Is "Luck" Real?

Is there really such a thing as being a lucky person? Is luck karma incarnate? If you are unlucky, can you cure it.... Here is an example I seem to be seeing a lot of in my life.....
This just happened, and has been happening a lot... I was playing Texas Hold em poker online...I picked up AA (the best possible hand)... I raised, got re-raised, and then moved all in and got called... Ordinarilly I would be jumping for joy when K-8 offsuit called me, but I had a bad feeling.... My opponent flopped an inside straight draw with his 8.... The turn didn't help him... Before the river I told myself "I just know this fcker is going to hit a straight".. He hit his miracle card and I was busted out once again... to put things in to perspective, the math works like this... Before the flop I was an 88% favorite...after the flop, still 80%, back up to 82%, and then bitch slapped.....
I don't feel like I am being the person I want to be, and unhappy with that... Is my repeated misfortune at the poker table a result of things I am not proud of? Am I creating my own bad luck expecting bad things to happen? Am I sensing a predetermined outcome? Should I invest in chicken bones and put a good luck spell on myself? Am I just running bad? Any thoughts?
This just happened, and has been happening a lot... I was playing Texas Hold em poker online...I picked up AA (the best possible hand)... I raised, got re-raised, and then moved all in and got called... Ordinarilly I would be jumping for joy when K-8 offsuit called me, but I had a bad feeling.... My opponent flopped an inside straight draw with his 8.... The turn didn't help him... Before the river I told myself "I just know this fcker is going to hit a straight".. He hit his miracle card and I was busted out once again... to put things in to perspective, the math works like this... Before the flop I was an 88% favorite...after the flop, still 80%, back up to 82%, and then bitch slapped.....
I don't feel like I am being the person I want to be, and unhappy with that... Is my repeated misfortune at the poker table a result of things I am not proud of? Am I creating my own bad luck expecting bad things to happen? Am I sensing a predetermined outcome? Should I invest in chicken bones and put a good luck spell on myself? Am I just running bad? Any thoughts?
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I guess I'm not the one to ask. :?
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
But that doesn't that I'm not the recipient of a real bad beat sometimes (in poker and in life).
I got it from my grandpa - he's lucky too.
I don't know what it is... but I believe it. Maybe it's just because people have been telling me it my whole life...
But really - it's all about karma. If there is one thing in life I believe, it's that good things happen to good people.
EV: Los Angeles 4.12.2008, Los Angeles 4.13.2008, Nashville 6.17.2009, Nashville 6.18.2009, Memphis 6.20.2009
For example there is no such thing as luck in Blackjack. Over time the house is going to win without fail at about a 3% clip of every dollar that is bet.
That number does not change and it never will.
However if you play Blackjack 1 time in your life and lay down $10,000 and that hand wins then you are going to believe that you got lucky.
I would agree with you, thus admitting that Luck does exist from my perspective.
But luck in the casino world is really just a part of a large math equation that never deviates over time, but can have up and down spikes given short sample sizes.
Poker is the same. 88% of the time you are going to win the hand you played. But 12% of the time you will lose. Just a part of the game. has nothing to do with you individually, but that doesn't make you feel any better and the notion that you have 'bad luck' will be very real to you.
if you want to get into this idea of being open to these "feelings" or "happenings" (thinking beyond the card table here and in life in genereal) and acting upon them, you should try this book. "The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire - Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence" by Deepak Chopra.
The Premise of the book is: Not only are everyday coincidences meaningful, they actually provide us with glimpses of the field of infinite possibilities that lies at the heart of all things. "Coincidences" can be recognized as containing precious clues about particular facets of our lives that require our attention.
check it out, and your "luck" will begin to change, and not just at the poker table.
The reality is they ARE creating their own luck, cause from their behavior they create return behavior.
For example, was Demetrios lucky to have received a signed TDE?
No his kindness was rewarded. To someone who was unaware that D had done a lot of charity work, they would think he was just lucky.
I predict a lot of "lucky" things will happen to D as he travels around to PJ shows. The reality is he will just be recognized and given special treatment cause people like his giving nature.
Good Karma if you asked me.
Not that it was easy to tell from my ramblings but that's what I was saying. Luck didn't exist in his case. But Karma did. His good karma caused the Ten Club to purposely have the band sign his stuff. They did a good deed for him cause of his good deeds.
In life I think if you are good and positive, then good and positive things happen to you. Thus people make their own luck.