Ready or Not, Katrina Victims Lose Temporary Housing

There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
Post edited by Unknown User on
Yeah... I'm all for helping people out, but 4 years later?
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Well you people have just reminded me why I dont like people
Yet, 4 years later, people are still trailers, hotels and shelters. People are still spread across the U.S. in various States waiting to come home. Homes which haven't been foreclosed on or torn down. Homes for which insurance companies don't have to pay out money for repair or replacement.
Yes, 4 years is a long time, yet the Saints are playing in the Superdome, the Mardi Gras still went on, and Bourbon Street is still the place to party. Yes, 4 years is a long time to wonder why a person would want to, willingly stay in a trailer, a hotel, or a shelter.
Though more than 4,000 Louisiana homeowners have received rebuilding money only in the last six months, or are struggling with inadequate grants or no money at all, FEMA is intent on taking away their trailers by the end of May.
No matter what, if 99.999999% of those that survived Katrina were able to get back on their feet given the resources available, those ultimately removed from services without a direction reflect a sad story, and not just because they reflect groups consistently marginalized by society i.e., "elderly, disabled or both." It is a story to look into further, eh? To see how those that fall through the cracks for whatever reason are able to survive.
It is interesting that NYT wrote the article. Definitely a bigger readership than a volunteer watchdog media group, eh? Anyone have a good article written by an independent media group on this subject?
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
half the people couldn't get fema relief after the hurricane anyway. how can you show proof of residency if your house is no longer there? a lot of people got shafted.
and the few that did keep their houses saw rent double, as the banks were jacking up rent to cover the loss of income from other areas. So, no job, no help from the go'vt, rising rent, no home no peace no rest.
the real disaster happened after the storm had passed.
within a few weeks the casinos and tourist industry was right back at it, a hotel even put out a video that they filmed pre-Katrina, as it "was accurate". meaning they didn't get touched by the hurricane. but they got relief.
others were treated like prisoners, some people were told NOT to donate, as it would create unfair environment, some people would get clothes, others wouldn't-can't have that. and Cuban relief was turned down, even as people were still homeless and hungry.
there was one incident of a large group of people, about 40, being turned away from a navy military base-as armed guards pointed loaded weapons at them. women and children....all turned away to sleep on sidewalks. and the base was nearly empty, it was in the process of being closed down. thousands of empty dorm rooms. "oh you're poor? go away."
fight the war, fuck the poor.
How full of shit can you possibly be ? Please stop making shit up
Well substantiated there my friend lol
imperfect lefts----
find something specific you think is untrue about my post, i'll cite it, you can realize you're incorrect as usual, and we can all go about our business.
anything specific you want to go over?
most of what I posted was from this documentary... ... the.water/
Camera was on during the storm. And after, which is what the documentary is really about.
Find something specific.
anything specific you want to go over?
most of what I posted was from this documentary... ... the.water/
Camera was on during the storm. And after, which is what the documentary is really about.
Find something specific.[/ququote]
Yeah most of what you posted :roll:
Okay your last paragraph about women and children being turned away at gunpoint .That was nowhere in that article you posted .As usual you take shit out of context or make it up commy . I bet you think we blew up the levies just like Lewis Farrakhan said huh.
Thugs and criminals. I remember thinking that this was why America allowed the people of New Orleans to sink - something about racism and a failed, corrupt government and media.
It must really pain some people that Bush is no longer at the helm.
Ah well, there's always the Klan.
about 1:10
in the actual documentary they interview Navy guards at the base....and they admit they turned away people in the aftermath of Katrina, including women and children. i can't post the entire thing here. but you get the idea from the clip above.
I'm with you on this. I guess that makes me a bad person. Is the gov't failing these folks...maybe, are they failing themselves...I'd have to say that I think they are...
I have to wonder, how long should FEMA keep housing these folks...? Aren't people suppose to eventually take responsibility for themselves...?
I think it's a two way street and all the blame can't be by put on FEMA...
and I certainly dont feel sorry for them now............
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
THAT really is key, isn't it?
we're not discussing average, able-bodied people.....but many elderly, disabled...or both.....kinds of people. more than likely, with or without katrina, these groups would always need help, then add in katrina and it is not too surprising these folks need further assistance. so sad.
new orleans is a beautiful city. it is a tragedy what has happened, and the aftermath dealing with it even worse.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
ever think about military service?
you'd make a perfect drone-you're racist, you don't care about people, and you're obviously an idiot.
so it's a good idea to keep throwing millions and millions of federal dollars at people,
the majority of which are able-bodied and perfectly capable of working, 4 years after the fact?
not minimizing the initial need for funds by any means, but 4 years is a long time
to still expect government hand-outs.
and it certainly doesn't promote much incentive or motivation either.
Yer why waste money on people when you can spend all your money on wars to feed your countries insane lust for power over pretty everything that breathes on this planet
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
Actually, I just watched that on HBO the other day. It was a doc made by some people who lived in the 9th ward I think. Anyway, yes they did get turned away and I agree that was shitty as hell. Again, the military says they never pointed guns or anything at them. Remember they recorded the storm, after the storm and when one of their friends was rescuing people but they didn't have that on tape?? Makes me think the guns pointed never happend. Again, they should have been allowed in. They then broke into a school and slept in there.
With that beging said the people in that doc left N.O never to come back, they never want to come back basically saying because of the way Louisiana treated them. The couple in the Doc basically said it was time to leave and time to start a new life.
It was a good story, if you have a chance try to catch it on HBO.
Im sure I'll see it on demand or something, But you just proved my point about commy .
I didn't know you had a point.
You mean black people, right? :?: