New to vancouver - looking for some fellow jammers

harrisonmerwinharrisonmerwin Posts: 766
edited April 2009 in The Porch
Hey all,

Moved to vancouver recently, and have been loving it! i am just wondering if there are some younger PJ fans interested in getting together. All the people in my class here listen to minimal house/techno and i just really want to talk alternative music/indie with somebody! jeez. Anyways it would be nice to see who all the vancouverites are. Cheers all, hope you had a good easter/passover/etc


"how many people did die from that?...did P.Diddy kill them?" - Eddie Vedder 2006.02.19
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • vedderfan10vedderfan10 Posts: 2,497
    I was wondering what happened to you - you used to live in the Interior, right? I think you used to post a lot in 2006/ got some super kick ass poster in the first mystery poster sale, I think....Northwest School Benefit?

    Anyway, good to see you back... ;)
    be philanthropic
  • Haha,

    yeah your exactly right. and im back

    "how many people did die from that?...did P.Diddy kill them?" - Eddie Vedder 2006.02.19
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