How Could anybody not love this guy?

acoustic guyacoustic guy Posts: 3,770
edited April 2009 in A Moving Train
I disagree with him on a few things, just like I do with Eddie V. But for the most part I love this freaking guy.
He's got balls big enough to fit in a dump truck.
Great interview...
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • milarsomilarso Posts: 1,280
    I don't really love him. But we all have a right to disagree.
    Interesting interview though.
    Anyone else find it funny that a guy that works for Rupert Murdoch says that is job is to "watch the powerful"?
    While I think overall, he's kind of a douche, I would have to agree with his choice in movies and actors. Unforgiven was pretty amazing.
    "The dude abides. I don't know about you, but I take comfort in that. It's good knowin' he's out there. The Dude. Takin' her easy for all us sinners."
  • I dont know I 've been trying to figure that one out for quite some time now , I mean hell the guy is truely looking out for people. I know he can seem a little harsh at times ,but so what Id rather have a hard ass ask tough questions and not let people get off topic when the questions are being asked (hence the NO SPIN ZONE) and what about all the money he gives to charities like Habitat for Humanity and leading the charge in trying to get Jessicas law passed in all 50 states or some form of it. I bet you wont seethat on MEDIA MATTERS OR MOVE ON.ORG. Bill O'rielly is a mans man :D
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    I disagree with him on a few things, just like I do with Eddie V. But for the most part I love this freaking guy.
    He's got balls big enough to fit in a dump truck.
    Great interview...

    I didn't watch the inteview and have no opinion of Bill O'Reilly, but I'm pretty sure that even really tiny balls would fit in a dump truck.
    I liked reading this interview, but I can't stand watching O'Reilly. It must be something about actually seeing him talk (mostly talk over people), that nauseates me about him. Then again, this interview was all about him so he was probably just content to sit there and answer questions about himself. There was no opportunity in that interview to act like a jackass.
    Well, maybe he could have been a bigger dick when he was talking about Sean Penn or some of the other people he was talking about.

    Somewhere in that guy is probably a decent person-- after all, on TV he IS playing a character.
  • youngsteryoungster Boston Posts: 6,576
    He who forgets will be destined to remember.

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  • blackredyellowblackredyellow Posts: 5,889
    I liked reading this interview, but I can't stand watching O'Reilly. It must be something about actually seeing him talk (mostly talk over people), that nauseates me about him. Then again, this interview was all about him so he was probably just content to sit there and answer questions about himself. There was no opportunity in that interview to act like a jackass.

    Yeah.. for me it's not so much his point of view or opinion, it's how he acts like a pompous jackass. He reminds me of the local sports talk radio type of guy, who cuts people off, shouts over them and just acts condescending because he can. I might agree with him at times, but I'm not wasting my time watching/listening.

    Same sort of thing with Olbermann... I do agree with him more times than not, but I can't stand the show... Between his arrogant approach and the echo-chamber mentality, it gets old very quick.
    My whole life
    was like a picture
    of a sunny day
    “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
    ― Abraham Lincoln
  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    edited March 2009
    Well, maybe he could have been a bigger dick when he was talking about Sean Penn or some of the other people he was talking about.

    Somewhere in that guy is probably a decent person-- after all, on TV he IS playing a character.

    Hey V.G. Im just curious... what's your opinion on Mr. Penn hanging out with Hugo Chavez ? I personally think he is a really good actor but for the life of me can't figure out why in the hell he would want to be in the same room with the guy.Hugo Chavez hates America and oppresses his own people.
    Post edited by WaveCameCrashin on
  • bigeye21bigeye21 Posts: 981
    I like watching the "The Factor" cause it's freaking hilarious how seriously Bill-O takes himself but I'd always feel dirty afterward cause he is such a pompous windbag who actually believes the garbage spewed from his mouth. That's why I was so thankful for the "Colbert Report" cause it's got the same entertainment value but more guilt-free cause you know it's an act and Colbert doesn't really believe his bullshit.
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    prfctlefts wrote:
    Hey V.G. Im just curious... what's your opinion on Mr. Penn hanging out with Hugo Chavez ? I personally think he is a really good actor but for the life of me can't figure out why in the hell he would want to be in the same room with the guy.Hugo Chavez hates America and suppresses his own people.

    I have no real opinion on Penn hanging out with Chavez. I think any single one of us could probably have a grand old time hanging out with Chavez, as much as Obama, as much as Bush, as much as Kim Jong Il, etc... None of these people probably seem like bad guys when you're one on one with them-- in most cases, if they weren't "installed" into government, they were elected, so they obviously have some sort of magnetism about them. Just like Sadam or anyone else, these guys have as many friends as they do foes in the people that they govern.

    Now, put any of them behind 24" thick concrete walls and tons of security while they blow up some other country, or their own people, and it's a different story.

    To me, it seems like almost all of these people with any REAL power hate at least one concept of "America." Our own elected leaders seem to hate the America where WE THE PEOPLE have any power to determine ourselves whatsoever. This is evidenced by the constant stream of bullshit federal laws and bureacracy that they create year after year in Congress, or by pawning off their own duties to the Executive Branch, or The Banking Branch -- I still can't find where that one is actually spelled out in The Constitution ;) .

