic problems we have now. It is also widely reported that government bailouts and contracts were handed out beyond comprehension and responsibility. As a result of war and poor economic management, we now have one of the largest deficits our nation has ever faced.
- Dems under the Obama administration may not have directly caused the economic mess they are dealing with, but it has been widely said that their reaction to it has been piss-poor. Too vague and lack of direction in most respsonses have and will lead to further need for bailouts and programs. The notion of zombie banks and companies (only living because of government funding and need for future funds) have set forth a movement of rewarding irresponsibility and greed on taxpayer dollars while the companies show little resolve or change as a result. Comparitively where Reps have contracts and handouts to benefit specific industries, the Dems have shown bailouts which do little more than to stabalize Wall Street and big business with the scapegoating cause of trickle down reccession through housing, job loss and goods and services to Main Street america, which has been occuring anyways.
Overall, two very different approaches to large policy and program driven areas, both leading to unsuccessful failures while the citizens pick up the tab. All in all, six in one hand, half a dozen in the other.
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
I tried really hard, but I fail to see the part in here where you prove that Al Gore in 2000 was the same as Dubya and how we would be in exactly the same situation right now if he'd been elected. We'd not have a war in Iraq, period. Maybe we'd be doing other things, but that, by definition, means he is not that same. Yes, he's changed. But not that much.
So because he used to be boring and now he's not, you somehow draw the conclusion that Al Gore would have made the same policy choices as George Bush? How does that compute?
Is that supposed to be "Oh shit, I just got owned" or is it more like "Oh shut up, facts are silly things and I don't need to have any sort of grasp on reality, facts, chronology, history, or politics to be completely correct about my sweeping and unfounded generalizations?"
Clearly, you've never had a wife or serious gf. You don't pick fights you don't need to. Odds are Gore didn't give a flying fuck about the PA sticker going on albums. How is it different from movie ratings?
That said, since we're talking about intolerance, it's rather un-progressive of you to act like Tipper should not say anything without Gore's approval. Fact is, Tipper's her own person. She made that her cause and Al said "have fun dear, I'm going to worry about other problems and stay out of this one." It's not worth publicly battling your wife over something that trivial. If you'd ever had a serious relationship, you might understand the desire to avoid the doghouse.
I didnt buy many records as a kid, people bought them for me. And I dont come from a major city. But I remember as a teen I became interested in hip hop. I went to the local mall, and went to Sam Goody's. I tried to buy a hip hop record that had the parental advisory sticker on it, and was told I couldnt buy it, as I was underage, and my parents werent with me. It wasnt like I had 2 bucks and couldnt afford it. I had enough money.
Another time in my teens I tried to buy the Mechanical Animals marilyn manson record. I was asked for i.d. to prove I was 18. Again, I had the money. I was 18 this time so I could buy it.
Yes, I could have maybe gone to Target or Best Buy or another cd store to get the cd. I could have gone to another store instead of Sam Goody's and maybe got the warning labeled hip hop cd without trouble.
The fact is, this happened to me. And it proves the point. It is censorship. Its like the Movie rating system. Its a group of 10 people, no one knows who they are (or in the case of the movie rating team we didnt used to know who they were). Who decides whats objectionable cd content?
Why do some albums with profanity get stickered and others not? If you believe like I do, some violence is necessary to explain something. For example in discussing war, Saving Private Ryan would not have worked without the violence. The movie was made to show the brutality and lack of humanity in war, and it did its job. Without the violence and profanity the movie would have been laughable. Or in discussing the conditions in inner city projects, Biggie and Tupac showed or told us in startling and disturbing detail what that life was like. They would not be considered two of the most important hip hop musicians ever, had their music been without that.
Who has the right to tell me what i can and cant listen to and BUY! If I have the money, and you are selling the product, as long as we arent talking cigarettes and alcohol, why should it be of any concern how old I am?
As I said before, some of our favorite records, albums we grew up with are objectionable. I dont know where I would be had I been denied those records.
His record is his first few months speaks for itself.
Yep it was the second one, because when people want honest, informative and truthful ideas they come to you soulsinging. Crickets.... Anyone there?
But I would doubt W and Laura disagree on many issues, and when laura gave speeches I doubt she said anything that wasnt in line with what W believed. I dont think its unprogressive to say that, its the truth. Just imagine, the uproar that would occur if Laura had spoken to a crowd of people and said "all black people are dumb". You dont think people would say "this is proof W is racist" and people would be calling for W and Lauras head/
First wives always have done this. its nothing new for them to parrot the same party line as their husbands. Most likely this is because of politics, but also i would wager, because most people arent gonna marry a communist if they are a republican. You likely live around and with people who look and feel the same way as you. its human nature, or has been for awhile now.
What evidence do you have that Gore didnt support the work his wife was doing on behalf of censorship?
Are you gonna respond to the thing I posted about Mos Def several times, or should I post it a few more times, before you pick it up? Its pretty clear Al Gore, was and most likely still is out of touch. My little caveat there is evidence of that.
And why wouldnt Gore have talked about that? Why didnt he publicly speak out about it? If my wife was going around saying "i hate gay people" I dont think I would say "gee honey, you go do what you believe is right, I will stay out of the way". Of course we cant tell people what to do, but I dont think I would be married to a person what said things like that. I would divorce them immediately.
You make it sound like politicians are going around, selflessly, their only care is the safety and wellbeing of regular average joe's. What world do you inhabit Soulsinging? I dont live in Pollyanna world. Its not like politicians are going around saying "if only we could help end poverty and bring an end to war". No. Hell no! They are getting paid out by corporations, they are acting on behalf of the rich and powerful, and they are making decisions that most likely have no consequence on their lives. How many senators and congressman and congresswomen have sons and daughters that are serving in iraq? A few but not many.
i dont inhabit this fantasy world you seem to live in soulsinging where its rainbows and unicorns. I live in the real world. Try opening up the front door once in awhile soulsinging.
as an elected official his job and duty is to serve the public. I dont hold my breath for gore or obama or anyone to do that, but as a vice president or senator that was his duty. And I personally think alot of people were and are still pissed about censorship.
as opposed to your life soulsinging? Last i checked you werent doing a damn thing, since everytime I post, you are there to respond. I guess it takes a lazy and wannabe person, to know a lazy and wannabe person eh?