HBO documentary about the people who attended McCain rallies

Before YouTube deletes it, check out this HBO documentary by Alexandra Pelosi (yes, the daughter of Nancy Pelosi). It's blatant liberal propaganda, and it's fascinating.
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -
Honestly, some of these folks are so stunningly ignorant, I'm questioning whether they're real people or actors.
Having worked for a hardcore liberal party - the Green Party - I know that there are at least as half as many fanatics in that group. But at least they have the right values, in my opinion. Some of these McCain supporters are the worst kind of zealots.
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -
Honestly, some of these folks are so stunningly ignorant, I'm questioning whether they're real people or actors.
Having worked for a hardcore liberal party - the Green Party - I know that there are at least as half as many fanatics in that group. But at least they have the right values, in my opinion. Some of these McCain supporters are the worst kind of zealots.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I wonder how much of those interviews were cherry picked for the documentary. I'm sure they forgot to leave in any thing with substance. Nice peace of propaganda you got here.....I hope you don't read into it.
It makes baby jesus cry.
Granted these people are out there, but I have seen it on both sides or from every party. She could very easily grab the people who are not crazy but it doesn't make a good movie.
good thing I didn't go there
all i know is that election night....after THE LORD OBAMA was elected......they were interviewing people and asking them "what will Obama being elected do for you????"
the answers were fucking classic....
"Obama being elected means i can go to college and get a good job"
"Obama being elected means i wont have to pay a lot for gas anymore and i can buy a house"
give me a fucking break.......
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Thanks for posting was a good watch...I have to say, I think it was well done...
it was interesting to hear the views of those supporting McCain...while I don't agree with their stance, it was interesting no the helped me understand some of the hatred toward Obama...
this didnt take too long to find....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
I needed a laugh this morning. Thanks for posting that clip.
The dumbass college kids at the end of the video is sad and funny stuff.
you may be called a hater!!!!!
from someone who says "Obama had nothing to do with the bailouts"
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Like I care what I'm called.
I think Obama is still shocked that he is president.
it is going to be very interesting to see how this all plays out...
my ass.........
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
The white girl wearing the scarve is annoying along with the girl at the 9:15 mark. lol
"I won't watch that crap, but make sure you watch this crap..."
good stuff indeed...
I will however say that in this election cycle, there was much more hatred on the right than the left (after 4+ years of hatred on the left towards Bush & Co.). The idiots on the left were just morons who thought that Obama was going to somehow give them everything, not really anti-McCain, but pro-Obama (sometimes for misguided reasons). But there was a lot of vitriol and hatred aimed towards Obama from the crazy element on the right.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I know there's a difference, what do you think they are ? As far as your point about more college educated people voting for Obama goes. WHO CARES ? some one with a GED is just as capable of making an intelligent decision when it comes to voting for someone. It all comes down to common sense which obviously isn't to common on Americas campuses these days. There were also just as many idiots that came out for Hillary and Obama to.
Cherry picked? Of course, they were cherry-picked, to prove the point of the documentary. I don't think anyone is trying to imply that all McCain supporters are low-functioning, ignorant racists. But the point is that some of them are. There was and is a lot of fear-mongering going on during the campaign. The GOP knows exactly how to bring out the wing nuts...also known as their base.
Regardless of whether or not it is propaganda (which it undoubtedly is), and regardless if they did cherry pick those interviews (which they probably did), it is still absolutely terrifying to me that there are people like this out there, and that they are politically mobilized.
BOTH SIDES have gone "full retard".
It's time to "unwind" the political machine, just like we should now be "unwinding" the financial sector.
Stop with the false diachotomy, the infighting, and the petty one issue arguments.
Lets focus on the fundamentals.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
time to move on
so what's your point ? just because you make more $ then somebody else or went to college you think that they shouldn't vote,or have a voice ? All republicans are dumb asses? WTH.... I have met plenty of people who have degree''s and are dumb as a box of rocks when it comes to common sense. where are you getting these stats anyway?