Dollar Short

It was asked in another thread by another person, but no one was able to satisfy...
Does anyone have a copy of Andy Wood singing on Dollar Short like Stone mentioned in the VH1 Storytellers show during Alive?
Does anyone have a copy of Andy Wood singing on Dollar Short like Stone mentioned in the VH1 Storytellers show during Alive?
"A lot more people are capable of being big out there that just don't give themselves a chance." -Stone Gossard
Post edited by Unknown User on
Jeff probably has a copy in a shoe box somewhere
I just find it remarkable with the volume and diversity of the early recordings in rough form out there that no one has this. I had never even considered that Andy Wood had heard the demos that formed the Momma-Son tape until Stone let the cat out of the bag. I always thought they were written post MLB.
Also... What the heck does the song title "Agytian Crave" reference with it's name? When I do a search for "Aegtian" all I get are hits for the Stone Gossard/PJ demo and Google asking me if I meant "Egyptian."
For the hell did someone ever manage to get their hands on something like "Goat"?
As far as I know, that song was recorded on Eddie's personal cassette player during the first week rehearsals. I remember hearing that this was the first thing they ever recorded...but was more a joke between the band members than an actual serious attempt at songwriting.
I'm starting to think that we must have some real world class cat burglers and master theives amoung us super-fans...I mean, how else could someone get their hands on super rare shit like that...
Mind you "Goat" isn't so rare anymore since the Super Duper Deluxe Box came out...but back in the day, I remember this song being quite the catch.
As far as "Dollar Short" is concerned
I like you, thought it was a song recorded after the passing of Andy Wood. I've only heard of the instrumental version of "Dollar Short" off the "Gossman Demos" and didn't know that an actual Mother Love Bone take existed.
I imagine Stone had a bunch of riffs that he was working on at the timeand there may be a bunch more of the Gossman Riffs or ideas that were rehearsed or put to demo with Mother Love Bone prior to Andy's death.
It would be really interesting to hear what direction Andy was taking with some of that stuff; especially "Dollar Short"...Andy and Eddie as we all know were complete opposites as far as songwriting goes and it would be a real trip seeing what direction some of these songs would have taken had Andy not passed away and Mother Love Bone continued.
Hope it surfaces someday.
Dollar Short, Agytian Crave, and Times of Trouble were in fact all songs prior to Andy's passing. That's why these 3 have titles.
As for the other songs, they were all working titles, usually dealing with the Key or Time Signature
For example:
Evil E = Goat, evil riff in the key of E
Doobie E = Breath, likely a Doobie Brother's feel to the band at the time, also in E
Weird A = Animal, weird riff in the key of A
7Up = Pushin Forward Back, time signature is 7/4
and so on.
However, the top 3 from Momma-Son were likely named by Andy because there were in fact words.
I don't think I could possibly agree more. Well said.
Now that "Hard To Imagine," "Brother," and "Hold On" are out there officially... I think we have a new musical holy-grail. Hey you out there who is sitting on this treasure trove of musical goodness! Stop being selfish and share!
i mean it...
That's an interesting theory. Now how do we go about proving it?
Eddie Vedder solo: 2008 - Boston night 1 & 2 || 2009 - Albany, NY night 1 & 2 || 2011 - Hartford, CT, Boston, MA
There was someone I was in contact with ages ago (maybe 95/96ish) who told me he had heard these songs, he was a major collector at the time, and all of his stuff was legit. However I believe that the story was, he knew someone close to the band (not sure if it was PJ or MLB or both), and was privileged enough to listen to those 3 songs as they were the last 3 with vocals written by Andy.
I have NO recollection of who that could be.
If it isn't legit story, Mods, please inform.
Ok... now we're getting somewhere.
It's official. This is now the holy grail of all Stone Gossard songs. I'm on a quest now. Who's coming with?
I'm leading the pack with you. I'll put a call to the wonderful folks at Two Feet Thick ( to put a WANTED ad for this. It exists in an uncirculated format.
Kat, Sea, Rubysdad, Santos L Halper, bout a little help here? Do I need to call out your real names
Seriously man... If you know of anyone who can dig this up we HAVE to do it! The only reason I found out about this is because I watched the Storytellers show online today and caught that part where Stone admits the glorious truth.
I'll tell you straight up my resources are limited as far as who I know, but I'll bump this thread until the internets break.
fess up.
you have it and you're not sharing.
Well actually if you think of a band who's just starting out they'll definitely give some (and then some more) demos out of their stuff to friends etc. so everyone knows about them. I mean they're just riffs and pieces etc. and then when the band hits big there's unofficial stuff around. But come to think of it, after Ten we hadn't have much a change to hear anything, no demos, rehearsal versions etc. And why? Because the band got SO big. IMHO it's very interesting to see what they pull up from the vaults to VS super-release etc. That's where the real fun begins.
Soundgarden - 1996-10-15
Pearl Jam - 2000-06-30
Fugazi - 2000-10-10
The Mars Volta - 2003-03-24
There are Vs., Vitalogy, and Binaural demos/rough mixes out there.
I understand the reluctance of the band to release these things. As an artist I wouldn't want an incomplete or inferior piece of artwork out there... especially if I didn't think it truly represented the vision I had for the final work. If my interpretation of history serves me right, though, I think that anyone can do a quick search online and discover that just as much value and importance (not necessarily monetary value though) is placed on the sketches and rough drafts of works by history's greatest artists. Hell, read this... People are foaming at the mouth for a work of art done by a 12 year old.
My point is that I wish the band would release this stuff. There is demand for it.
Go ahead. Empty the vault.
No happy ending. It's just nice to know it exists somewhere out there in the cosmos.
no happy ending....yet.
From an AV Club interview with Stone Gossard...
“Alive” (from 1991’s Ten)
AVC: You’ve probably talked these songs to death, but when you were doing that original demo that birthed so many early Pearl Jam songs, did you have a sense that it was a particularly inspired time for you?
SG: First of all, to add a little more to the fable, that song was written in ’88 or early ’89, and it started off as a Mother Love Bone song. We’d demoed it, and Mother Love Bone had even played it at one show in Portland. So if anyone recorded the show in Portland… We don’t have a recording of Andy [Wood, Mother Love Bone singer] singing it, but it was called “Dollar Short” at that time. So when Andy passed away and we hadn’t recorded or done anything with that song, it sort of stayed in my pile of demos and I knew that I liked the way the chords lay out and it has this nice minor/major shift in it and a nice arrangement. And then Matt Cameron and Jeff agreed to do all these demos with me so I had that, and I think “Once” was one of the demos, and “Black” and “Breath.” So that group of songs were all sort of written in that period of ’89-’90.,104188/2/