How to end terrorism

Here's why the terrorists are fighting, according to Osama bin Laden (number 1 bad guy right?)
The list of grievances is legitimate. How they have chosen to deal with them is not, ie violence and terrorism and killing, that's counterproductive, not to mention the moralilty of it. So I suggest dealing with these grievances, and a likely scenario could emerge, one where the motivation for terrorism no longer exists, one where terrorism no longer exists.
Here's how to do that.
Step 1
End support for Israel's racists Zionist regime. Stop arming murderers.
Step 2
Pay reparations for wars and conflicts the West started. Rebuild countries like Iraq, not with companies like Haliburton, but with local, give the locals the contracts the money, not another American corporation. (all over the world this needs to be done)
Step 3
End support for dictators in Arab countries. Places like Suadi Arabia and Turkey. Stop arming murderers, again.
Step 4
Get US troops the fuck out of Mecca-Islam's holiest site. And get them out of Arab countries altogether.
Step 5
Support human rights and aid groups officially-donate tax dollars to feed Africa foundations, things like that. US policy is responsible for the plight of many people starving and dying around the world, US policy should reconcile that.
End the motivation for terrorism, that's how you end terrorism. Not with guns.
Osama Bin Laden wrote:
Why are we fighting and opposing you? The answer is very simple:
(1) Because you attacked us and continue to attack us.
a) You attacked us in Palestine:
(b) You attacked us in Somalia; you supported the Russian atrocities against us in Chechnya, the Indian oppression against us in Kashmir, and the Jewish aggression against us in Lebanon.
(c) Under your supervision, consent and orders, the governments of our countries which act as your agents, attack us on a daily basis;
(d) You steal our wealth and oil at paltry prices because of you international influence and military threats. This theft is indeed the biggest theft ever witnessed by mankind in the history of the world.
(e) Your forces occupy our countries; you spread your military bases throughout them; you corrupt our lands, and you besiege our sanctities, to protect the security of the Jews and to ensure the continuity of your pillage of our treasures.
(f) You have starved the Muslims of Iraq, where children die every day. It is a wonder that more than 1.5 million Iraqi children have died as a result of your sanctions, and you did not show concern. Yet when 3000 of your people died, the entire world rises and has not yet sat down.
(g) You have supported the Jews in their idea that Jerusalem is their eternal capital, and agreed to move your embassy there. With your help and under your protection, the Israelis are planning to destroy the Al-Aqsa mosque. Under the protection of your weapons, Sharon entered the Al-Aqsa mosque, to pollute it as a preparation to capture and destroy it.
[the list goes on for some time}
The list of grievances is legitimate. How they have chosen to deal with them is not, ie violence and terrorism and killing, that's counterproductive, not to mention the moralilty of it. So I suggest dealing with these grievances, and a likely scenario could emerge, one where the motivation for terrorism no longer exists, one where terrorism no longer exists.
Here's how to do that.
Step 1
End support for Israel's racists Zionist regime. Stop arming murderers.
Step 2
Pay reparations for wars and conflicts the West started. Rebuild countries like Iraq, not with companies like Haliburton, but with local, give the locals the contracts the money, not another American corporation. (all over the world this needs to be done)
Step 3
End support for dictators in Arab countries. Places like Suadi Arabia and Turkey. Stop arming murderers, again.
Step 4
Get US troops the fuck out of Mecca-Islam's holiest site. And get them out of Arab countries altogether.
Step 5
Support human rights and aid groups officially-donate tax dollars to feed Africa foundations, things like that. US policy is responsible for the plight of many people starving and dying around the world, US policy should reconcile that.
End the motivation for terrorism, that's how you end terrorism. Not with guns.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Take Bin Laden out of the equation. Do you agree that his points are valid, or not?
Imagine... there is an Arab Superpower that believes we lead decadent lives in America. We worship money and peddle pornography all over the world. We are far from God and need to get closer to Him so our lives will have meaning... purpose.
They come across from the other side of the globe to save us. They believe that if we worshiped God.. prayed 5 times each day, instead of a couple of hours on Sunday... it would be our salvation and we would all be much better off. They impose their ideology on us... and occupy our holiest site... which would be what... Las Vegas, maybe? They do not understand our culture, our religions or our language. All they know is that we'd be better off... if we were only like them.
How would you react to that?
Me? I'd probably run around, blowing up their guys in the streets of my home town. So, what am I? A Patriot? An Insurgent? A Terrorist?
Hail, Hail!!!
As I said before, we should have listened to their demands from the start. The demands have been extremely well thought out and coherent even in 1997 and 1998 when Bin Laden talked about similar things to an ABC news anchor
Dont kill our babies and we wont kill you.
Its been simple from the start. People try to make it out to be some huge equation, wracking their brains, "how do we end terrorism"?
The answers simple: stop bombing other countries, Stop acting like deaths of iraqis are meaningless. Stop globalization. Stop capitalism and consumerism. Stop Imperialism. And stop civilization.
what a fucking genius you are
Do you have two brains cells that can interact? This may possibly be the most hilarious post I've read this year anywhere.
