im always worried about stuff...cant sleep.

12345AGNST112345AGNST1 Posts: 4,906
edited April 2009 in All Encompassing Trip
Lately I have been going through alot of stress because of my parents going through a divorce and although at times I feel great, every once in awhile i hit a low and just feel like shit.

Im gonna start out by saying I have a heart problem which has been with me since I was born. Ever since I smoked some pot the night a friend of mine died, I have been overly conscious of my heart. ( i had a panic attack while I was high because I smoked the night he died)

Its getting fucking ridiculous. Every little thing worries me, especially when I am alone at home. I keep thinking I have diseases, I think just because I feel wierd, or my heart is palpitating that Im gonna die or something, its retarded. But yet when I am doing something with my freinds, or just in the process of something like writing this message, the "symptoms" or whatever go away.

Like just tonight, I was trying to fall asleep and I was nervous. I close my eyes and was getting a dizzy/body warmth. I thought this was another disease or something. Also Ive had a bloody nose since yesterday that isnt going away and I think thats something else. And anytime I look up something online about a possible problem, I just end up reading about it and getting more nervous about another damn thing I could have. My sister also had this problem and used to freak out about it.

months back, I had an emergency check up with my heart doctor after the night i had a panic attack from smoking. He said everything was fine, but now its been about 4 months and I have another check up coming and Im nervous about this one.

Whats dumber is that I just got a new high paying job, I just got a new car that is fuckin awesome, and im excited about the new albums coming out. Yet this pointless shit is just bringing me down completely.
5/28/06, 6/27/08, 10/28/09, 5/18/10, 5/21/10
8/7/08, 6/9/09
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • jammergirljammergirl Posts: 599
    i hear you man, about not being able to turn your mind off. my parents decided to separate after i moved out of the house a couple years ago, but its still stressful helping both of them figure out their new lives.
    but dude, you've had a bloody nose since yesterday?? have you talked to a doctor or anything? has this happened to you before, is it just a stress thing? pm me if you need to talk or whatnot and just remember to BREATHE.....
  • DinghyDogDinghyDog Posts: 587
    edited November 2012
    Post edited by DinghyDog on
    I'm with you on this, I don't think I've had a restful nights sleep in about 8 months....if not longer. Some things you just can't get your mind off of.
    "I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
  • Is the fact that your friend died making you realize that you too are mortal? My dad died recently and I went through things very similar to what you describe... For the love of god, don't look up symptoms online!! will only drive you nuts... Haha, that, and I don't know how reliable they are; I had to laugh when the symptoms said I might have uterus cancer... I think that you are doing the smart thing about your heart. Go see the doctor and let him tell you are fine, or treat you... I'm no doctor, but stressing about your condition is only going to make it worse, not better...Try to distract yourself (and not with pot)...Try to do things that make you happy... I think all this worry is really a sign of depression... I hope you can pull yourself out of it, but if not, you might speak to your doctor about that too...

    I'm sorry your parents are getting divorced... Mine got divorced when I was old enough and mature enough to handle it, but it was still very difficult.. Please don't hesitate to PM if you need an ear.
  • 12345AGNST112345AGNST1 Posts: 4,906
    edited April 2009
    Is the fact that your friend died making you realize that you too are mortal? My dad died recently and I went through things very similar to what you describe... For the love of god, don't look up symptoms online!! will only drive you nuts... Haha, that, and I don't know how reliable they are; I had to laugh when the symptoms said I might have uterus cancer... I think that you are doing the smart thing about your heart. Go see the doctor and let him tell you are fine, or treat you... I'm no doctor, but stressing about your condition is only going to make it worse, not better...Try to distract yourself (and not with pot)...Try to do things that make you happy... I think all this worry is really a sign of depression... I hope you can pull yourself out of it, but if not, you might speak to your doctor about that too...

    I'm sorry your parents are getting divorced... Mine got divorced when I was old enough and mature enough to handle it, but it was still very difficult.. Please don't hesitate to PM if you need an ear.

    Thanks, I just spoke to a doctor today about something that happened a week ago and just happened again today. I dont want to get into it, but he said I should be fine and what I was describing to him was nothing bad.

    Oh and you are 100% COMPLETELY RIGHT about looking up stuff online. I did that yesterday and did it today. It was driving me nuts, I was freaking out thinking I had cancer and shit. I highly recommend that NO ONE EVER looks up diseases online, it depresses the shit out of you and turns you into a paranoid freak.

    Im feeling better now. Every once in awhile I get paranoid about some damn disease I may have. My doctor told me Im just getting older and becoming more aware of my body since im maturing. (im 20) He just told me not to worry because it just makes things worse.

    edit: oh and I stopped smoking pot. the last time I smoked was exactly one week after he died, which was about 5 months ago. I figured I was just paranoid about that night and thought I could handle it again. I ended up getting a little paranoid and felt uncomfortable, but no panic attack. If thats how Im going to feel on weed, then im fucking done. My doctor also said not to drink alcohol because thats not good for my heart either, that will probably be a little hard for me. But I can control myself, I dont fuck around with driving drunk or anything like that like I used to.
    Post edited by 12345AGNST1 on
    5/28/06, 6/27/08, 10/28/09, 5/18/10, 5/21/10
    8/7/08, 6/9/09
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993
    Stress can definitely make you sick. You should see a doctor if this keeps up. I'm going through a divorce right now, and it's beginning to get ugly. :cry: :evil: :roll:

    Good Luck

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
  • vedderfan10vedderfan10 Posts: 2,497
    Trazodone, Celexa, yoga, and cognitive behavioural therapy can be your friends at times of stress...

    Meds are temporary, but the yoga and CBT are longer term...and medidating with a relaxation tape before you go to sleep is VERY helpful...I've got a diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder and had done and still do those methods. Ive been on the meds for about four years now...and while I still worry about stuff, it's nothing compared to before.

    Working out at the gym, walking, running, bikeriding...that all REALLY helps to reduce stress. It's an outlet.

    I also sometimes take Ativan, but not too can be addictive...

    Hope you start to feel better soon...
    be philanthropic
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,305
    I'd def. talk to a doc about this.

    I'm a terrible sleeper and when I have shit on my mind...forget about it.

    Pretty much at any given point during the day I literally have 10 things going through my mind at once, and when I try to sleep it can be even more because there is no "outside" stimulus distracting me from my thoughts.
    It's tough.

    I'm in a much better situation now. I have a great job that I love that pays really well, and I try my hardest to avoid any and all kinds of stress/stressful situations.
    I also exercise a lot too...

    So my nights of laying there THINKING about shit are pretty limited anymore.
    If you can figure out a way to "step back" from it all, I'd def. talk to someone about it.
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