The sad commentary... The Daily News is more 'news' than the other television newsrooms. They'll cover the Jane Harman wiretaping case while the other news carry on and on about the Swine Flu or the Octo-Mom.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
The sad commentary... The Daily News is more 'news' than the other television newsrooms. They'll cover the Jane Harman wiretaping case while the other news carry on and on about the Swine Flu or the Octo-Mom.
Does anyone that criticises 'The Daily Show' realize that it is broadcast on 'The COMEDY Network'? They are comedy writers... who write jokes... for a comedian to speak. Far-Left Agenda??? Actually, that line is pretty funny.
I wonder... is the same criticism reservered for Seth Myers and Amy Poehler (or Jimmy Fallon and Tina Fey) and Saturday Night Live's, 'Weekend Update' and the lack of their 'Journalistic Practices'?
yeah man. I learn more from 30 minutes of the Daily show than a week of "real news".
I wouldn't post that if you want people to take you seriously.
I don't watch any of the major networks, maybe the reason the statement is true, in my case.
and the daily show is maybe last on my list of news sources anyway.
even so, one of the few major talking heads to even report the story was Maddow, back when it was going on. I don't know who else picked up the story, if anyone. Besides the Daily show.
A US congresswomen is illegally wiretapped, seems to be corrupt, Israeli agents try to bribe Pelosi....only to have all charges dropped in exchange for Harmon's support for the illegal wiretapping program. you can't make that kind of thing up.
I just heard about this from my brother and was going to post it here but see someone already was on it. Anyway, I have these links for anyone interested.
...So is it news or a joke? I'm a little confused?
In a nutshell.... yes... the broadcast newsrooms are a joke. All the Daily Show does is parody those nimrods who broadcast 'news' as entertainment, not journalism. Just look at the latest joke.. the Swine Flu. Six cases in Canada... and it's a Pandemic??? Their flashy graphics and scary music... it's a fucking joke. Just like the Iraq War... the Countdown To The Showdown... Showdown In The Desert... Showdown with Saddam... all advertised like the Super Bowl hype we are bombarded with in the two weeks before the game.
Journalism in America is on it's deathbed. It isn't about news anymore... it's about ratings and sponsorship dollars.
The sad reality is we get more truth from the comedy being made about those shitheads who claim to be news directors, journalist and reporters. And we are somewhat to blame. We are more interested in Octo-moms and Britney's pussy than the tragedy that is Darfur... the National Enquirer over the L.A. Times. Newsrooms need to compete for our short attention spans and would much rather hear about a missing little girl than the economic expansion and growing environmental horrors of an industrialized China.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Journalism in America is on it's deathbed. It isn't about news anymore... it's about ratings and sponsorship dollars.
what worse is if they have an agenda. which they do.
not about news anymore is right. its about manufacturing consent, spreading fear, demonizing enemies...
the swine flu is nothing new. according to my tv it is. according to reality it is not. that's powerful, waht the media can do. they turned a non event into a pandemic, watch those flu shots fly off the shelves. great timing in this rough economy yeah?
Those Cable 'News' stations are to Journalism... as WWF wrestling is to sports. And both seem to cater to the same basic audience.
They are not News at all... they are like a newspaper that is nothing but Op/Ed pieces and advertisements in it. Commentary on current events... is NOT reporting on current events.
And you are right, they aresplit into two distinct teams... both cater to the collective adult A.D.D. of America. You cannot form an opinion from someone else's opinion... and that is all they do... express their opinion to capture the interests of only those whom agree.
Just give me the facts of a story and let me decide... I don't need a biased/slanted opinion of some douche bag who is somehow tansformed into some sort of oracle... based solely on the fact that he/she is on television. Where is Walter Cronkite when we really need him?
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Journalism in America is on it's deathbed. It isn't about news anymore... it's about ratings and sponsorship dollars.
I'm going to have to say that Journalism has never held to its "Standards", its got a long history of swaying opinion. I just find it hard to believe anyone is going to report something by strick non-bias journalistic standards...there is opinions to be influenced....votes to be had...nothing on TV, internet, or newspaper is going to give you a straight answer, its impossible. Media outlets need money...and their is no money to be had in truthful unbias opinion.
I actually have found that starting to read more conservative/business oriented papers is usually much more informative than regular news.
