Recognizing Hamas

Hamas is still labeled a terrorist orginization. it was voted into power by a majority of Palestinians. however you look at it, the why behind labeling Hamas a terrorist group is interesting.
According to Israel and the US, if Hamas followed the following 3 conditions, they would be officially recognized as a legitimate authority.
1) stop using violence. (this condition is placed on Hamas without being adhered to by Israel OR the US. Israel invades Gaza, the US invades Iraq, to name 2 cases)
2) accept the road to peace, an agreement that was signed by the US and Israel. (what they fail to mention is that Israel has dismissed all clauses in the agreement. They signed the agreement, but dismissed the content entirely. So they are asking Palestine to accept the agreement while failing to do so themselves)
3) recognize Israel's right to exist. (this while Israel has failed to recognize Palestine's right to exist)
So if Hamas accepts the previous 3 conditions, (conditions that Israel does not have to follow) they could be accepted as a legitimate government.
This is insane. Israel is trying to force Hamas to follow procedures that they themselves won't even follow. its lie. They are placing impossible conditions on the Palestinian governement, in order to keep labeling them a "terrorist group", in order to justify their mass murder in Gaza. And so the apartheid continues, with full US support.
(source-Noam Chomsky interview with Amy Goodman)
According to Israel and the US, if Hamas followed the following 3 conditions, they would be officially recognized as a legitimate authority.
1) stop using violence. (this condition is placed on Hamas without being adhered to by Israel OR the US. Israel invades Gaza, the US invades Iraq, to name 2 cases)
2) accept the road to peace, an agreement that was signed by the US and Israel. (what they fail to mention is that Israel has dismissed all clauses in the agreement. They signed the agreement, but dismissed the content entirely. So they are asking Palestine to accept the agreement while failing to do so themselves)
3) recognize Israel's right to exist. (this while Israel has failed to recognize Palestine's right to exist)
So if Hamas accepts the previous 3 conditions, (conditions that Israel does not have to follow) they could be accepted as a legitimate government.
This is insane. Israel is trying to force Hamas to follow procedures that they themselves won't even follow. its lie. They are placing impossible conditions on the Palestinian governement, in order to keep labeling them a "terrorist group", in order to justify their mass murder in Gaza. And so the apartheid continues, with full US support.
(source-Noam Chomsky interview with Amy Goodman)
Post edited by Unknown User on
Which is precisely why they give it so much weight.
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No issue better illustrates Orwell's point than coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the United States. Consider, for example, the editorial in The Times on Feb. 9 demanding that the Palestinians "recognize Israel" and its "right to exist." This is a common enough sentiment — even a cliche. Yet many observers (most recently the international lawyer John Whitbeck) have pointed out that this proposition, assiduously propagated by Israel's advocates and uncritically reiterated by American politicians and journalists, is — at best — utterly nonsensical.
First, the formal diplomatic language of "recognition" is traditionally used by one state with respect to another state. It is literally meaningless for a non-state to "recognize" a state. Moreover, in diplomacy, such recognition is supposed to be mutual. In order to earn its own recognition, Israel would have to simultaneously recognize the state of Palestine. This it steadfastly refuses to do (and for some reason, there are no high-minded newspaper editorials demanding that it do so).
Second, which Israel, precisely, are the Palestinians being asked to "recognize?" Israel has stubbornly refused to declare its own borders. So, territorially speaking, "Israel" is an open-ended concept. Are the Palestinians to recognize the Israel that ends at the lines proposed by the 1947 U.N. Partition Plan? Or the one that extends to the 1949 Armistice Line (the de facto border that resulted from the 1948 war)? Or does Israel include the West Bank and East Jerusalem, which it has occupied in violation of international law for 40 years — and which maps in its school textbooks show as part of "Israel"?
For that matter, why should the Palestinians recognize an Israel that refuses to accept international law, submit to U.N. resolutions or readmit the Palestinians wrongfully expelled from their homes in 1948 and barred from returning ever since?
If none of these questions are easy to answer, why are such demands being made of the Palestinians? And why is nothing demanded of Israel in turn?
Orwell was right. It is much easier to recycle meaningless phrases than to ask — let alone to answer — difficult questions. But recycling these empty phrases serves a purpose. Endlessly repeating the mantra that the Palestinians don't recognize Israel helps paint Israel as an innocent victim, politely asking to be recognized but being rebuffed by its cruel enemies.
Actually, it asks even more. Israel wants the Palestinians, half of whom were driven from their homeland so that a Jewish state could be created in 1948, to recognize not merely that it exists (which is undeniable) but that it is "right" that it exists — that it was right for them to have been dispossessed of their homes, their property and their livelihoods so that a Jewish state could be created on their land. The Palestinians are not the world's first dispossessed people, but they are the first to be asked to legitimize what happened to them.
A just peace will require Israelis and Palestinians to reconcile and recognize each other's rights. It will not require that Palestinians give their moral seal of approval to the catastrophe that befell them. Meaningless at best, cynical and manipulative at worst, such a demand may suit Israel's purposes, but it does not serve The Times or its readers.
And yet The Times consistently adopts Israel's language and, hence, its point of view. For example, a recent article on Israel's Palestinian minority referred to that minority not as "Palestinian" but as generically "Arab," Israel's official term for a population whose full political and human rights it refuses to recognize. To fail to acknowledge the living Palestinian presence inside Israel (and its enduring continuity with the rest of the Palestinian people) is to elide the history at the heart of the conflict — and to deny the legitimacy of Palestinian claims and rights.
This is exactly what Israel wants. Indeed, its demand that its "right to exist" be recognized reflects its own anxiety, not about its existence but about its failure to successfully eliminate the Palestinians' presence inside their homeland — a failure for which verbal recognition would serve merely a palliative and therapeutic function.
In uncritically adopting Israel's own fraught terminology — a form of verbal erasure designed to extend the physical destruction of Palestine — The Times is taking sides.
If the paper wants its readers to understand the nature of this conflict, however, it should not go on acting as though only one side has a story to tell.