Pics from Chicago 2, Cubs game, Stanleys...

pearljimpearljim Posts: 1,312
edited August 2008 in The Porch
My wife met the photographer who followed Chelios around with the Cup. He has his own website and the pics are for sale.......wish he would have gotten one of me shaking Eddie's hand :(

If you have a chance to make life better for others, and fail to do so, you are wasting your time on this earth.

Roberto Clemente.
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  • demetriosdemetrios Posts: 94,227
    those are some sweet pics man!

    40x60 Print for $250.00 mama mia!!!
  • BlackCorduroyBlackCorduroy Posts: 1,374
    Great pictures from the show
  • KDH12KDH12 Posts: 2,096
    lots of cubs players there

    Kerry Wood
    Bob Howry
    Jason Marquis
    Reed Johnson

    are the ones I saw
    **CUBS GO ALL THE WAY IN......never **
  • melva02melva02 Posts: 298
    So I guess the rule was "no cameras unless you're going to sell the pictures".

    Kidding, sort of, I guess this guy had permission, but selling concert photos doesn't seem to be within the purview of following the Cup around. The prices aren't awful if you really wanted to buy one, though, so I'm not saying it's a bad thing.

  • thunderDANthunderDAN Posts: 2,094
    that looks like a pretty fucking sweet party going on at Stanley's- Imagine you are out just for a night of drinking and you find yourself drinking out of the Stanley Cup with Eddie Vedder- If I did all the acid in the world, I don't think that scenario would play out
  • IwasBit10IwasBit10 Posts: 646
    Awesome pics! Can't believe Ed was at Stanley's. Been there many times before and that night I was like 3 blocks away at another bar. We we even thought about going there. Damn!
    He floated back down 'cause he wanted to share, his key to the locks on the chains he saw everywhere.
  • vedderfan10vedderfan10 Posts: 2,497
    I guess Ed holding and hanging around Stanley's mug is the closest Vancouver's gonna get to that thing...The Stanley Cup is such an icon of Canadian just seems kinda wrong to see actors and musicians and the general public drinking from it...whatever. I'll get over it... Looks like the cup had a lot of fun, though...good for it!

    PS. Drink deeply from the cup of life for it only comes around once
    be philanthropic
  • bedard5bedard5 Posts: 2
    Does anyone else have pictures of Pearl Jam at the Cubs game on August 23rd? My son was in the same row - thanks.
  • Wma31394Wma31394 Posts: 3,045
    Personally the fact that they hired this dude to take pictures of them all day seems kind of wack! There is more pictures than my wedding day..
    "Going where the water tastes like wine!"
  • Guitarhero27Guitarhero27 Posts: 2,146
    wma31303 wrote:
    Personally the fact that they hired this dude to take pictures of them all day seems kind of wack! There is more pictures than my wedding day..

    Was your wedding day as exciting as that? No offense, but unless Eddie started a food fight with your wedding cake.....
    9/29/96, 8/29/98, 9/8,11/98, 7/28/99, 8/23,24,25/00, 10/13/00, 4/15/03, 4/30/03, 7/8,9,12,14/03, 10/1/04, 9/30/05, 10/1/05, 5/4,5,13,27,28/06, 6/1,3/06, 6/19,20,22,24,25,27/08, 7/1/08, 8/4,5,7,16/08, 8/21/09, 10/27,28,30,31/09, 5/15,17,18,20,21/10, 9/2/12, 10/18,19,21,22,25/13
  • does anyone know where i can find the pictures that were taken at the EV Chicago concert?

    I ordered a frame for my poster, brochures, ticket and a photo that I found here. I just came on to select the one i wanted and it seems that the EV pics are gone!

    Does anyone know what happened? or does anyone have a site where I can find other pics from this show???
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