bold prediction

blorpblorp Posts: 34
edited May 2009 in The Porch
Ok, I don't post often but I get excited when a new album comes out (although I still haven't bought the new "ten"...didn't feel right to me)

So, they got a new album coming out and I am yet to hear a single song off it (I guess I will on Monday night)

This is what I Know about PJ:

-they started off huge and it was impossible to get concert tix/everybody owned their first 3 albums
-they started to lose fanbase with the release of "no Code"/ for some reason this is about the time I started becoming a huge fan
-they put out an amazing album called "yield" produced by O'Brian/my favorite of theirs
-then they put out "Binaural" and the rest of the world forgot about PJ
-"Riot Act" did nothing to boost their popularity/they now made music for die hard fans and no one else

I was in love with the entire PJ catalog at this point and the band could do no wrong in my eyes...
Then they started making "weird" decisions

-They released a "greatest hits" record/didn't ever think it was something they would've done
-They made "Pearl Jam" which had the worst cover art and arguably least impressive musical direction of any PJ album to addition to that, it had a significantly more "pop" or commercial sound than anyother PJ album.
-They Re-released "ten" in what came across to me as a mid-life crisis of sorts for the band/sort of reliving the "glory days" if you will

So, at this point I started to worry about the musical future of PJ as I held them on such a high pedistal and didn't want to see them fall...

However, the good news is that they've teamed back up with O'Brian (who shares some favor with me as he helped them do yield)

In short, I have no idea what the new album will hold for me...I don't know if they'll completely sell out and it will be full of commercial driven tunes in a weak hope that they might be able to sell records again (doubt it)

Or, maybe they'll say "fuck it" and just let the music make itself without as much of an agenda...
This is what I hope the new album has to offer:
-Experimental techniques/styles
-well thought-out lyrics
-more focus on art and less chorus-verse-chorus
-different and unique yet enjoyable to the ears
-more bass (put the spot light on Jeff and see what hes got)
-clean, full sound (I believe this is O'Brians responsibility)

OK, this might sound demanding and I don't mean it to...I'm just hoping for a good record as not many are being made these days. Plus, PJ had always been the "best band around" to me and I can't help but be more critical of them...

Whatever happens, I'm sure the live shows will be amazing...

Thanks for reading my thoughts/comments welcome of course
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