FILM: "Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy" & The New World Order

DriftingByTheStormDriftingByTheStorm Posts: 8,684
edited May 2009 in A Moving Train
I'm 2/3rd of the way through this documentary, Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy" and i am SHOCKED at the level of truth contained therein, especially since it is apparently a Discovery documentary.

In the FIRST LINE of the documentary, the narrator says,
"Adolph Hitler attempted to build A SINISTER NEW WORLD ORDER".

Although i still have many more questions than answers, watching this should open your eyes.
At the very least, you will come away with a better appreciation for just HOW SERIOUSLY people at the top can BELIEVE IN THE SEEMINGLY ABSURD AND DISTURBED. All this talk about "the occult", of principles of magic, and of strange\crazy fantasies about Atlantis and God-Men, may sound like absolute looney talk to you, BUT THE LEADERS OF THE WORLD (at least, of the last century) BELIEVED QUITE VEHEMENTLY IN SUCH THINGS. Therefore, it - should - be - of - concern - to - you.

I am still VERY confused about the relationship between Hitler, the Nazis, THEIR beliefs, and the mysterious and alleged beliefs of the "other" "New World Order", since allegedly we defeated the nazis, and allegedly the whole world was against their plan. Also the Nazis were apparently obsessed with DESTROYING the Freemasons, which has me scratching my head to no end. My only assumption at this point is that both Hitler and the OTHER "New World Order" agreed on many of the same principles, that possibly Hitler was tricked, or that he did some tricking, or that both groups were operating out of similar motives, religious beliefs, and so forth, but actually were competing with eachother.

HOWEVER, that being said, THE PARALLELS are uncanny!

1. The claim and desire to establish a "New World Order"
2. The subversion and recombining of Christian doctrine in to a humanists\occult "new religion"
3. The use of sun symbols (both the SS Forces double "sig" rune and the Swastika are direct Sun Symbols)
4. Belief in the claim of the super-god-race from Atlantis
(hitler believed that the german race was descendant from the lost god-race of Atlantis, of which the high priests had escaped by boat to the Himalayas and became the modern day tibetan monks. on the other side of the Atlantic, there was America, founded by Freemasons who believed that America was indeed "the new atlantis")
5. the sharing of hitler's belief that:
"the passing pain of a century can and will redeem millenniums from sufferings"
6. the belief in genetic cleansing or "eugenics" principles
7. a heavy obsession with "the occult", or "luceferian" principles
8. a desire to return to a feudalistic order, with those "of blood" serving as the feudal masters over all.
9. belief that the state is more important than the family. removal of children from care of their parents.
10. an intense reliance on propaganda and control of media.
11. claims of heritage to an ancient order of knights (nazis to the teutonic knights, and masons to their the slightly older knights templar)
12. operation on an extreme perversion of Catholic doctrine, and yet both also with the arranged consent and cooperation of The Vatican itself.

The parallels go on and on and on.
As i am watching this movie my mind keeps turning endlessly at the repetition i continue to see between what the allegedly NOT-connected 3rd Reich believed and what the Freemasons, "illuminati" or "New World Order" are claimed to believe. I suppose the disagreements fell over WHO or WHAT would take charge.

Where as the modern "New World Order" gang seems bent on destroying all nation-state divisions and creating one giant superstate, the Nazi order seemed to be based on the pure Aryan principle and super-intensive NATIONALISM.

This is perhaps where the "other" New World Order had their major disagreements with the Reich.
They did not want any particular racial or national loyalty, only loyalty to their false god and to their order.

Watch the video.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646
    i'm not going to watch it i'm afraid.. not because it wont be interesting... it will be i'm sure... but because its on Google... and the Google logo clearly uses 2 suns... the O and the other O...

    youtube... oh wait... there's a sun in that one also... :?

    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
    dunkman wrote:
    i'm not going to watch it i'm afraid.. not because it wont be interesting... it will be i'm sure... but because its on Google... and the Google logo clearly uses 2 suns... the O and the other O...

    youtube... oh wait... there's a sun in that one also... :?


    Funny thing is, youtube, owned by Google has been censoring Alex Jones quite a bit lately. :shock:
  • dunkman wrote:
    i'm not going to watch it i'm afraid.. not because it wont be interesting... it will be i'm sure... but because its on Google... and the Google logo clearly uses 2 suns... the O and the other O...

    youtube... oh wait... there's a sun in that one also... :?


    you sure know how to pervert a legitimate argument.

    Here's a rabbit hole for you to get lost down, Dunkman,
    since you seem to be so good at debunking and getting to the bottom of things.