    Foreign leaders hate our elected officials first and foremost. Military dictators in other countries know the drill better than anyone else-- who is really responsible for "American" forces occupying other countries? It is our elected officials, and all of their no-bid government contractor friends. To them, that is "America," and why wouldn't they hate a military superpower being on their soil? How pissed would we be if the Chinese military stormed our shores tomorrow? Any warnings or threats the U.S. makes to other countries have a lot more credence than when they send them our way, because we have the long range firing capabilities to make good on them-- that, or we most likely have bases surrounding the threatened nation, with over 130 of them worldwide. No country or extremist group hates us, the people, because we're free... First of all, we're NOT. Just one week ago, someone like me who supports Ron Paul, and rails against The Fed was considered a potential violent militant threat in the state of Missouri for my beliefs, and for expressing them on my car as a bumper sticker. Fortunately, enough of us got angry enough to call, write, and petition to call BULLSHIT on this, and it has since been dealt with. Little by little though, we too are being suppressed here. Chavez is a bit more outright about how he does it to his people. Our propaganda campaign in this country is like our Olympic Basketball program-- bigger and better than everybody else's. It gets the gold medal, actually. Are we more free than say, Darfur? Russia? Of course, but freedom isn't meant to be measured relatively.

    Bin Laden actually outright blamed the American people after blaming our leaders for his attacking us on 9/11, and has even stated his reason for doing so. That reason was basically that we keep putting these same IDIOTS in office who keep pushing our influence around the world at the cost of the lives of people in those other countries... many of whom, are Muslims. He's right in the fact that WE DO keep electing people who, through a tyranny of incompetence, make the world a far worse place. Was he justified in killing 3,000 people to make his point? Of course not.

    Hey, maybe Penn talking to Chavez is a good thing-- maybe he's telling him, "Huey baby-- I know what you think you see on Fox News, and MSNBC is a bunch of American people hating on your country. Well, that's only partially true... The reality is, is that most of the country doesn't even know who you are. More people know who I am than you, BY FAR. You want to know what's really fucked up? More people know who Rihanna is than me! And that's only because she has been punched in the face in the last month! Of the 25 percent of the people who know who you are, only half of them hate you. and only half of them even know what country you rule over. And it's because those same networks are telling these people that you want to kill them and 'take their freedom,' even though our own government already does a great job of that by taxing us to death, criminalizing NATURE (hemp and pot), lifting posse commitatus, and passing laws like The Patriot Act. Cut them some slack, man. You see Huey, our news programs have super cool graphics going on in the background, and the guy who shouts the loudest always wins the argument. During commercials, we sell these same people 10 different types of narcotics whose side effects are what the drug is supposed to cure. They do a great job of keeping us doped up, brainwashed, and / or immobile. Oh yeah, and throw some diarrhea in there, too. If you and the rest of us could turn off the TV for one week, we'd probably all be OK. You see man, this past election we knew we wanted CHANGE. I'm still in denial myself that we are actually going to get it with this Barry guy. We've got the right idea-- we're getting there. We know what we want, sort of... Kind of? Ummm... Just try and weather the storm with us the next four years and maybe we'll all still be here. Now pass that shit to the left."
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Well, maybe he could have been a bigger dick when he was talking about Sean Penn or some of the other people he was talking about.

    Somewhere in that guy is probably a decent person-- after all, on TV he IS playing a character.

    Hey V.G. Im just curious... what's your opinion on Mr. Penn hanging out with Hugo Chavez ? I personally think he is a really good actor but for the life of me can't figure out why in the hell he would want to be in the same room with the guy.Hugo Chavez hates America and suppresses his own people.

    Oppressing one's own people is not cool, but who cares what he thinks of America? He (and all of Latin America) has pretty good reason to be pissed off at America. In any event, as far as oppression goes, you can do far worse than Chavez.
  • acoustic guyacoustic guy Posts: 3,770
    I love this clip. Soo funny! Reminds me of myself at work lol
    Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
    Sweep the Leg Johnny.
  • prfctlefts wrote:
    Well, maybe he could have been a bigger dick when he was talking about Sean Penn or some of the other people he was talking about.

    Somewhere in that guy is probably a decent person-- after all, on TV he IS playing a character.

    No.. Im pretty sure that what you see on camera is what you would get when he's off camera .But I could be wrong

    Hey V.G. Im just curious... what's your opinion on Mr. Penn hanging out with Hugo Chavez ? I personally think he is a really good actor but for the life of me can't figure out why in the hell he would want to be in the same room with the guy.Hugo Chavez hates America and suppresses his own people.

    Oppressing one's own people is not cool, but who cares what he thinks of America? He (and all of Latin America) has pretty good reason to be pissed off at America. In any event, as far as oppression goes, you can do far worse than Chavez.

    I dont know man... IMO he's definitely in the top 5. how was your vacation?
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Oppressing one's own people is not cool, but who cares what he thinks of America? He (and all of Latin America) has pretty good reason to be pissed off at America. In any event, as far as oppression goes, you can do far worse than Chavez.

    I dont know man... IMO he's definitely in the top 5. how was your vacation?

    I'd not put him anywhere near the top 5. He's cracking down and free speech and constantly trying to make himself leader for life, but he has a long way to go to catch up to folks like Kom Jong-Il, the leaders of Iran, or Mugabe.

    Vacation was good. It was very interesting spending 2 weeks in an Islamic country and seeing how they view America and its citizens.
  • I love this clip. Soo funny! Reminds me of myself at work lol

    :lol::lol: that clip never gets old no natter how many times I watch it it. When ever I feel like Im having a bad day at work I usually watch it just to make me feel better :D
  • HermanBloomHermanBloom Posts: 1,764
    Love him
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