Song tags, where to find all of them?

michaeljamesmccabemichaeljamesmccabe Posts: 109
edited May 2009 in The Porch
I really love all of the tags that Pearl Jam does at the end/beginning of their songs in concert.
Is there a database, or list, or some resource that has all of them?

I think its a brilliant way to help keep the band engaged in the music, and the crowd always loves it. I mean "It's OK" is amazing, but everything from Bob Marley to Pink Floyd has been tagged. If there is a list, that would be great. Maybe I missed it? If someone knows of a good one, please post it.
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  • OutOfMyMindOutOfMyMind Posts: 47
    There's no list/website that I know of. However, the band's own website is pretty resourceful. Every song has the number of plays and type of song (original, cover) next to it. Just click on any song to find out where and when it was played. You can then view the individual setlists and see if it was a short tag or full cover.

    It would be tedious to make a list, but it can be done. Maybe one night I'll put aside some time for it, I'd love to see a compiled list myself.
    Where do i go to soothe my head? Guess i'll turn on music instead.
  • I'm kind of surprised that this hasn't already been done. But, that's cool.

    Yeah, maybe compiling a list would be an interesting project.
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