Just to preface before anyone tries to flame me - I'm not saying that this young man is no less a hero. My only thought is that he was in action for 5 days and sustained noticeable physical harm. What happens to all the other service men and women who spent years on the front lines and still suffer mentally/emotionally? My brother, a Marine, spent my entire freshman year of college on the front lines in Iraq (2002-2003) and still won't talk about what he saw and did. If you don't know him well, you would have no idea. You can't see it (at least since the desert bacteria eating the coloring of his skin went away) or tell by just talking to him. No one thanks him or gives him so much as a hand shake (except the old guys at the local vfw who harass his to join!). There are thousands more like him, too!
I work in the music industry and regularly donate whatever I can get my hands on to auctions for local injured soldiers or give items to the soldier if I can get something from someone they are a fan of. I've never had anyone say no to my request for items. I usually end up with more than I can carry!
I couldn't ask for more from the music community, I just notice that many people get overlooked by the masses.
The ''old guys'' I'm sure know what he's feeling. I agree that many are overlooked once they return. We all should thank every person that has served our country. I wish your brother the very best. Tell him I thank him for all that he has done.
This is terrible news! I hope all goes well for Tomas and his family, they all definitely have my prayers and good thoughts! Get better soon Tomas, we're all sending you our support and well wishes...and quarterpast, I also agree with patrickredeyes, they are indeed overlooked, but know this, that there are definitely people out there that don't overlook it and take it to heart and we all indeed should thank those brave men and women in the front lines, I know I don't live in America, but I support anyone that is brave and is willing to serve their country no matter the circumstances....I also wish you're brother the very best and lots of well wishes go to him....and to all the other brave ones out there...Lots of love and support goes out to them....
"Does anyone remember laughter?"
"Where's Mike McCready? My god he's been ate!"
"If you're an Elvis fan, there's no explanation necessary; if you're not, there's no explanation possible."
"Sometimes God makes perfect people and Paul Newman was one of them." - RIP Paul Newman
I second that he still stands...Yes, let's all pray for the very brave men and women that our out there and yeah I know I don't live there or anything, but I think brave men and women who risk their lives just to protect their country deserves prayers from all over the world....They should that they are definitely in the hearts and minds of many people....
"Does anyone remember laughter?"
"Where's Mike McCready? My god he's been ate!"
"If you're an Elvis fan, there's no explanation necessary; if you're not, there's no explanation possible."
"Sometimes God makes perfect people and Paul Newman was one of them." - RIP Paul Newman
The most recent news I could find at kansascity.com
Posted on Thu, Jun. 26, 2008 10:15 PM
‘Body of War’ screened in fundraiser for medical care
Iraq veteran Tomas Young has been on a respirator for more than a month. Screenings of a documentary about Young will help pay for the Kansas Citian’s medical bills.
“Body of War,” the recent documentary about Kansas Citian Tomas Young, who was shot and paralyzed while serving in Iraq, will be screened three times next week as part of a fundraiser.
More than a month ago Young, who can’t move from the chest down, suffered a blood clot in his lung. Since then he has been on a respirator in the intensive care unit at St. Luke’s Hospital. The screenings will raise money for Young’s medical care.
Shows are at 7 p.m. Monday and Tuesday and 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Screenland Crossroads Theatre at 17th and Washington. Organizers are suggesting a donation of $10, although they say no one will be turned away for lack of money.
For more information call David Quinly at 816-694-3334.
The most recent news I could find at kansascity.com
Posted on Thu, Jun. 26, 2008 10:15 PM
‘Body of War’ screened in fundraiser for medical care
Iraq veteran Tomas Young has been on a respirator for more than a month. Screenings of a documentary about Young will help pay for the Kansas Citian’s medical bills.
“Body of War,” the recent documentary about Kansas Citian Tomas Young, who was shot and paralyzed while serving in Iraq, will be screened three times next week as part of a fundraiser.