Not that I at all share the ideology behind the op/eds and ocmmentaries of "The Economist" or "The Wall Street Journal", but they do report to a much larger degree stuff that goes on. To paraphrase Chomsky, the elite can't lie to themselves. It seems to be somewhat true. At any rate I have started to pick up the economist while out flying. They actually write about stuff that matters from around the world. From my point of view, ridiculously right-wing-slanted of course, but they usually report first and then comment. And I get informed about issues and developments in all kinds of places I weren't aware of before.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
but not always. they report on real news sometimes. they did forget to mention nit was from 2005.
http://www.warhw.com/2009/04/20/congres ... retapping/
The sad commentary... The Daily News is more 'news' than the other television newsrooms. They'll cover the Jane Harman wiretaping case while the other news carry on and on about the Swine Flu or the Octo-Mom.
Hail, Hail!!!
So is it news or a joke? I'm a little confused?
I wouldn't post that if you want people to take you seriously.
I don't watch any of the major networks, maybe the reason the statement is true, in my case.
and the daily show is maybe last on my list of news sources anyway.
even so, one of the few major talking heads to even report the story was Maddow, back when it was going on. I don't know who else picked up the story, if anyone. Besides the Daily show.
A US congresswomen is illegally wiretapped, seems to be corrupt, Israeli agents try to bribe Pelosi....only to have all charges dropped in exchange for Harmon's support for the illegal wiretapping program. you can't make that kind of thing up.
Corruption at the highest levels.
http://gawker.com/5219681/congresswoman ... y-storm%5C
http://www.alternet.org/blogs/rights/13 ... ael_spies/
http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?d ... 0003098436
Makes you wonder if all the media attention to the swine-flu is just in hopes that this blows over. Wouldn't be the first time it's been done.
An "outbreak" that has infected 25 americans and killed none.
but its all over the news on every channel and we're all gonna die, yeah right.
In a nutshell.... yes... the broadcast newsrooms are a joke. All the Daily Show does is parody those nimrods who broadcast 'news' as entertainment, not journalism. Just look at the latest joke.. the Swine Flu. Six cases in Canada... and it's a Pandemic??? Their flashy graphics and scary music... it's a fucking joke. Just like the Iraq War... the Countdown To The Showdown... Showdown In The Desert... Showdown with Saddam... all advertised like the Super Bowl hype we are bombarded with in the two weeks before the game.
Journalism in America is on it's deathbed. It isn't about news anymore... it's about ratings and sponsorship dollars.
The sad reality is we get more truth from the comedy being made about those shitheads who claim to be news directors, journalist and reporters. And we are somewhat to blame. We are more interested in Octo-moms and Britney's pussy than the tragedy that is Darfur... the National Enquirer over the L.A. Times. Newsrooms need to compete for our short attention spans and would much rather hear about a missing little girl than the economic expansion and growing environmental horrors of an industrialized China.
Hail, Hail!!!
what worse is if they have an agenda. which they do.
not about news anymore is right. its about manufacturing consent, spreading fear, demonizing enemies...
the swine flu is nothing new. according to my tv it is. according to reality it is not. that's powerful, waht the media can do. they turned a non event into a pandemic, watch those flu shots fly off the shelves. great timing in this rough economy yeah?
They are not News at all... they are like a newspaper that is nothing but Op/Ed pieces and advertisements in it. Commentary on current events... is NOT reporting on current events.
And you are right, they aresplit into two distinct teams... both cater to the collective adult A.D.D. of America. You cannot form an opinion from someone else's opinion... and that is all they do... express their opinion to capture the interests of only those whom agree.
Just give me the facts of a story and let me decide... I don't need a biased/slanted opinion of some douche bag who is somehow tansformed into some sort of oracle... based solely on the fact that he/she is on television. Where is Walter Cronkite when we really need him?
Hail, Hail!!!
Not that I at all share the ideology behind the op/eds and ocmmentaries of "The Economist" or "The Wall Street Journal", but they do report to a much larger degree stuff that goes on. To paraphrase Chomsky, the elite can't lie to themselves. It seems to be somewhat true. At any rate I have started to pick up the economist while out flying. They actually write about stuff that matters from around the world. From my point of view, ridiculously right-wing-slanted of course, but they usually report first and then comment. And I get informed about issues and developments in all kinds of places I weren't aware of before.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965