Ruby Ridge

Whats bizaare is, I assume, if you ask any FBI agent or CIA agent, they would deny a huge conspiracy, a New World Order
Yet things like Ruby Ridge and Waco, only reinforce the image of the government as corrupt, immoral and out of control.
Yet things like Ruby Ridge and Waco, only reinforce the image of the government as corrupt, immoral and out of control.
Post edited by Unknown User on
and waco is even worse.
cooking 40+women and children alive, and sniping a mother holding a baby. on weapons charges? makes no sense.
you're right.
their version of events makes no sense.
it only begins to make sense when you realize the authorities have a motive that is much different from what they claim. a not so nice motive, as it turns out.
sad stories.
But yet people are always asking for the government to raise more money and have more and more control over our lives (see national healthcare and a host of our programs that give more and more control to an obviously broken entity). I just don't understand it.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Telling me I can only buy one gun a month is unconstitutional. I pay taxes. I'm a law-abiding citizen. I've been trained how to handle what I own. I have no mental illness and have never even had a speeding ticket. F-ing politicians.