More than a month ago Young, who can’t move from the chest down, suffered a blood clot in his lung. Since then he has been on a respirator in the intensive care unit at St. Luke’s Hospital. The screenings will raise money for Young’s medical care.
Shows are at 7 p.m. Monday and Tuesday and 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Screenland Crossroads Theatre at 17th and Washington. Organizers are suggesting a donation of $10, although they say no one will be turned away for lack of money.
For more information call David Quinly at 816-694-3334.
| Robert W. Butler, The Star
My thoughts and prayers go out to Thomas and his family. Thanks for the update, Kat..
I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!
Anyone else up for bombarding theaters in your area with requests for a screening?
Too few are listed on the website.
I think it's a matter of distribution. The film is making rounds here and there in theaters all across North America, but I can't imagine it would go wide release or anything. Even in New York it only ran for about two weeks.
I bet you could get some friends and neighbors together and petition your local theater though. That might work better than trying something on a larger scale in this case.
The sad thing is, this is an unbelievable film that everyone should see. I think because it's so critical of the war and the Bush administration though, it'll probably stay small.
Hopefully, it'll come out on DVD sometime in the near future.
First of all: I am tired. I am true of heart!
And also: You are tired. You are true of heart!
The most recent news I could find at kansascity.com
Posted on Thu, Jun. 26, 2008 10:15 PM
‘Body of War’ screened in fundraiser for medical care
Iraq veteran Tomas Young has been on a respirator for more than a month. Screenings of a documentary about Young will help pay for the Kansas Citian’s medical bills.
“Body of War,” the recent documentary about Kansas Citian Tomas Young, who was shot and paralyzed while serving in Iraq, will be screened three times next week as part of a fundraiser.
More than a month ago Young, who can’t move from the chest down, suffered a blood clot in his lung. Since then he has been on a respirator in the intensive care unit at St. Luke’s Hospital. The screenings will raise money for Young’s medical care.
Shows are at 7 p.m. Monday and Tuesday and 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Screenland Crossroads Theatre at 17th and Washington. Organizers are suggesting a donation of $10, although they say no one will be turned away for lack of money.
For more information call David Quinly at 816-694-3334.
| Robert W. Butler, The Star
I would imagine that I speak for nearly every person in the UK in that we hope he gets better very soon.
Also following the other poster on this thread, I agree time to stop these pointless Wars now Mr Bush. Too many lives are being lost for no reason, I refer also to this which I came across this week in the UK: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/5121552.stm
Simply a pointless loss of life.
"First of all, there’s the palpable camaraderie and good feeling you get from the entire band as they smile and nod at each other, and huddle together in various formations throughout the show --- They look like they really like each other. They look stoked!"
All my prayers and well wishes goes out to Tomas and he's family! I really wish his condition will be better...All my prayers are with you Tomas...
And I agree with you Fitz, I may not be a US or UK citizen or anything like that, but since I lived in the US for a while, I have a close affiliation with it and it feels like a second home to me and so I can't help but feel so angry and pissed off at this war, I know we all have our opinions, but I really do feel it's getting pointless, we're loosing a lot of lives on both sides and there's no progression! We are loosing lives here and I feel that should be top priority to any government or president or someone! And that's shocking to hear that 1/4 of the British army are killed over non-combat related incidents! We really are loosing lives for no reason at all......I really hope this film will open some eyes to those who maybe oblivious and also move people.....
"Does anyone remember laughter?"
"Where's Mike McCready? My god he's been ate!"
"If you're an Elvis fan, there's no explanation necessary; if you're not, there's no explanation possible."
"Sometimes God makes perfect people and Paul Newman was one of them." - RIP Paul Newman
After reading this thread, I sent an e-mail to the folks in charge of the distribution for "Body Of War" asking what you would need to do to get a screening in your area.
Here's the answer I received:
Thanks for your interest in BODY OF WAR. There are two ways of making this happen. You can (1) organize a local screening yourself and pay us a screening fee (which is $1000) or (2) you can contact your local cinema and encourage them to play the film. If they are interested, they can contact me directly. Let me know how you would like to proceed. Thanks again for your support.
