new headphones + iTunes library = ........
TigerTown, USA Posts: 23,333
bought a pair of audio-technica M505s and am here listening to my iTunes library. these cans are so fucking awesome that i can hear just how shitty iTunes songs were before they upgraded to iTunes + (which still doesn't quite cut it).
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Because it lets me put 13,000 songs on a device that's smaller than a pack of cigarettes.
If you've got a better method to achieve that goal, I'd LOVE to hear it.
This is why i hate apple, they have brainwashed THE WORLD.
Do you know that ipods arn't the only mp3 players in the world. There were LOADS before hand such as, iriver, creative, archos and million other players than can do this without using shitty software, you just drag and drop onto the player rather than converting to a retarded format etc.
I don't think everyone needs to use an iPod or iTunes or Mac computers... but I love the hell out of all three. If we all needed identical features for identical goods, there'd be no variety in anything. I like Coke and hate Pepsi, and yet there's a market for both (not to mention dozens of other colas). If something else fits you better, power to you. My buddy loves his Zune. I love my iPod. Peace on earth, goodwill towards sentient beings.
AND, I've found my ol' 30GB iPod's battery just isn't ready for AIFFs or WAVs. Sure it'll play em, but I think when the disc is spinning that much to read/play the material, just drains the battery too fast. But I used to put my boots on the iPod in AIFF form -- now they're all 320 MP3s.
13,000! Holy moly -- I'm at about the 3,200 mark right now with the core of my fav music. On shuffle I almost never mind whatever is playing (once I weeded out all the daughter's Miley and Ashley crap. One or two Avril's won't kill me!)
I've done Rhapsody, I've done some other song site that I don't even remember, I'm on a Mac, I love iTunes! It works for me! I love making mix audio cds for friends, I love making MP3 discs for my car. I like iTune's store just browsing aimlessly (though I use Pandora too). And when I plug the Shure's straight into the MacBook and play those AIFF boots, ahhhhh, I know it'll be heaven!
Cause I use Sennheiser IR cans now :-D