had that craving the other day, went for a small fry, the new mac wrap (1 small cheeseburger cut in half, some cheese, pickles and "special sauce") and a non sweetened iced-t. was $3.40, not nearly as bad as a big mac meal, and it hit the spot. No shits, no guilt.
Thank you fellow 10 clubber for saving my ass....again!!!
I was craving the french fries and said ah fuck it I'll get the BIG MAC Meal
It's gonna be a rough afternoon
I've fallen into this trap way too many times. It smells good, sounds good, I convince myself it's gonna be great. Tastes ok. Then an hour later I feel like I should be at the hospital. It's not even filling... I'm hungry again in an hour despite eating 1500 calories of food. Absurd. It's the worst of all fast food... at least I can eat Wendy's and feel like I had a meal.
Subway does that for me. I'll eat a Five . . . Five . . . . Five Dollar foot loooooooooong sandwich and I'm hungry 45 minutes later :twisted:
I've been good..haven't been sucked in by the fine smell of french fries cooking
There is a good diner we eat at and next door is a Mickey D's...as soon as we came out from eating breakfast you could smell the 11am fries :shock: :oops:
My drinking team has a hockey problem
The ONLY thing better than a glass of beer is tea with Miss McGill
A protuberance of flesh above the waistband of a tight pair of trousers
Oh God . . . I haven't seen Super Size me in ages . . . I was laughing so hard I was crying watching the clip of him having his first Supersized meal of the documentary
Watch out for the McSweats!!!
That movies pretty ridiculous. The guy was a health nut so the effects are gonna be exaggerated anyway and if you made the same stuff at your house somethin tells me you wouldn't be much better off.
Why is the movie ridiculous? Even if the effects were exaggerated you don't think you'd have adverse effects if you ate McDonald's every day for a month? Sure you can nitpick at all the pseudo-science (which is the crap that gets funded on obesity studies) that took place in the movie, but the fact of the matter is McDonald's is not so good for you. Anyway I think that we all know what the real culprit of obesity is - capitalism. Companies need to make money to survive, the cheapest thing they can produce is more food (advertisement is expensive), we buy super-sized meals, 20 oz. cokes instead of 12, eat french fries that don't mold, get fat, type II diabetes, rotted teeth, and so on, which then drives the plastic surgery, health care, health food, health club, dental, academic study markets and everyone is making money and "staying fat" b/c we aren't attacking the real culprit in obesity; the economic system that drives it.
Oh God . . . I haven't seen Super Size me in ages . . . I was laughing so hard I was crying watching the clip of him having his first Supersized meal of the documentary
Watch out for the McSweats!!!
That movies pretty ridiculous. The guy was a health nut so the effects are gonna be exaggerated anyway and if you made the same stuff at your house somethin tells me you wouldn't be much better off.
Why is the movie ridiculous? Even if the effects were exaggerated you don't think you'd have adverse effects if you ate McDonald's every day for a month?
I watched part of it when it showed up on CBC. I found it ridiculous since the guy was massively over-eating at each meal (something like 5000-6000 calories per day) and doing no exercise. You do that with any kind of food for a month and you are going to have adverse health effects.
Oh God . . . I haven't seen Super Size me in ages . . . I was laughing so hard I was crying watching the clip of him having his first Supersized meal of the documentary
Watch out for the McSweats!!!
That movies pretty ridiculous. The guy was a health nut so the effects are gonna be exaggerated anyway and if you made the same stuff at your house somethin tells me you wouldn't be much better off.
Why is the movie ridiculous? Even if the effects were exaggerated you don't think you'd have adverse effects if you ate McDonald's every day for a month? Sure you can nitpick at all the pseudo-science (which is the crap that gets funded on obesity studies) that took place in the movie, but the fact of the matter is McDonald's is not so good for you. Anyway I think that we all know what the real culprit of obesity is - capitalism. Companies need to make money to survive, the cheapest thing they can produce is more food (advertisement is expensive), we buy super-sized meals, 20 oz. cokes instead of 12, eat french fries that don't mold, get fat, type II diabetes, rotted teeth, and so on, which then drives the plastic surgery, health care, health food, health club, dental, academic study markets and everyone is making money and "staying fat" b/c we aren't attacking the real culprit in obesity; the economic system that drives it.
