Ed wants us to "protect and serve" Obama?

I say fuck that shit. This is America--the President serves me.
So this life is sacrifice...
6/30/98 Minneapolis, 10/8/00 East Troy (Brrrr!), 6/16/03 St. Paul, 6/27/06 St. Paul
6/30/98 Minneapolis, 10/8/00 East Troy (Brrrr!), 6/16/03 St. Paul, 6/27/06 St. Paul
Post edited by Unknown User on
in what context?
Eddie needs to lay off the Obama cock.
I see his lips getting red already.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
No, you pay for what you know going into it already. Politics is part of the Pearl Jam live experience. If you don't agree with it you don't have to go. But don't bitch about it when you know damn well going into it that it is going to be part of the experience.
what are you psychic ? No body knows if he's going to talk about politics or not.
I have been to shows when he didn't talk about politics ,and Im not bitchin so calm down all Im saying is I would rather hear music then listen to his rants and Im sure there are other fans out there that would agree with me besides now that bush is gone and the MASSIAH is in power what's he got to be pissed about. :?
I was once conservative and am now pretty liberal.
http://www.exploremusic.com/home/Home/V ... fault.aspx
It's an outtake at the end of the "Eddie Vedder Interview".
Unbelievable. I guess as long as Ed agrees with the President he can be subservient to him.
I don't care what your party affiliation is, putting that level of faith and trust in one person is idiotic at best and dangerous at worst.
6/30/98 Minneapolis, 10/8/00 East Troy (Brrrr!), 6/16/03 St. Paul, 6/27/06 St. Paul
I am OK with a certain level of political babbling to come from Ed during a live show but the last couple years have gotten really ridiculous. In particular that rant (you can find it on YouTube) Ed gave in England about having a dream about Bush having sex was really disgusting and classless and also not at all funny. I'm assuming he'd had too much wine but still.
6/30/98 Minneapolis, 10/8/00 East Troy (Brrrr!), 6/16/03 St. Paul, 6/27/06 St. Paul
Not because I'm a big fan of Obama... moreso because of the hours of hilarious entertainment we'll get, reading the reactions to it in this forum.
Hail, Hail!!!
Thank you for the link - I realized I'd heard it before after re-listening. I think just like anything else you have to put it perspective. I am guessing based on your post that you probably didn't vote for Obama, so we already start on 2 sides of an issue. For those of us that did, the amount of emotion on that day (the inauguration) was immense. I felt an overwhelming sense of relief to be done with Bush, and to see the country going into the hands of an educated, thoughtful, intelligent man. I got a sense from what Ed said, that maybe he had some of those feelings too. Inauguration day is the day this particular interview took place. I don't think I, you, Ed or most other people, hopefully, believe in unquestioning blind allegiance to ANYONE and maybe there was some emotion talking. Look at the perspective and see his words through that perspective.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008