DriftingByTheStormDriftingByTheStorm Posts: 8,684
edited March 2009 in A Moving Train
by Joel Skousen
World Affairs Brief
As the US Treasury Department continues to brag that the US has not yet been forced to make good on its guarantees of toxic debt held by the major insider banks (Citigroup, JP Morgan, Bank of America, etc) we find they have been using a back door to funnel money to their friends–AIG the world insurance giant holding the largest share of derivative contracts that guarantee those toxic debts against default. In point of fact, those debts are defaulting in ever increasing number, and AIG is having to pay out billions. But, those billions are being replenished by additional bailout funds from the Treasury–while the rest of the nation suffers from lack of credit. Why should the American taxpayer be bailing out gambling bets based on promises to pay that were utterly fraudulent? Now we find out that AIG is also the preferred avenue of funneling money into European banks. Lastly, what do all these insider banks have in common? They constitute the private owners of the Federal Reserve. It all begins to make sense why only the largest banks are receiving these funds and why the regulators continue to squeeze the smaller banks with millions in new surcharges–forcing them into liquidation. The fix is in.

International law professor Richard Cummings, writing for Lew, says, “Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke has resisted calls from Congress that he release the names of the banks that were recipients of the bailout money the Fed gave to AIG to prevent it from collapsing. AIG insured its counterparties against losses from mortgage-backed derivatives. The Fed poured $85 billion into AIG, which paid out $37.3 billion of that money to counterparties that had purchased a certain type of derivative-based protection from AIG, called multi-sector credit default swaps.

“The counterparties have never been disclosed but the Wall Street Journal reported that they included Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, UBS and Deutsche Bank. AIG and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have unwound many of these contracts. To do this, they offered to buy the CDOs (collateralized debt obligations) that were originally insured by those agreements. The counterparties sold these assets at a discount, but were compensated in full in return for allowing AIG to extricate itself from the obligations. The counterparties also got to keep the $37.3 billion in collateral, according to the Wall Street Journal.

“While Bear Stearns was collapsing, Goldman Sachs boasted that it had insulated itself by buying insurance against the mortgage-backed derivatives. As it turns out, it was, in fact, rescued by the Fed when it bailed out AIG. In 2007, Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs’ CEO, received $70 million in compensation, including bonuses, $27 million in cash… At the time the New York Fed came to AIG’s assistance, Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner was its head. Blankfein is still drawing down millions in compensation. The rationale for his compensation is the alleged profitability of Goldman Sachs, which raked in over $9 billion in 2006. It should also be noted that the bailout stopped Goldman stock from plummeting, thereby protecting not only Blankfein’s fortune, but that of Hank Paulson, the former chairman of Goldman Sachs, who was Secretary of the Treasury under George W. Bush.

“This is perhaps the greatest financial scandal in American history but most Americans are totally ignorant of it. On top of this, the AIG bailout enabled John Thain to pay out billions in bonuses while he headed Merrill Lynch, just prior to its sale to Bank of America, a recipient of billions of bailout money, this while the unemployment rate is headed towards ten percent and the market collapse has caused losses in the trillions. Were the names of the banks made officially public, there would be cries of outrage so loud as to be deafening, making any further bailouts dubious for political reasons. And while Bernanke has said that he would not permit the big banks to fail, the looting of America by some of the richest and most powerful people, such as Blankfein and Thain, goes on, with no end in sight. Pandit the bandit now says Citigroup is profitable, enabling its stock to rise above a dollar, generating a temporary euphoria in the market. The cheers going up on CNBC can be heard all the way to Warren Buffett’s coffers. And American tax payers are not only bailing out the American banks, they are also bailing out Europe.”

