Overcoming writers block

Thoughts_ArriveThoughts_Arrive Posts: 15,165
edited May 2009 in Musicians and Gearheads
How do you get ideas, become inspired.
I am trying to pen some songs but sometimes I fucking can't get it down on paper.
I am a creative person but got no ideas at the moment.
I've penned some material but I am very self critical as I think they suck very bad.
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
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  • DeLukinDeLukin Posts: 2,757
    The worst thing you can do is try to force it. It will come when it comes. Maybe start by just having a place to jot down thoughts, lines, concepts and don't pressure yourself to create. Sometimes my best ideas come when I'm driving somewhere and only partially thinking about something. Creativity, I think, needs fertile ground and stress and pressure dries the mind like an empty riverbed. So relax and be confident enough in your ability to know that inspiration will come - possibly when you least expect it!
    I smile, but who am I kidding...
  • Thoughts_ArriveThoughts_Arrive Posts: 15,165
    I get ideas when in bed, whilst trying to fall asleep.
    Good point though, don't force it, stress suppresses ideas, thanks.
    Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
  • DewieCoxDewieCox Posts: 11,425
    If you get ideas when you are lying in bed, hop up while they are fresh and at least make some notes or try to get a good handle on it, if you talking something on an instrument.
  • First off it feels great to be back with my real screen name!

    There is no fix in my mind. it just happens when it happens. Sometimes it takes weeks, other times month. it's just the way it is.

    I do tend to listen to other music that is completely different to what I play. I.E. I listen to a lot of Rap and experimental type stuff.

    Good luck!
    E. Lansing-98 Columbus-00,03,10 Detroit-00,03 (1&2),06, 14 Cleveland-03,06,10 Toledo-04, Grand Rapids-04,06 London-05, Toronto-05, Indianapolis 10, East Troy (1&2) 11, Chicago 13, Detroit 14

  • PolPol Posts: 60
    These guys have pretty much said it. It takes how long it takes. I can't write for shit, too self critical, I end up looking at them and going "Not as good as PJ so why bother" so I envy the fact that you can & have written.

    However, I thought I would take inspiration from the legendary Mr. Cornell and suggest maybe writing a song about writers' block as he does in "Drawing Flies". Give it a listen, might help kickstart something :D
    In Pearl Jam we trust!
  • Thoughts_ArriveThoughts_Arrive Posts: 15,165
    Thanks dude.
    I've owned BMF for ages and somehow missed this song, cool song btw and clever lyrics.
    Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
  • PolPol Posts: 60
    No probs. It took me a while to "find" it aswell because I never really liked the intro and just skipped over it. But now I love it! :D The lyrics are what made it for me, very intelligent and rather ironic.

    Happy trails!
    In Pearl Jam we trust!
  • fumasanfumasan Posts: 11
    best pieces of advice I received from drawing/sculpture professors:
    1. MAKE. - alittle or a lot, every day. seven minutes a day will do wonders for your abs and your work. but more than seven minutes is quicker.
    2. Just believe. - if you believe in what you do, you'll see/hear so much more than otherwise.
    3. When you can't think of what to draw, draw. - don't be afraid to play in order to loosen yourself.
    a couple of mine:
    4. perfection is the devil's workshop. - what does "perfect" mean anyway? is it possible to evolve from perfect? One element of Vedder's work I really enjoy is that he keeps some element purposely "imperfect." this does a couple things: it keeps the song/performance his, and more importantly, it gives him a starting point for the next song. if you all you do is swing for the fences every time, how will you ever improve/evolve?
    5. even Hall of Famers fail seventy percent of the time.
    6. The secret of life is to live without fear (actually I stole that from Adbusters)

    and get yourself a working/writing environment that will constantly feed you. a safe place with little distractions where you can be free to work.

    seems to be good advice in any creative venture.
    hell, I should print these out.
    good luck.
    1998 - STL; 2000 - CIN, CLB, STL; 2003 - LEX, STL, CHM; 2004 - STL; 2006 - CHI #2; 2009 - CHI #1; 2010 - STL; 2013 - CHI; 2016 - CHI #2; 2018 - CHI (1,2)
  • TriumphantAngelTriumphantAngel Posts: 1,760
    I usually carry around a tiny little note pad to just jot down random thoughts as they come to me. You might not think it at the time, but that can develop into something really special because it's real ya know?

    Some of my best work has come from thoughts and feelings during really shitty times. You've just got to stick with it. Some really good advice by people already.

    Good luck though!
  • Thoughts_ArriveThoughts_Arrive Posts: 15,165
    I get, which I think, are brilliant lyrics but then I cannot write more.
    I just write them down.
    I have page after page of lyrics enough for a verse, not a song.
    Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
  • CV13357CV13357 Posts: 2
    Don't think, write! Just pick up your ball point and start writing, even if its just nothing. Eventually something will come out of it, you will roll write past it...
  • megatronmegatron Posts: 3,420
    any thought that makes some sense or makes me think i try and write down..

    haven't done that for months though :oops:

    you just re-inspired me 8-)
  • DangDangDangDang Posts: 1,551
    I always found that weed, tea, and/or percocet forged through many a block.

    By tea, I mean a square old Lipton tea bag, hung inside some boiled water. TTWWOO TEAspoons (what else) of sugar, and HEAVY STEEPAGE. That is, bag stays in for the WHOLE drink.
  • prytocorduroyprytocorduroy Posts: 4,355
    DangDang wrote:
    I always found that weed...
    Say no more.

    This is the solution for me every time.
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