Milk is a gateway drug to bourbon...

Milk is a gateway drug to bourbon
You have never before seen -- nor will you ever see again -- FBI director Robert Mueller so thoroughly humbled in a discussion about drug policy before the United States Congress.
In this instance, Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) gets Mueller to admit that marijuana has never killed anybody, then smashes into tiny bits the decades-old "gateway drug" argument with a unique analogy of milk and bourbon.
click to see video: ... o-bourbon/
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I really wish I could agree, but generating new sources of tax revenue never solves anything-- it would if our government could actually show restraint with our money-- they can't even show restraint with borrowed money. Giving more money to the government is like giving more money to a crack head. There's a million necessities they can spend money on to improve conditions for themselves, but in the end, they're both going to spend it on stupid shit.
I guess I can't really say you are wrong here. maybe I'm just hopeful. just look at what happened during the Clinton years. he was lucky to have a HUGE burst in income from capital gains revenue from the stock market boom. (along with no wars or economic crisis)....and we had a surplus.
True about the surplus, and yes, that is in thanks to having no wars or crisis... However, a budget surplus for a couple of years is still only a drop in the bucket compared to the actual debt that we owe. For us to ever make any headway against that giant number, it's going to take no wars, slashing government departments at the federal level, and us being able to wipe our own asses again without Uncle Sam's help.
agreed. but I didnt say we'd wipe out the debt
lets face it. the debt is never going to be paid back in full. never ever ever never.
That to me is exactly what is troubling about the debt... The central banks / other countries that are buying our treasury bonds know this money will never be repaid. They also know that we have the military might to NOT have to be forced to pay up, so why ever enter into agreement of such a transaction? It's obvious to me, that indebting the US is all about giving our debtors something else.
the trippy white shit that goes well with cereal...
or something to do with the central banks and least that's were the discussion is going...
Apologies for my efforts in the derailment of this thread. I do love how the Congressman handled the FBI Director.
The "gateway drug" argument really is bullshit-- if there ever were a "gateway drug," I'd put it on caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol long before pot.
no apologies necessary, my friend...
but the fact that it was illegal was the reason that i was so interested in the first place, kind of. if it were legal it might not have had the same allure, would have been no big deal.
they tell you how bad pot is in school, and when you try it you realize how wrong they are about it. And then you wonder, what else they're wrong about, which leads to all sorts of mischief. in my case.
sober now. don't even drink.
What you said about schools and how they explain drugs was one of the major turning points for me. I used to only drink in high school. Then during the last few months of school I finally tried weed since all my friends did, + I was done with all my major classes and stuff.
So once I realized that pot doesn't make you hallucinate and jump out of windows, it did make me wonder about the other lies from the drug war. I then proceeded to try every other drug besides heroin and meth.
The gateway for me was Alcohol. If I never drank, I never would have partied as early, therefore not been involved.
The flipside is now I know what these drugs do and what the real vs. perceived effects are.
I've never seen anything to convince me that advertising, DARE, afterschool specials or whatevertf else they come up with make any difference in deterring drug use...and I don't think I'd believe a stat that tried. I can't even find anything to suggest where the gateway theory originated....Seems it's a fucking wive's tale spun in the Reefer Madness campaign days (30's).....and, from what I can tell, revived and popularized by the old wife herself....Old Mother Reagan (80's).
the social stigma that's come from the drug war is one of the most damaging aspects of the whole thing. The propaganda/psychological campaign of the drug war is intense, but ineffective at detterence...yet it succeeds at putting up walls between users and non-users, at killing progressive discussion, and at pushing casual users into social settings with addicts and others that normalize their behaviour....It does more harm than good. I sound hippy, but fuck all that...I, like most, know people whose lives have been destroyed, figuratively and literally, by drugs...I think things could have been different for most of them without prohibition, and it pisses me off to see the director of the FBI spouting that crap in support of it. he even looks like he knows he's full of shit, but HAS to say these things.
in my case, the fact that is was all illegal, held a kind of allure. I could see some of my teachers were kind of idiots in highschool-how am i supposed to accept what they are trying to tell me about drugs when i hardly believe their lesson plan? so i learned myslef, by doing. and one thing led to another. in that sense it was a gateway drug, i started with harmless weed and moved up from there.
That's not to say pot is a gateway drug. the environment in which we have to deal with drugs is the issue. little or false education, illegality....these things almost guarantee a good percentage of kids are going to be trying some of this shit. and they're using a scare tactic like the bs gateway drug theory to try and prevent kids from starting in the first place. all it takes is one kid going, hmm, my teacher is wrong about that-whatever it is...and he/she's wondering what else they're wrong about.
these things need to be legal, within reason, and we need actual heroin junkies teaching drug education in junior high. i went through a court ordered class, well out of highschool- and learned a lot about meth and heroine-like if you get fucked up on meth, that shit is permanent. the shit it does to your brain. you're basically fucked for life. nobody told me that in school, luckily i figured out not to get hooked on it. but that's the education we need in school, not after we're already up for charges from the state.
make it all legal, give people the right education, and let them make informed decisions on whether or not to use. I say...the gateway discussion is moot. What would it prove if it turned out to be a valid theory? It's like saying, 'these people all like chocolate.....lets study them to see if they're more likely to like chocolate cake than the people who don't like chocolate at all'. What's the point? Someone who tries one drug is more likely to try earth shattering. Unless they can prove that there is a physical, chemical property in it that makes you want to try harder drugs, the only thing it would do is pinpoint the portion of the smoking demographic that has further curiousity about altered states...= giant fucking strawman.
but hey, 70 yrs later, it's still working on some as a fear tactic so lets keep milkin it.