Toni Reinhold of Reuters answers “Who got AIG’s bailout billions?” “The Wall Street Journal reported… that some of the banks paid by AIG since the insurer started getting taxpayer funds were: Goldman Sachs Group Inc, Deutsche Bank AG, Merrill Lynch, Societe Generale, Calyon, Barclays Plc, Rabobank, Danske, HSBC, Royal Bank of Scotland, Banco Santander, Morgan Stanley, Wachovia, Bank of America, and Lloyds Banking Group.” I think it’s the large number of foreign banks that would be particularly irritating to the public if it knew the extent of this largess.

Who Owns The Fed?
Jim Quinn unravels for us the real link between all this insider dealing. Who really owns the Federal Reserve. It’s not the US government and its not you the taxpayer. “The average American does not know much about the Federal Reserve. The government and the Federal Reserve prefer to operate in the shadows. If the American public understood what their policies have done to their lives, they would be rioting in the streets. Henry Ford had a similar opinion: ‘It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.’

“Most Americans believe that the Federal Reserve is part of the government. They are wrong. It is a privately held corporation owned by stockholders. The Federal Reserve System is owned by the largest banks in the United States. There are Class A, B, and C shareholders. The owner banks and their shares in the Federal Reserve are a secret. Why is this a secret? It is likely that the biggest banks in the country are the major shareholders. Does this explain why Citicorp, Bank of America and JP Morgan, despite being insolvent, are being propped up by Ben Bernanke and Timothy Geithner?” It does, indeed.

Tony Rheinholt continues: “The U.S. Federal Reserve has refused to publicize a list of AIG’s derivative counterparties and what they have been paid since the bailout, riling the U.S. Senate Banking Committee. Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Donald Kohn testified before that committee on Thursday that revealing names risked jeopardizing AIG’s continuing business. Kohn said there were millions of counterparties around the globe, including pension funds and U.S. households.” What this means is that AIG is only paying out on SOME of its obligations, and US Pension funds are NOT on that list. In other words, the bailout monies are only going to a select few. AIG has absorbed $180B so far, with no end in sight, no transparency, and no sign of changing this pattern.

Proof that we haven’t even turned the corner yet comes from Greg Gordon and Kevin G. Hall of McClatchy Newspapers (itself a losing enterprise like dozens of other print media): “America’s five largest banks, which already have received $145 billion in taxpayer bailout dollars, still face potentially catastrophic losses from exotic investments if economic conditions substantially worsen, their latest financial reports show. Citibank, Bank of America, HSBC Bank USA, Wells Fargo Bank and J.P. Morgan Chase reported that their ‘current’ net loss risks from derivatives —- insurance-like bets tied to a loan or other underlying asset —- surged to $587 billion as of Dec. 31. Buried in end-of-the-year regulatory reports that McClatchy has reviewed, the figures reflect a jump of 49 percent in just 90 days.”

Not counted in those write downs, of course, are the funds they are getting through the back door, which are not accounted for publicly. “While the potential loss totals include risks reported by Wachovia Bank, which Wells Fargo agreed to acquire in October, they don’t reflect another Pandora’s Box: the impact of Bank of America’s Jan. 1 acquisition of tottering investment bank Merrill Lynch, a major derivatives dealer.”
Squeezing The Small Solvent Banks

The next part of the fix is the most evil, in my opinion. The Fed and the US Treasury have given trillions of paper dollars to insider banks, and yet they are letting the FDIC run short of money so that this “insurer” of the public’s deposits ($250,000 and below) can have an excuse to jack up the insurance premiums (surcharges) to member banks. These new “temporary” fees are more than most small bank profits, and will ensure that these banks fail.