It's easy to point the finger and pass the blame, but ultimately obesity is not caused by capitalism, but rather by fat people who lack control and overeat. Of course companies take advantage, but that is to be expected in a capitalist country..
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
So when companies are advertising junk food to 3 year-old kids b/c that's their target market the system that forces them to do this gets absolved? It's easy to individualize this problem, but that's taking it out of the context from which obesity is created.
In other words, why is it, in food saturated, capitalist countries that even our poor people are fat, whereas the poor in countries with other economic systems the are not fat? Do American's, as a whole, just individually make bad eating decisions or are there other influences on American lives that guide us to being overweight? Is it just coincidence that the obesity epidemic came after the Reagan administration changed the way food companies are evaluated in terms of success - linking it solely to profit? I'm pretty sure this is not simply an individual's failing to eat right (although it is part of it), but rather a systemic flaw that encourages individuals to overeat, desire junk food, not have the time to exercise, access to or encouragement to eat 'healthy food'. However, food companies, our government, and others in power would love for us to keep blaming the individual for this b/c it takes the blame away from them.
In other words, why is it, in food saturated, capitalist countries that even our poor people are fat, whereas the poor in countries with other economic systems the are not fat? Do American's, as a whole, just individually make bad eating decisions or are there other influences on American lives that guide us to being overweight? Is it just coincidence that the obesity epidemic came after the Reagan administration changed the way food companies are evaluated in terms of success - linking it solely to profit? I'm pretty sure this is not simply an individual's failing to eat right (although it is part of it), but rather a systemic flaw that encourages individuals to overeat, desire junk food, not have the time to exercise, access to or encouragement to eat 'healthy food'. However, food companies, our government, and others in power would love for us to keep blaming the individual for this b/c it takes the blame away from them.
Of course it's no coincidence that you'll find a significantly higher concentration of cheap fast food options in the South Bronx as opposed to Manhattan. The corrupt system and the level of greed is certainly fucked up, but I still believe the individual is responsible first. I mean, at some point when you start reaching the size of a whale you may want to consider laying off the burgers. In today's society, even in economically disenfranchised neighborhoods, people are aware of healthy eating and healthy alternatives. And there is nothing preventing or discouraging people from exercising, except for the usual excuses made by lazy individuals..
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
In other words, why is it, in food saturated, capitalist countries that even our poor people are fat, whereas the poor in countries with other economic systems the are not fat? Do American's, as a whole, just individually make bad eating decisions or are there other influences on American lives that guide us to being overweight? Is it just coincidence that the obesity epidemic came after the Reagan administration changed the way food companies are evaluated in terms of success - linking it solely to profit? I'm pretty sure this is not simply an individual's failing to eat right (although it is part of it), but rather a systemic flaw that encourages individuals to overeat, desire junk food, not have the time to exercise, access to or encouragement to eat 'healthy food'. However, food companies, our government, and others in power would love for us to keep blaming the individual for this b/c it takes the blame away from them.
Of course it's no coincidence that you'll find a significantly higher concentration of cheap fast food options in the South Bronx as opposed to Manhattan. The corrupt system and the level of greed is certainly fucked up, but I still believe the individual is responsible first. I mean, at some point when you start reaching the size of a whale you may want to consider laying off the burgers. In today's society, even in economically disenfranchised neighborhoods, people are aware of healthy eating and healthy alternatives. And there is nothing preventing or discouraging people from exercising, except for the usual excuses made by lazy individuals..
Well except 18 hour workdays, 6-7 days a week at McDonald's and Wal-Mart b/c you have no health care, are undereducated, and have no good grocery stores within walking distance to get the healthy food you know you need OR no parental supervision from those that should be getting you healthy food and instead are informed by television about what you should eat (some studies have shown that 95% of children's food ads are junk food) .
