Belltown (Seattle)

Just wanted to throw this out there for people who visit Seattle and don't know the area well. Stay out of Belltown late at night and be careful. I work in Belltown and it can be scary. My good friend was attacked on Friday night near some popular bars/clubs. (Sadly the Crocodile is in Belltown too and I love that rock club) Just be careful. I'm heading out there tomorrow night and I'll be parking as close as possible to the club and going to be very careful leaving. I normally bus everywhere but now I don't think that's such a good idea. By the way my friend did nothing to cause this attack. I was on the phone with him just before it happened. He did not just jump out into the street, he thinks he may have said something when he was almost run over, but by no means did he instigate an attack. He's a smart guy and doesn't start fights. I feel really bad this happened to him. ... nny08.html ... nny08.html
"I'll ride the wave where it takes me.."
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If all the good people leave and never go to Belltown, then who do you think will be left? I would rather see good people go to and hang around these parts to drive away the hooligans.
What happened to your friend is sad. It's a good thing somebody stepped in to stop him from getting stomped to death.
I have some of the same problems with Seattle as your friend and I've lived here 29 of my 34 years. I'm amazed that police will ticket people for jaywalking, but they do nothing about the drug deals done right out in the open.
My husband was assaulted by a transient outside of our old apartment building on First Hill last year and the police almost arrested my husband for defending himself. :shock: :evil:
Your friend is going to Detroit to get a break from Seattle, I'm going to NYC.
Yeah, we saw some seedy stuff, but it was the same sort of thing you'd see on 3rd and Union....and hell, in parts of West Seattle. ( love the West Seattle blog!) We never had or saw any major incidents....but always heard about how bad it had gotten. We went out at night, bars, restaurants, etc. Yeah, it was definity a city element to it, with plenty of nutso', don't do anything that would piss anyone off.
"Stuff" can happen to anyone, at anytime, in any city. Everyone should be careful and take care of eachother.
Near Admiral and California.
I can't emphasize the "take care of each other" part enough - I think a lot of folks have come to look away from things that are just wrong, figuring that it's not their problem. Many, many kudos to the passersby that stepped in.
I think that crime has gone up all over the country, not just Seattle, due to the current economy. And I agree that in any city you have to be safe, aware of your surroundings, and avoid confrontation as much as possible.
west seattle rocks! i live near WSHS!!
as for the would be fine except for the censorship of comments in the forum.