Fantasy Football Players

That is soccer for you yanks....With the season over, those of you who did the Premier League Fantasy did you get on?
Here is the PJ league table:
Easy Morning Rebels James Falkingham 36 2001
= 2 KINGRAT TAKEOVER James Christopher 51 1891
= 3 Galway Gooners Pat O'Brien 66 1886
= 4 Fu'nerbahçe SK Barry Foster 55 1791
= 5 What Next? Al O'Donoghue 34 1775
= 6 Severed Army Oliver Headland 42 1708
= 7 Axlites Axl Ulrich 42 1689
= 8 SpaceWasters James Jordan 30 1623
= 9 Shrapnel FC Duncan Little 39 1562
= 10 Hinny's Here! Hinn Li 40 1560
= 11 wilks warriors eoin wilkie 18 1350
My only claim to fame is that I won my head-to-head league by a point...well chuffed with that
Here is the PJ league table:
Easy Morning Rebels James Falkingham 36 2001
= 2 KINGRAT TAKEOVER James Christopher 51 1891
= 3 Galway Gooners Pat O'Brien 66 1886
= 4 Fu'nerbahçe SK Barry Foster 55 1791
= 5 What Next? Al O'Donoghue 34 1775
= 6 Severed Army Oliver Headland 42 1708
= 7 Axlites Axl Ulrich 42 1689
= 8 SpaceWasters James Jordan 30 1623
= 9 Shrapnel FC Duncan Little 39 1562
= 10 Hinny's Here! Hinn Li 40 1560
= 11 wilks warriors eoin wilkie 18 1350
My only claim to fame is that I won my head-to-head league by a point...well chuffed with that

I need a coffee!