As Paul Kiel writes in ProPublica, “It’s looking increasingly like the FDIC will have to turn to Treasury to help it weather the storm… FDIC’s deposit insurance fund has plummeted in the past year as a growing number of banks have failed. The fund relies on fees from member banks, and Bair held out hope that a recent bump in those feeswould provide enough cushion. But if it doesn’t, Bair said, people shouldn’t be nervous about their FDIC-insured accounts: ‘It is important for people to understand, we’re backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government. The money will always be there. We can’t run out of money.’” Then why has the fee increased? Why penalize the banks that have been conservative, and limited their growth for safety?
Bill Butler describes the “squeeze play” going on: “FDIC Chairwoman Sheila Bair announced last week that the quasi-public insurance monopoly would become insolvent in the next few months if it is not allowed to implement a one-time, draconian surcharge on all U.S. banks. This charge will, in some cases, wipe out last year’s profits. At the same time, the FDIC has requested an additional $500 billion ‘loan’ from Congress [notice that a loan requires the member banks to pay it off. A bailout would not. They choose to ask only for the loan as a justification for the surcharge].

“Small, solvent, well-run local and regional banks have objected. They rightly claim that they are not the problem. These banks have a solid and growing deposit base and many of them service their own loans and so did not get caught in the trap of originating bad loans and dumping them on the secondary mortgage market in federally-guaranteed bundles. Whether they know it or not, these banks intuit that, like Social Security, there is no FDIC “fund.” FDIC insurance, like social security, is just another government-coerced Ponzi scheme — a tax that, according to former FDIC commissioner Bill Isaac, goes immediately to the Treasury to buy “spending . . . on missiles, school lunches, water projects, and the like.”

“Rather than increasing their taxes and punishing their relatively good behavior, these small banks suggest that the FDIC look first to Bailout Banks, the Wall Street mega-banks that have received nearly a trillion dollars in unearned, government-supplied capital via the printing press, for any increased insurance premium/tax. Ms. Bair rejected these pleas by claiming that FDIC law does not allow her to ‘discriminate’ against banks based on their size. Clever [Actually, there is a basis for discrimination since the larger one's 1) caused the problem and 2) are the recipients of taxpayer backed funds]. What is really going is that the Bailout Banks are using the government and its insurance monopoly to help them gain market share by drastically increasing the operating costs of their smaller, better-run and scrappy competitors.” We are about to see the worst banks absorb the smaller sound banks–a great injustice, and totally engineered.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on


    Nice article. I had been wondering why AIG had been receiving this bailout money, and from what I gather from this writing here, they had insured a lot of these big banks and financial institutions? The losses in Goldman, Bear Stears, etc..., wiped out AIG essentially?

    This whole thing is such a joke already. Did you see Bernanke on 60 minutes last night?
  • Nice article. I had been wondering why AIG had been receiving this bailout money, and from what I gather from this writing here, they had insured a lot of these big banks and financial institutions? The losses in Goldman, Bear Stears, etc..., wiped out AIG essentially?

    This whole thing is such a joke already. Did you see Bernanke on 60 minutes last night?

    AIG is just one of several conduits for sucking more blood out of the common folk, at this point.

    And no,
    i did not see Bumblefuck Bernanke on 60 minutes.
    Sounds like a fucking farce, just like Sheila Bair (FDIC) on CNBC "Town Hall Forum" the other night.
    Lies, propaganda, more lies, and absolute avoidance of any substantive inquiry in to the problems we face.

    Pray tell, what did you learn?
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • SolarWorldSolarWorld Posts: 1,902
    Nice article. I had been wondering why AIG had been receiving this bailout money, and from what I gather from this writing here, they had insured a lot of these big banks and financial institutions? The losses in Goldman, Bear Stears, etc..., wiped out AIG essentially?

    This whole thing is such a joke already. Did you see Bernanke on 60 minutes last night?

    Watch this.
  • puremagicpuremagic Posts: 1,907
    "Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustace Mullins of Stauton, Va. the true source of these charts and an absolute must read in understanding the corporate financial power in America.

    [If you understand the past you'll see the connection to the present, example 2009 note, James Stillman, who got George/Laura their new home in TX married a Rockfeller. Stillman's = National City Bank/Citicorp.]

    To see the actual charts use the link.