I'm not saying that individuals should take no blame, but we seriously have to consider why in capitalist countries this has become such a problem.
my boss brought in a cow that his family raised and slaughtered. f'ing gross.
i think im used to processed meat or something. i cant get the taste out of my mouth.
or the cow was defective :?
my boss brought in a cow that his family raised and slaughtered. f'ing gross.
i think im used to processed meat or something. i cant get the taste out of my mouth.
or the cow was defective :?
probably the latter...our bodies have come to crave the various chemicals that are used to preserve and/or fatten up our meats. This is another reason we love McDonald's (I can't wait to have a burger after my month of vegetarian is up).
Well except 18 hour workdays, 6-7 days a week at McDonald's and Wal-Mart b/c you have no health care, are undereducated, and have no good grocery stores within walking distance to get the healthy food you know you need OR no parental supervision from those that should be getting you healthy food and instead are informed by television about what you should eat (some studies have shown that 95% of children's food ads are junk food) .
I'm not saying that individuals should take no blame, but we seriously have to consider why in capitalist countries this has become such a problem.
You definitely make valid points and ideally I agree. I currently teach in the South Bronx, and before I worked as a medicaid health care representative and life insurance agent, primarily in under-served neighborhoods. Through my experience, I've learned that the person you describe above working their ass off are typically not obese. Studies are studies, not to be confused with real life ..
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
Well except 18 hour workdays, 6-7 days a week at McDonald's and Wal-Mart b/c you have no health care, are undereducated, and have no good grocery stores within walking distance to get the healthy food you know you need OR no parental supervision from those that should be getting you healthy food and instead are informed by television about what you should eat (some studies have shown that 95% of children's food ads are junk food) .
I'm not saying that individuals should take no blame, but we seriously have to consider why in capitalist countries this has become such a problem.
You definitely make valid points and ideally I agree. I currently teach in the South Bronx, and before I worked as a medicaid health care representative and life insurance agent, primarily in under-served neighborhoods. Through my experience, I've learned that the person you describe above working their ass off are typically not obese. Studies are studies, not to be confused with real life ..
i know, a couple friends and I wrote a book chapter about how just counting up fat people in urban areas or in rural area and saying it has to do with socio-economic status isn't enough even though many academics build their grant getting careers on this...we need more people like you to share your voice and expertise. Either way...McDonald's can be delicious once in awhile.
There is a good diner we eat at and next door is a Mickey D's...as soon as we came out from eating breakfast you could smell the 11am fries :shock: :oops:
The ONLY thing better than a glass of beer is tea with Miss McGill
A protuberance of flesh above the waistband of a tight pair of trousers
I watched part of it when it showed up on CBC. I found it ridiculous since the guy was massively over-eating at each meal (something like 5000-6000 calories per day) and doing no exercise. You do that with any kind of food for a month and you are going to have adverse health effects.
It's easy to point the finger and pass the blame, but ultimately obesity is not caused by capitalism, but rather by fat people who lack control and overeat. Of course companies take advantage, but that is to be expected in a capitalist country..
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
Of course it's no coincidence that you'll find a significantly higher concentration of cheap fast food options in the South Bronx as opposed to Manhattan. The corrupt system and the level of greed is certainly fucked up, but I still believe the individual is responsible first. I mean, at some point when you start reaching the size of a whale you may want to consider laying off the burgers. In today's society, even in economically disenfranchised neighborhoods, people are aware of healthy eating and healthy alternatives. And there is nothing preventing or discouraging people from exercising, except for the usual excuses made by lazy individuals..
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
I'm not saying that individuals should take no blame, but we seriously have to consider why in capitalist countries this has become such a problem.
my boss brought in a cow that his family raised and slaughtered. f'ing gross.
i think im used to processed meat or something. i cant get the taste out of my mouth.
or the cow was defective :?
You definitely make valid points and ideally I agree. I currently teach in the South Bronx, and before I worked as a medicaid health care representative and life insurance agent, primarily in under-served neighborhoods. Through my experience, I've learned that the person you describe above working their ass off are typically not obese. Studies are studies, not to be confused with real life
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
How was the aftermath ?
:? :shock:
The ONLY thing better than a glass of beer is tea with Miss McGill
A protuberance of flesh above the waistband of a tight pair of trousers
gonna go run 34 miles now