New avatars for Spring

Does anyone else feel like changing their avatar for the new season? :geek:
I thought today would be a good day to change to some flowers!
I thought today would be a good day to change to some flowers!

Post edited by Unknown User on
Edit: Disregard - apparently it worked :roll:
I had to try twice too.
For some reason it has to go through that extra default icon before it takes the new pictures. :P
(I like the orange flowers you chose.)
not flowers but nice-->
another flower crown: ... _crown.JPG
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
So does that mean you'll change to some flowers too?
Maybe I'll just go pose in my garden tomorrow.
hope it's showing b/c when i go on the main page, it shows the red pj default logo. i have avatar disabled while at dunno........but they are pretty pink tulips from last year!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
i don't understand why it doesn't show on the home page when i sign in, as my old lilypad avatar did. :?: however, we can't view user profiles, i guess perhaps things are a bit wonky at the moment. who knows...
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I love these!!
I'm switching to some begonias today. These look better than the other picture when cropped into a square.
d2d, I noticed the same thing on the main page. The very first picture I put up as an avatar (some trees) is still up on the main page even though the begonias show up here. Something is odd. There is also now a column of *image file is missing comments building up from each time I've attempted to switch the avatar... :?
btw - if you are making a SPRING avatar....really should use spring flowers, no?
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
You're more of a gardener than me! I didn't realize the flowers I put up were summer flowers. :?
I'll keep these for a week and then change to another type. I cropped a few other pictures that I like. I'll keep the flowers from getting old in the vase.
Passion flower from my back yard last year.....
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
hyacinths are good spring flowers too!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Yeah, but I don't have any pictures of them. :geek:
I do have some lovely lilac pictures though!!!
I haven't changed my avatar yet or been around here much lately because I've been very busy in my garden. Starting a new job next week and I have lots to do now that I won't have all this free time anymore. It's a good problem to have!
But keep posting new flowers, everybody!
Oh well---mine is for LENT then!!!!
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
i think? some varieties of lilac bllom in spring.
my daffodils and muscari and *just* about bursting to bloom! anyday now i imagine leaving the house and seeing them in bloom. i LOVE spring!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Here in Texas my hellebores have been blooming for weeks. Some of my daffodils bloomed last month and others (jonquils really) are blooming now. My star of Bethlehem are just getting started. Snowdrops also bloomed last month and a little bulb called ipheion that has little blue star shaped flowers. I have a fence that is covered with Carolina jessamine that blooms every February and is very fragrant.
I love flowers. I think we need a gardening thread.
Here's some hyacinths for you
and a lilac
long island, new york. so you definitely have a big head start on your garden than here! may 15th is the *official* last frost date, so only then can plant annuals and such. i see a few of my daffodils have started to open, by next week i imagine them to be in full bloom.
i have a very shady backyard, so i am more about foliage color and texture, with a few bursts of color with a choice few flowering perennials, and then of course some annuals to brighten it all up. we DO have a gardening thread on the art wall:
obviously, just for sharing pictures.
definitely....a gardening talk thread would be good. have had a few in the past, but not much participation...perhaps start up a new one!
fifthelement - nice flowers!
OK - i started a gardening thread!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I still have to edit a lilac or two to the right size--so this one may also be a summer flower. :geek:
"Vinyl or not, you will need to pay someone to take RA of your hands" - Smile05
424, xxx