a bit of advice??

right so when it comes to getting with girls i have a bit of a problem, i can the chat them up away and become quite friendly but i am brutal at closing the deal, anyone with any advice to get me over the hump so to speak :oops: 

Post edited by Unknown User on
ummmm...closing the deal? getting over the hump?
WHAt exactly are you asking?
how to get them to go out with you, see you again...or something a bit more, errr.....below the belt? :P
if it's simply to get them to see you again....if you have no problems 'chatting them up'......is it truly difficult to segue into, 'hey, would you like to get together again sometime?' or any such variation?
if you're looking to just get laid, well then. entirely different story. if that is your only goal...i would think again, a 'suggestion'.....of wanting to leave, together....what have you....would just about make that clear. obviously, if she wants *more* than just a shag, well then, that will quickly become apparrent. so if YOU only want a shag, be the decent person and walk away....but if you like her, well then, decide to wait it out and go with the above scenario.
no help at all, i imagine......:P apologies........
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Closing the deal ? Phone number ? First Date ? Getting naked and making passionate love ?
The ONLY thing better than a glass of beer is tea with Miss McGill
A protuberance of flesh above the waistband of a tight pair of trousers
from previous experience don't:
-assume they dont have a boyfriend
-try and be cute/sarcastic via text. always misinerpreted
-give up on her then get her friends number. will always come back to bite (also avoid sisters :shock: )
-have an awful cell phone(nextel) so that when you send a text at 7pm, "hey what are you up to?" it doesn't reach their phone until 3 in the morning and they think its a drunk booty call
-go on a date with a girl with kids then facebook status the next day, "im never having kids" while forgetting that she just friend requested you and can read it.
-take a girl on a date to a basketball game where her psycho ex boyfriend runs security and sees you 2 on the jumbo tron having fun and finds your seats wanting to fight
-dont take a girl to a club where nba players hang out and will steal your date to vip
-no off colored jokes cause they will know someone in their immediate family that would be extremely offended
-run into your father while with said girl and he drunkingly stares at her breasts
-talk about your ex
i could go on..ill save the rest of the book
I was talking to a girl the other night at the bar and she was kinda sweet on me...then all of a sudden WAM! right in the face. Cold clocked the shit outta me! Needless to say, I ended up at her place and the rest is history.
oh good, i'm happy to know i am not the only one who found it vague. i thought perhaps it was simply b/c i'm a chick, but alas, thankfully...it's simply b/c it's vague no matter your gender!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
what i ment was that im grand and confident when i start talking to them first etc, but when it comes to actually taking it any further i get very shy and nervous, i dont know why either
here's what you do...
Ask to borrow her phone because you left yours at home and have to call ur Mom its her B-day...once you get her phone send a txt to your phone..now you have her number and can call her later as the creepy guy that borrowed her phone :P
The ONLY thing better than a glass of beer is tea with Miss McGill
A protuberance of flesh above the waistband of a tight pair of trousers
I find it best to order the popcorn when you go to the movies, then make sure you brought scissors and cut a hole in the bottom...
That's an awesome list
The first one, in a more serious vain, is appallingly true. If you meet a remotely cute girl, 99% of the time, she is seeing someone. Attractive women are never single. They don't have to be. So don't let it deter you. She got to the current guy because he was more suave than the guy she was with before. If you let your scruples get in the way, you'll never win her away from the current guy and you'll end up in the friend zone in the unusual event she becomes single. Then you just hope like hell you can hold onto her!
and ya, that list is hilarious!
That really isn't always true. what if you meet the girl who has scruples who won't be won over until she's done with her boyfriend. You can be friends with her. If there is something there it will be there.
want to be enlightened"
In this case, you should thank the nba players. You got to find out quickly what kind of person this girl is.
Not sure what you are asking???
if you just met a girl and you mean getting a piece of the action you might as well play the lottery to see if you will win because with women you never know what your gonna get.
want to be enlightened"
*waits for soulsinging*
this should be good