    Let me know if you can find any information on whether the image below is truly one of several submissions that were considered and left as "runners up" to the Confederate Flag when the South was on the rise.
    I have it from a book that this indeed was one of a handful (of dozens and dozens) of submitted ideas that was considered more carefully before finally being rejected in favor of the "Dixie" flag. According to one book, this is actually in the records at The National Archives. Remember of course that Albert Pike, creator of the 33rd Degree of Freemasonry and 30+ year Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite's Southern Jurisdiction, was a brigadier who fought for the Confederacy. He is also the only Confederate Officer to be honored with a statue in Washington, DC. Hmm. ???
    Like i said, dig it up for me, and let me know what you find.
    I'm counting on you.

    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646
    doesnt that show that this so called New World Order of racist masons isnt in charge of the world? if it were then surely one of its one brothers would have had his flag chosen to be the new flag no?

    he probably had a lot of big connections that got him onto the shortlist... but thats about it...

    i cant be bothered living my life on what some old twat from 1850s america might have drawn once he was fucked out of his face on sour mash one night... now ask me about the NEW AOL logo and we might get somewhere... i'll leave this oppressive subjugation of the masses to you i think :)
    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    I'm 2/3rd of the way through this documentary, Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy" and i am SHOCKED at the level of truth contained therein, especially since it is apparently a Discovery documentary.

    In the FIRST LINE of the documentary, the narrator says,
    "Adolph Hitler attempted to build A SINISTER NEW WORLD ORDER".

    Although i still have many more questions than answers, watching this should open your eyes.
    At the very least, you will come away with a better appreciation for just HOW SERIOUSLY people at the top can BELIEVE IN THE SEEMINGLY ABSURD AND DISTURBED. All this talk about "the occult", of principles of magic, and of strange\crazy fantasies about Atlantis and God-Men, may sound like absolute looney talk to you, BUT THE LEADERS OF THE WORLD (at least, of the last century) BELIEVED QUITE VEHEMENTLY IN SUCH THINGS. Therefore, it - should - be - of - concern - to - you.[/

    I am still VERY confused about the relationship between Hitler, the Nazis, THEIR beliefs, and the mysterious and alleged beliefs of the "other" "New World Order", since allegedly we defeated the nazis, and allegedly the whole world was against their plan. Also the Nazis were apparently obsessed with DESTROYING the Freemasons, which has me scratching my head to no end. My only assumption at this point is that both Hitler and the OTHER "New World Order" agreed on many of the same principles, that possibly Hitler was tricked, or that he did some tricking, or that both groups were operating out of similar motives, religious beliefs, and so forth, but actually were competing with eachother.

    HOWEVER, that being said, THE PARALLELS are uncanny!

    1. The claim and desire to establish a "New World Order"
    2. The subversion and recombining of Christian doctrine in to a humanists\occult "new religion"
    3. The use of sun symbols (both the SS Forces double "sig" rune and the Swastika are direct Sun Symbols)
    4. Belief in the claim of the super-god-race from Atlantis
    (hitler believed that the german race was descendant from the lost god-race of Atlantis, of which the high priests had escaped by boat to the Himalayas and became the modern day tibetan monks. on the other side of the Atlantic, there was America, founded by Freemasons who believed that America was indeed "the new atlantis")
    5. the sharing of hitler's belief that:
    "the passing pain of a century can and will redeem millenniums from sufferings"
    6. the belief in genetic cleansing or "eugenics" principles
    7. a heavy obsession with "the occult", or "luceferian" principles
    8. a desire to return to a feudalistic order, with those "of blood" serving as the feudal masters over all.
    9. belief that the state is more important than the family. removal of children from care of their parents.
    10. an intense reliance on propaganda and control of media.
    11. claims of heritage to an ancient order of knights (nazis to the teutonic knights, and masons to their the slightly older knights templar)
    12. operation on an extreme perversion of Catholic doctrine, and yet both also with the arranged consent and cooperation of The Vatican itself.

    The parallels go on and on and on.
    As i am watching this movie my mind keeps turning endlessly at the repetition i continue to see between what the allegedly NOT-connected 3rd Reich believed and what the Freemasons, "illuminati" or "New World Order" are claimed to believe. I suppose the disagreements fell over WHO or WHAT would take charge.

    Where as the modern "New World Order" gang seems bent on destroying all nation-state divisions and creating one giant superstate, the Nazi order seemed to be based on the pure Aryan principle and super-intensive NATIONALISM.

    This is perhaps where the "other" New World Order had their major disagreements with the Reich.
    They did not want any particular racial or national loyalty, only loyalty to their false god and to their order.

    Watch the video.

    I saw this a couple of years ago and I gotta say it was really intresting. :geek:
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