What's with the glorification of billion children families?

Duggars, 12 kids and counting, John and Kate plus 8...
To say it's not really my business is true, but I can't lie it bugs me.
Just the thought of all those diapers, food consumption, waste, energy use, etc... bugs me.
If you're going to do it old school and have 18 children, you should be doing your laundry by washboard and bucket, and not 12 front loading washer and dryers. You should be serving your food on real plates and not disposable ones. Sorry. Again, it bugs me.
Its even worse when they can't pay for it.
People say that others are selfish for not wanting kids or not wanting many kids... but selfish to who? I think its the opposite... people who contribute like crazy to population growth are selfish.
Now we're broadcasting and glorifying families with double digits of kids.
My friends feel the same way, so I know i'm not crazy.
I'll probably get flamed for this, but I don't care.
It. Bugs. Me.
To say it's not really my business is true, but I can't lie it bugs me.
Just the thought of all those diapers, food consumption, waste, energy use, etc... bugs me.
If you're going to do it old school and have 18 children, you should be doing your laundry by washboard and bucket, and not 12 front loading washer and dryers. You should be serving your food on real plates and not disposable ones. Sorry. Again, it bugs me.
Its even worse when they can't pay for it.
People say that others are selfish for not wanting kids or not wanting many kids... but selfish to who? I think its the opposite... people who contribute like crazy to population growth are selfish.
Now we're broadcasting and glorifying families with double digits of kids.
My friends feel the same way, so I know i'm not crazy.
I'll probably get flamed for this, but I don't care.
It. Bugs. Me.
live pearl jam is best pearl jam
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As far as the glorification, I think it is a bit disturbing, but people watch this stuff so I suppose it's just like anything else on television be it people on a deserted island, small people, brothels. Any reality show, in my opinion, is not without it's own disturbing qualities.
* and i do not mean people who may need support for a short time, due to unforeseen tragedy, hardships, etc....i am talking about those who willingly take on/bring on what they know they cannot personally afford to support, emotionally, physcially, financially. utter selfishness.
btw - imo having children or remaining child-free....BOTH can be seen as 'selifish'...it all depends on your personal perspective. either way, when it's your choice......it is 'selifih'; to the degree that you are choosing what YOU want; to have a family or not have a family...so it IS about your wants in either scenario. 'selfish' in and of itself, is human, and nothing wrong with it per se....unless it is the ONLY way you operate.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
All of that waste. Ugh. It makes me want to vomit.
The fact that they're on TV is easy financial security, can't blame them for that
Western civilization and China do not have an alarming population growth rate. We are quickly approaching replacing each death with a birth. That isn't true in the Middle East/African nations (and possible South America, but I'm not sure). So you can rest your head on that one.
Now the 2nd point above, that's something. More idiots (I speculate anyway) like the Octomom are going to see this as a way to fame/fortune.
that's a lot of diapers.
Therein lies the problem . . . After seeing these large families on tv some people will get the misguided idea that a herd of children is the way to fame and fortune. I don't begrudge families that are large because of religious beliefs or in vitro procedures - more power to them if they can handle raising that many kids . . . but to purposefully have many children in order to exploit them for your own gain is just plain disgusting :x
wasteful to me is a (insert bad adjective of a family here) having a baby and needing public assistance to raise the child, then the child growing up with a high chance of having a developmental disability and needing to go to special schools and most likely not being a productive adult.
What I have issue with is parents saying that it was god's will for them to have 6 or 8 or 9 kids - but if they have to go the IVF route, isn't that god's way of saying they're NOT supposed to have kids. Krikey - adopt if you want 100 kids...Jon and Kate made it quite clear they wanted one other child, but when they found out they were going to have six, they wouldn't entertain the idea of reduction. Even though they only wanted one...
And I think I heard that the Duggars were expecting AGAIN...whoa up there people....
And yes the bible does say "go forth and multiply" and that a lot of christians want to produce as many little christians as they can...but nowadyas, that just doesn't really seem to be as necessary as it once was.
a lot of diapers...? so...? are you advocating a China-like policy, where families can only have a certain number if children...?
Is this unique to Christianity?
adrop and haffa, I'll have to take this side with you as well. The thought of that consumption, waste, and useless over population really drives me nuts too.
Who the fuck needs 18 kids???
6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
thank you!
attention grabbers!
i'm not surprised by your answer though, in typical pearl jam message pit fashion you argue the extremes.
i'm not saying you can only have one kid (clearly...) but do you need to have 20? really? come on... you don't see the waste factor in that? are you kidding me? it's so simple... more kids = more people = more damage to the earth. i'm not going to be some extremest and argue no one has kids and see the human race come to a stand still... but things are a bit different now...
maybe you don't live in an area that is constantly expanding and encroaching on what used to be amazing forests or lakes or farmland or any other piece of nature that, for your information, isn't just for human expansion. do you know how many fucking bears get killed in my province a year just because we've established a new suburbia for the growing population? we've already ruined an entire species because they have been wiped out to the point where they cannot reproduce anymore without genetic mutilation...
and that's just one example.
and i come from a country that isn't even over populated!!!
so yes, lots of people bug me. and people who don't see the problem with fucking like rabbits without contraception bug me as well. if you want to have 25 kids, why not do something actually gratifying and adopt? thats bodies that are already in the world, and kids who need a good home. why not make someone's life better instead of popping out your own huge litter?
The drama, I love it...oh, the bears...oh, the environment...oh, the typical pit response...
I love how you want to tell others how to live...I do wonder, what's you cut-off point for family size...6, 8, 12...? I'm curious and serious, what's your cut off...
and no, I don't see the "waste factor"...whatever that is... :roll:
I happen to live in a beautiful city that's expanding like the duggers...and I live 20 minutes from Ocean...man, it's nice...but that's neither here nor there...
I suppose the world would be a better place if everyone stopped and thought about what bugs you...for some odd reason, I think you may have a long list....
i said its not really my business but i can't help but let it bug me.
then i went on to explain why people who multiply exponentially bug me.
the next step perhaps is to express how single minded people bug me...
you can call it drama if you want. i'm sure you have causes that you care about... and i hope people do stop to see what YOU care about.
to answer your question, my cut off would be 5 or 6. personally.
but that's not my point (which i won't try to put across again, because i still don't think you'll see it... here's a hint, its that big long g word in the thread title)