Undemocratic Federal justice department

About a year a go a federal grand jury indicted the Governor of Puerto Rico Anibal Acevedo Vila (D) on 24 counts raging from conspiracy to tax evation all this at the beggining of a election year. To many it was clear that there was a persecution going on since the case never had overwhelming evidence of a conspiracy and the investigation was started by a political adversary. The result was a landslide defeat against the very same candidate that nominated the current DA. What a coincidence? eh.
This is borderline tyranical. I just wanted to let everyone know the kind of shannanigans the justice department and the FBI were up to during the Bush years in regards to their COLONY Puerto Rico.Thank God the jury and the judge were able to see thru all this.
To me its very frustrating that the american people dont know about what happens here. The very undemocratic nature of our political situation is alarming. This comming from the so called" greatest democracy on earth". You have 4 million US citizents living under the rule of congress and the federal authorities with no representation or soverienghty to do as we please.
Puerto Rico Ex-Governor Is Acquitted of Graft
MIAMI — A jury in San Juan, P.R., on Friday found a former governor of the commonwealth not guilty on all nine counts of corruption in a case that may have contributed to his defeat in the November election.
The former governor, Aníbal Acevedo Vilá, along with 12 associates, had been charged with participating in an elaborate scheme to pay off more than $500,000 in campaign debts going back to 2000. The criminal indictment made public last March also accused Mr. Acevedo of using campaign money to pay for several family vacations and for $57,000 worth of “high end” clothing.
The trial lasted a month, and though prosecutors called about 30 witnesses and the defense called none, the jury made its decision quickly and unanimously.
Mr. Acevedo looked down as each count was read, then looked up with tears in his eyes as the repeated calls of “not guilty” were heard.
A crowd of several hundred supporters stayed quiet until after the court was adjourned. Then they broke out into cheers and thanked God for what they described as justice.
Mr. Acevedo, speaking to reporters afterward, said he felt vindicated.
“I hope that the people of Puerto Rico learned their lesson from this experience,” he said, surrounded by relatives and supporters, “that the truth should be defended no matter what and no matter how powerful the enemies are.”
The former governor, a Democrat and a member of the pro-commonwealth Popular Democratic Party, declined to say whether he would re-enter politics. In November, he lost to Luis Fortuño, a Republican and a member of the pro-statehood New Progressive Party, who was elected governor in a landslide after political commentators had called for Mr. Acevedo to resign.
The team of prosecutors said they disagreed with the verdict but would respect it.
This is borderline tyranical. I just wanted to let everyone know the kind of shannanigans the justice department and the FBI were up to during the Bush years in regards to their COLONY Puerto Rico.Thank God the jury and the judge were able to see thru all this.
To me its very frustrating that the american people dont know about what happens here. The very undemocratic nature of our political situation is alarming. This comming from the so called" greatest democracy on earth". You have 4 million US citizents living under the rule of congress and the federal authorities with no representation or soverienghty to do as we please.
Puerto Rico Ex-Governor Is Acquitted of Graft
MIAMI — A jury in San Juan, P.R., on Friday found a former governor of the commonwealth not guilty on all nine counts of corruption in a case that may have contributed to his defeat in the November election.
The former governor, Aníbal Acevedo Vilá, along with 12 associates, had been charged with participating in an elaborate scheme to pay off more than $500,000 in campaign debts going back to 2000. The criminal indictment made public last March also accused Mr. Acevedo of using campaign money to pay for several family vacations and for $57,000 worth of “high end” clothing.
The trial lasted a month, and though prosecutors called about 30 witnesses and the defense called none, the jury made its decision quickly and unanimously.
Mr. Acevedo looked down as each count was read, then looked up with tears in his eyes as the repeated calls of “not guilty” were heard.
A crowd of several hundred supporters stayed quiet until after the court was adjourned. Then they broke out into cheers and thanked God for what they described as justice.
Mr. Acevedo, speaking to reporters afterward, said he felt vindicated.
“I hope that the people of Puerto Rico learned their lesson from this experience,” he said, surrounded by relatives and supporters, “that the truth should be defended no matter what and no matter how powerful the enemies are.”
The former governor, a Democrat and a member of the pro-commonwealth Popular Democratic Party, declined to say whether he would re-enter politics. In November, he lost to Luis Fortuño, a Republican and a member of the pro-statehood New Progressive Party, who was elected governor in a landslide after political commentators had called for Mr. Acevedo to resign.
The team of prosecutors said they disagreed with the verdict but would respect it.