How far would you GO!???

zezitozezito Posts: 164
edited April 2009 in The Porch
How far would you GO!???

I've been a fan for 15 years. love it as all as you reading this should.
I would, as I did, quit my job to follow them around. Did the last Australian tour, not complete, but nine out of 12 opportunities... Newcastle and the front rows (sydney 3 and melbourne 3) were the best ones, wonder why!
I'm brazilian and missed em in Brazil. The Sao paulo boolteg video is my favourite and if they come down again, soon I hope, ill manage to get there as well.

So, come soon back to OZ land and Brazza!

By car, plane, train...I dont mind, but ill will follow!

Wherever you from, coming to Australia next tour, or brazza (soon I hope), Give us a yelllll!!!!
"...take care of a couple of is from last night...I don't know if you are here again tonight...this first one...I'm not gonna tell you!"
EV Adelaide 22-11-2006 ... yep I was there ... THANKS!
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