Vedder Tickets Atlanta June 23rd -- 4 tickets- face value

charlesyoung39charlesyoung39 Posts: 60
edited April 2009 in The Porch
I'm a Ten Club member as for fortunate enough to get Ten Club Tix to the first show in Atlanta on June 23rd. My brother, who I'm taking with my other seat, was unaware I was able to get tickets and bought me 4 tickets through Ticketmaster. I have those tickets in hand. Since so many people in the 10C missed out on tickets for the opening night show, I thought I'd go ahead and see if any of you were interested in buying them from me. I paid $355 for the four tickets through Ticketmaster, so that's what I'd like to sell them for. Any takers? We can do the transaction via PayPal and I will mail them or we can meet up somewhere in ATL to exchange them. The tickets are all together in C.G.T. Row R. If you're interested please email me at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->.
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