Sam Sibble
Manager of Co-productions and Sales
The Film Sales Company
165 Madison Avenue, Suite 601 | New York, NY 10016
Would anyone else be interested in trying to arrange screenings to coincide with Eddie's solo tour dates?
I think that is a great idea. I am going to look into it. I live on the Upper West Side of Manhattan and there is a theater near Lincoln Center that shows Indie movies and such. Thanks for getting the info out.
I think that is a great idea. I am going to look into it. I live on the Upper West Side of Manhattan and there is a theater near Lincoln Center that shows Indie movies and such. Thanks for getting the info out.
That's the perfect place for it. I know it already played at two theaters in NYC, but maybe it can make a return.
First of all: I am tired. I am true of heart!
And also: You are tired. You are true of heart!
The film is going to be playing at Hofstra University, in Hempstead, NY, beginning September 10th. I don't know anything about it playing again in NYC though.
First of all: I am tired. I am true of heart!
And also: You are tired. You are true of heart!
This is great news! I guess the answer to the original question is "yes" There seemed to be a special point mentioned about all the cards and letters. To everybody who wrote- Nice Work! and to Thomas- Keep Healing!
Oh Thank Goodness! This is great great news! I'm soo happy, I was really worried and upset that all this is happening to Tomas who's a wonderful guy and deserves better! I'm so glad that really all of our good vibes and support made it's way!! This news just lightened up my whole week! I'm really happy for him and his family for sure! This is just great news! Folks, let's just keep on sending in those good vibes and well wishes!
"Does anyone remember laughter?"
"Where's Mike McCready? My god he's been ate!"
"If you're an Elvis fan, there's no explanation necessary; if you're not, there's no explanation possible."
"Sometimes God makes perfect people and Paul Newman was one of them." - RIP Paul Newman
The ''old guys'' I'm sure know what he's feeling. I agree that many are overlooked once they return. We all should thank every person that has served our country. I wish your brother the very best. Tell him I thank him for all that he has done.
"Where's Mike McCready? My god he's been ate!"
"If you're an Elvis fan, there's no explanation necessary; if you're not, there's no explanation possible."
"Sometimes God makes perfect people and Paul Newman was one of them." - RIP Paul Newman
Hoping and wishing all the best for Tomas.
Won't let the darkness swallow me.
I met Tomas during the Film Festival last fall. He is a wonderful person.
I'll be president someday
I have been to, and have the following posters framed:
Hartford 96,
Boston 98, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2006
And yes, let us make sure to thank EVERY ONE who has served for this country. Let's pray for all of them.
"Where's Mike McCready? My god he's been ate!"
"If you're an Elvis fan, there's no explanation necessary; if you're not, there's no explanation possible."
"Sometimes God makes perfect people and Paul Newman was one of them." - RIP Paul Newman
Posted on Thu, Jun. 26, 2008 10:15 PM
‘Body of War’ screened in fundraiser for medical care
Iraq veteran Tomas Young has been on a respirator for more than a month. Screenings of a documentary about Young will help pay for the Kansas Citian’s medical bills.
“Body of War,” the recent documentary about Kansas Citian Tomas Young, who was shot and paralyzed while serving in Iraq, will be screened three times next week as part of a fundraiser.
More than a month ago Young, who can’t move from the chest down, suffered a blood clot in his lung. Since then he has been on a respirator in the intensive care unit at St. Luke’s Hospital. The screenings will raise money for Young’s medical care.
Shows are at 7 p.m. Monday and Tuesday and 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Screenland Crossroads Theatre at 17th and Washington. Organizers are suggesting a donation of $10, although they say no one will be turned away for lack of money.