    Chart of who "owns" the Federal Reserve
    Chart 1

    Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence
    Published 1976

    Chart 1 reveals the linear connection between the Rothschilds and the Bank of England, and the London banking houses which ultimately control the Federal Reserve Banks through their stockholdings of bank stock and their subsidiary firms in New York. The two principal Rothschild representatives in New York, J. P. Morgan Co., and Kuhn,Loeb & Co. were the firms which set up the Jekyll Island Conference at which the Federal Reserve Act was drafted, who directed the subsequent successful campaign to have the plan enacted into law by Congress, and who purchased the controlling amounts of stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1914. These firms had their principal officers appointed to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Advisory Council in 1914. In 1914 a few families (blood or business related) owning controlling stock in existing banks (such as in New York City) caused those banks to purchase controlling shares in the Federal Reserve regional banks. Examination of the charts and text in the House Banking Committee Staff Report of August, 1976 and the current stockholders list of the 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks show this same family control.

    Chart 2

    Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence
    - Published 1983

    The J. Henry Schroder Banking Company chart encompasses the entire history of the twentieth century, embracing as it does the program (Belgium Relief Commission) which provisioned Germany from 1915-1918 and dissuaded Germany from seeking peace in 1916; financing Hitler in 1933 so as to make a Second World War possible; backing the Presidential campaign of Herbert Hoover ; and even at the present time, having two of its major executives of its subsidiary firm, Bechtel Corporation serving as Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State in the Reagan Administration.

    The head of the Bank of England since 1973, Sir Gordon Richardson, Governor of the Bank of England (controlled by the House of Rothschild) was chairman of J. Henry Schroder Wagg and Company of London from 1963-72, and director of J. Henry Schroder,New York and Schroder Banking Corporation,New York,as well as Lloyd's Bank of London, and Rolls Royce. He maintains a residence on Sutton Place in New York City, and as head of "The London Connection," can be said to be the single most influential banker in the world.

    Chart 3

    Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence
    - Published 1976

    The David Rockefeller chart shows the link between the Federal Reserve Bank of New York,Standard Oil of Indiana,General Motors and Allied Chemical Corportion (Eugene Meyer family) and Equitable Life (J. P. Morgan).

    Chart 4

    Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence
    - Published 1976

    This chart shows the interlocks between the Federal Reserve Bank of New York J. Henry Schroder Banking Corp., J. Henry Schroder Trust Co., Rockefeller Center, Inc., Equitable Life Assurance Society ( J.P. Morgan), and the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.

    Chart 5

    Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence
    - Published 1976

    This chart shows the link between the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Brown Brothers Harriman,Sun Life Assurance Co. (N.M. Rothschild and Sons), and the Rockefeller Foundation.


    "Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustace Mullins of Stauton, Va.

    ** Source: Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence. Staff Report,Committee on Banking,Currency and Housing, House of Representatives, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, August 1976.
    SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
    puremagic wrote:
    "Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustace Mullins of Stauton, Va. the true source of these charts and an absolute must read in understanding the corporate financial power in America.

    [If you understand the past you'll see the connection to the present, example 2009 note, James Stillman, who got George/Laura their new home in TX married a Rockfeller. Stillman's = National City Bank/Citicorp.]

    To see the actual charts use the link.

    Chart of who "owns" the Federal Reserve
    Chart 1

    Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence
    Published 1976

    Chart 1 reveals the linear connection between the Rothschilds and the Bank of England, and the London banking houses which ultimately control the Federal Reserve Banks through their stockholdings of bank stock and their subsidiary firms in New York. The two principal Rothschild representatives in New York, J. P. Morgan Co., and Kuhn,Loeb & Co. were the firms which set up the Jekyll Island Conference at which the Federal Reserve Act was drafted, who directed the subsequent successful campaign to have the plan enacted into law by Congress, and who purchased the controlling amounts of stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1914. These firms had their principal officers appointed to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Advisory Council in 1914. In 1914 a few families (blood or business related) owning controlling stock in existing banks (such as in New York City) caused those banks to purchase controlling shares in the Federal Reserve regional banks. Examination of the charts and text in the House Banking Committee Staff Report of August, 1976 and the current stockholders list of the 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks show this same family control.

