Looking to unload DATs to good home in Chicago

fightingthesuburbsfightingthesuburbs Posts: 142
edited May 2009 in Given To Fly (live)
Hey guys,
I'm looking for a loving home for my 200+? DAT tapes. Mostly Pearl Jam. They are sitting in two very well sealed cases and should all still play fine. Mixed in are assorted other bands, Tool, jam bands, punk bands et al.

They only stuff I'm not giving away are my masters.

I'd really like to find someone:
A. In Chicago who can pick them up
B. Who would really do something with them, like try and upload them for the community to share.

I'm not looking for money. Just a loving home. Please send me a message and provide something more than "I'll take them" in it.

Feel free to pass this on to other PJ forums as well.
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