For more information call David Quinly at 816-694-3334.
| Robert W. Butler, The Star
MTL 9/15/05
HRTFD 5/13/06
BOS 5/24/06, 5/25/06
VEGAS 7/6/06
CHI 8/5/07
NJ 6/19/08
NYC 6/25/08
HRTFD 6/27/08
MANSFLD 6/28/08, 6/30/08
E.V. BOS 8/1/08
CHI 8/23/09, 8/24/09
PHILLY 10/30/09, 10/31/09
BOS 5/17/10
CHI 7/19/13
WOOSTA 10/15/13, 10/16/13
HRTFD 10/25/13
BOS 8/5/16, 8/7/16
BOS 9/2/18, 9/4/18
Wishlist Foundation-
Too few are listed on the website.
I think it's a matter of distribution. The film is making rounds here and there in theaters all across North America, but I can't imagine it would go wide release or anything. Even in New York it only ran for about two weeks.
I bet you could get some friends and neighbors together and petition your local theater though. That might work better than trying something on a larger scale in this case.
The sad thing is, this is an unbelievable film that everyone should see. I think because it's so critical of the war and the Bush administration though, it'll probably stay small.
Hopefully, it'll come out on DVD sometime in the near future.
And also: You are tired. You are true of heart!
-Dave Eggers
He's one of the good ones
And also: You are tired. You are true of heart!
-Dave Eggers
I would imagine that I speak for nearly every person in the UK in that we hope he gets better very soon.
Also following the other poster on this thread, I agree time to stop these pointless Wars now Mr Bush. Too many lives are being lost for no reason, I refer also to this which I came across this week in the UK: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/5121552.stm
Simply a pointless loss of life.
So true, Fitz.
It's fascinating to me that almost 1/4 of the British soldiers who've died since the war began did so through non-combat-related incidents.
And also: You are tired. You are true of heart!
-Dave Eggers
And I agree with you Fitz, I may not be a US or UK citizen or anything like that, but since I lived in the US for a while, I have a close affiliation with it and it feels like a second home to me and so I can't help but feel so angry and pissed off at this war, I know we all have our opinions, but I really do feel it's getting pointless, we're loosing a lot of lives on both sides and there's no progression! We are loosing lives here and I feel that should be top priority to any government or president or someone! And that's shocking to hear that 1/4 of the British army are killed over non-combat related incidents! We really are loosing lives for no reason at all......I really hope this film will open some eyes to those who maybe oblivious and also move people.....
"Where's Mike McCready? My god he's been ate!"
"If you're an Elvis fan, there's no explanation necessary; if you're not, there's no explanation possible."
"Sometimes God makes perfect people and Paul Newman was one of them." - RIP Paul Newman
Here's the answer I received:
Thanks for your interest in BODY OF WAR. There are two ways of making this happen. You can (1) organize a local screening yourself and pay us a screening fee (which is $1000) or (2) you can contact your local cinema and encourage them to play the film. If they are interested, they can contact me directly. Let me know how you would like to proceed. Thanks again for your support.
Sam Sibble
Manager of Co-productions and Sales
The Film Sales Company
165 Madison Avenue, Suite 601 | New York, NY 10016
tel (212) 481-5020 | http://www.filmsalescorp.com
Would anyone else be interested in trying to arrange screenings to coincide with Eddie's solo tour dates?
I think that is a great idea. I am going to look into it. I live on the Upper West Side of Manhattan and there is a theater near Lincoln Center that shows Indie movies and such. Thanks for getting the info out.
That's the perfect place for it. I know it already played at two theaters in NYC, but maybe it can make a return.
And also: You are tired. You are true of heart!
-Dave Eggers
And also: You are tired. You are true of heart!
-Dave Eggers
This is great news! I guess the answer to the original question is "yes" There seemed to be a special point mentioned about all the cards and letters. To everybody who wrote- Nice Work! and to Thomas- Keep Healing!
"Where's Mike McCready? My god he's been ate!"
"If you're an Elvis fan, there's no explanation necessary; if you're not, there's no explanation possible."
"Sometimes God makes perfect people and Paul Newman was one of them." - RIP Paul Newman
Tomas Young won't be there, but Geoff Millard from Iraq Veterans Against The War (http://www.ivaw.org) will be speaking at the event.