    Chart 2

    Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence
    - Published 1983

    The J. Henry Schroder Banking Company chart encompasses the entire history of the twentieth century, embracing as it does the program (Belgium Relief Commission) which provisioned Germany from 1915-1918 and dissuaded Germany from seeking peace in 1916; financing Hitler in 1933 so as to make a Second World War possible; backing the Presidential campaign of Herbert Hoover ; and even at the present time, having two of its major executives of its subsidiary firm, Bechtel Corporation serving as Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State in the Reagan Administration.

    The head of the Bank of England since 1973, Sir Gordon Richardson, Governor of the Bank of England (controlled by the House of Rothschild) was chairman of J. Henry Schroder Wagg and Company of London from 1963-72, and director of J. Henry Schroder,New York and Schroder Banking Corporation,New York,as well as Lloyd's Bank of London, and Rolls Royce. He maintains a residence on Sutton Place in New York City, and as head of "The London Connection," can be said to be the single most influential banker in the world.

    Chart 3

    Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence
    - Published 1976

    The David Rockefeller chart shows the link between the Federal Reserve Bank of New York,Standard Oil of Indiana,General Motors and Allied Chemical Corportion (Eugene Meyer family) and Equitable Life (J. P. Morgan).

    Chart 4

    Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence
    - Published 1976

    This chart shows the interlocks between the Federal Reserve Bank of New York J. Henry Schroder Banking Corp., J. Henry Schroder Trust Co., Rockefeller Center, Inc., Equitable Life Assurance Society ( J.P. Morgan), and the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.

    Chart 5

    Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence
    - Published 1976

    This chart shows the link between the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Brown Brothers Harriman,Sun Life Assurance Co. (N.M. Rothschild and Sons), and the Rockefeller Foundation.


    "Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustace Mullins of Stauton, Va.

    ** Source: Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence. Staff Report,Committee on Banking,Currency and Housing, House of Representatives, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, August 1976.

    This is cool, very interesting... I have never seen this before. Thanks!
  • This is cool, very interesting... I have never seen this before. Thanks!

    yeah, thanks for posting some cool stuff on this sloooOOOoow board.
    The lineage trees are cool,

    but i wish someone would finally get the damn NYTimes ownership shares box from the 1980's up.

    Once and only once some dumb ass thought it would be smart to run the full list of Federal Reserve Bank of New York stock share ownership list as a little box in (i think) the NY Times. There is a copy in The Creature From Jekyll Island, but i've never been able to find it on the internets.

    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • Here's an amazing and quite disturbing quote i just stumbled upon, written by what must be the 3rd (or 4th?) generation of Rothschild brothers after Mayer Amshchel, regarding the National (Central) Bank Act of 1863 -- this is the act that brought you all the greenbacks for the civilwar, and it is also the act that created the National Bank "System" in America, which, after being retooled and reinvented as a PRIVATE system in the early 1900's is what we NOW have in The Federal Reserve System itself:
    Letter to: Messieurs. Iklheimer, Morton and Vandergould, No. 3 Wall St., New York, U.S.A.

    Dear Sirs: A Mr. John Sherman has written us from a town in Ohio, U.S.A., as to the profits that may be made in the National Banking business under a recent act of your Congress (National Bank Act of 1863), a copy of which act accompanied his letter. Apparently this act has been drawn upon the plan formulated here last summer by the British Bankers Association and by that Association recommended to our American friends as one that if enacted into law, would prove highly profitable to the banking fraternity throughout the world.

