Awe hell no.. I don't like Help, Help one bit.. Sleight of Hand just creates an atmospheric landscape.. its not a favorite of mine, but it takes me to places most songs don't.
Its a song that makes you take stock of your life. Look at what your life has become. For me, I see alot of myself in the main character.
For me, one of my greatest fears in life, is the mundane, the routine. Waking up and every single day is exactly the same. You are a machine. Nothing is new. No surprises.
The character in this song is dealing with these issues.
It does make Help, Help sound better though.
It kinda puts me in a different state of mind, and its really intense. good stuff
Seattle Key Arena 9-21-2009
Seattle Key Arena 9-22-2009
For me, one of my greatest fears in life, is the mundane, the routine. Waking up and every single day is exactly the same. You are a machine. Nothing is new. No surprises.
The character in this song is dealing with these issues.