Anyone that thinks bin Laden is right, or can be reasoned with is a fool. A fool that would be beheaded in an instant so you could be the headline on al-jazeera.
Do you mean points as in crashing passenger jets into buildings killing thousands of civilians?
good to see that typical responses - no one actually trying to dispute the points rather insulting one's intelligence as a counter ... nice ...
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
A great, simply put, reasoned and logical point.
Hail, Hail!!!
It used to work so well too. Until we started funding other people's wars...starting with the World Wars.
Exactly. We were warned about 'Foriegn Entanglements' a long time ago. It is different than Foriegn Trade or Foriegn Investments... it's more about our government getting involve with the domestic policies of Forign Nations.
There's a reason why Japan imports a ton of oil a day from the Middle East... and don't show up on Terrorist Hit lists. It's because they just buy the fucking oil and don't try to tell them how they should run their governments.
Hail, Hail!!!
we can bring everything down, including terrorism.
Just that your answer is a little niave and generalized for a very complicated problem thats beyond your scope of current understanding.
violence caused it so violence can solve it?
that's a schoolyard bully approach, that's the simple minded solution, and it isn't working.
if they fight- and they say why they fight- and we stop whatever is we've been doing that made them fight- and they continue to fight.....then its complicated.
as it is we have no idea, because Washington's first response has always been violence. that's basic. to me the solution i suggest is much more deals with the motivation, the reason for terrorism.
you kill a terrorist- what does that do but motivate everyone he has ever known to take up arms against us? you kill 1 you create 10. its not just simplistic, its idiotic, and its the approach they're taking now.
It makes no sense given current stated objectives. it only makes sense if you understand that stopping terrorism is NOT the real objective.
No offense here dude, but you do not have any idea as to how foreign policy works, you don’t have access to what the people who do this for a living know. You don’t live and work with the people in some remote tribal region of Afghanistan or have had a sit down with a local shik in Iraq to solve issues. You are not an intelligence expert who has their finger on the pulse of whats going on. Your not some Washington insider who has connections and a knowledge of how these things work when it comes to policy. And you’re not some person on the ground there and know how this all works. I don’t do this for a living, but I have a lot of people close to me in my life who do, and have done a lot of great things for us and the people who live there and that are affected.
Its just a little arrogant of you to pipe up on a subject and suggest a disastrous option just because you watch 30 minutes or the daily show every night, attended a couple anti-war rallies led by kids who still depend on their parents for support and have zero life experience, and maybe read some Marxist material, and now you’re an expert on foreign policy. You don’t do this for a living, stop playing Monday morning quarter back or armchair general on a delicate issue. There is nothing wrong with educating yourself on the issue, but cut the people some slack who do this for a living, because whether you want to admit it or not, they have ours and the people in questions best interest at heart here.
This post isn’t for you to get the point, because you won’t understand, but more for anyone else that might read your post.
you don't have a point.
You're entire post was a personal attack.. I'm "arrogant" have "zero life experience" have "no idea"etc.
That's one way to get around dealing with the subject matter. And typical. When in doubt, start throwing mud.
Think i'll stick to the issues.
You make a lot of sense here and make some statements that are true. Foriegn policy is complicated and there are a lot of things that we will never know about. There are alot of Washington insiders who have connections and people in Afghanistan that have open discussions with Tribal leaders there.
But, what does all of that tell you about the policy these experts decide to take? These Foriegn Policy experts are the SAME Foriegn Policy experts that made decisions to support Usama bin Laden and the Mujahadeen in the 1980s... the SAME Foriegn Policy experts that decided to support Saddam Hussein with chemical and biological weapons in that same period in his fight with Iran. The SAME Foriegn Policy experts that figured the job in Afghanistan was done when the Soviet Union withdrew their military occupation and created a power vaccuum that left that nation open to Pakistani I.S.I. influences that morphed the Mujahadeen into al Qaeda and the Taliban. You don't question their decisions... when they come back 20 years later in the form of commercial airliners crashing into office buildings in America??? I do.
I think we should learn from these past mistakes to prevent decisions made today that will end up with disasterous consequences in our future. Do you agree with this one point?
And since you are close to these people... can you do me a favor? Next time you see them, tell them that I said they need to quit making descisions based on quick, short-term solutions that will get them big monetary bonuses, promotions and raises in the diplomatic machinery and work harder to solve the tough problems with more difficult work that will result in long-term solutions by working in the best interests off the Afghani people, not ours. These experts work for us taxpayers.
And also tell them I said that the 'Enemy of Our Enemy is NOT our Friend', if they hate us as much as the ones we they are fighting. They are enemies who are taking advantage of our stupidity and deep (tax payer) pockets to take care of the immediate task at hand... and will address their hatred towards us... once we help them destroy 'Our Enemy'.
That our friends are our friends and maybe we need to sit down and make friends with these people. Friends do not fly airliners into our buildings... enemies do.
Hail, Hail!!!