    Mr. Sherman declares that there has never before been such an opportunity for capitalists to accumulate money, as that presented by this act and that the old plan, of State Banks is so unpopular, that the new scheme will, by contrast, be most favorably regarded, notwithstanding the fact that it gives the National Banks an almost absolute control of the National finance. ’The few who can understand the system,’ he says ’will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical (adverse) to their interests.’ Please advise us fully as to this matter and also state whether or not you will be of assistance to us, if we conclude to establish a National Bank in the City of New York... Awaiting your reply, we are.

    Your respectful servants.
    Rothschild Brothers.
    London, June 25, 1863

    — Lightning Over The Treasury Building, J.R. Elsom

    That's got to be a bullshit "letter", right?
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • This one is directly sourced:

    The people must be helped to think naturally about money. They must be told what it is, and what makes it money, and what are the possible tricks of the present system which put nations and peoples under control of the few.
    Henry Ford, My Life and Work, Doubleday, Page & Company, 1922, p. 179
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
    Nice article. I had been wondering why AIG had been receiving this bailout money, and from what I gather from this writing here, they had insured a lot of these big banks and financial institutions? The losses in Goldman, Bear Stears, etc..., wiped out AIG essentially?

    This whole thing is such a joke already. Did you see Bernanke on 60 minutes last night?

    AIG is just one of several conduits for sucking more blood out of the common folk, at this point.

    And no,
    i did not see Bumblefuck Bernanke on 60 minutes.
    Sounds like a fucking farce, just like Sheila Bair (FDIC) on CNBC "Town Hall Forum" the other night.
    Lies, propaganda, more lies, and absolute avoidance of any substantive inquiry in to the problems we face.

    Pray tell, what did you learn?

    There wasn't much to be learned. It was a PR piece for them-- which, kind of makes me smile. Why a PR campaign? Is someone getting to them? Are people waking up to the scam? I do believe so :)

    Did you know that The Fed returns billions to the US Treasury every year (is that after they steal trillions?)? Bernanke did admit to 'printing money' and that the Fed was the cause of the first great depression.

    It's worth a watch if you want to get pissed off, yet take some satisfaction that the people are in fact chipping away at this fraudulent system.
  • There wasn't much to be learned. It was a PR piece for them-- which, kind of makes me smile. Why a PR campaign? Is someone getting to them? Are people waking up to the scam? I do believe so :)

    Did you know that The Fed returns billions to the US Treasury every year (is that after they steal trillions?)? Bernanke did admit to 'printing money' and that the Fed was the cause of the first great depression.

    It's worth a watch if you want to get pissed off, yet take some satisfaction that the people are in fact chipping away at this fraudulent system.

    Hmm. Sounds like a hootnanny.
    Yeah, the Fed returns, i believe, ALL of the interest on the bonds it holds.
    That is a feel good surface illusion, "oh look. it doesn't really matter that they own the system, control the policy, and that every bit of that policy benefits THEM and not US, look ... it doesn't matter, because THEY RETURN THE INTEREST THEY MAKE."

    So what?
    The inflationary policy directs ALL money TO THEIR HANDS FIRST,
    Do they return THAT interest? Fuck no. The reason they have to return the bond interest is because, if they didn't, they would essentially be charging you and I interest TWICE.

    They don't need the interest from the bonds they hold,
    and whats more, they can PROFIT OFF OF TRADING THOSE BONDS in the market.
    Thats what they do every day down at the NYSE ... the Fed "trades" bonds.
    But that is beside the point.

    The point is the SYSTEM is oriented towards the growth of LARGE BANKS and it sucks wealth back up from the bottom towards the top.

    I HIGHLY recommend reading the chapter, "Money: Master or Slave" from Ford's book.

    Here is just a taste, from page 177 ...
    he starts to advocate for a removal of the gold standard in there at some point,
    but the INTENT of what he is writing is spot on ... (still not sure he is right about moving away from gold, and he doesn't really get to explaining just WHAT he would do instead, but his points on how the system works generally are incredibly poignant) ...

    "Bankers play far too great a part in the conduct of industry. Most business men will privately admit that fact. They will seldom publicly admit it because they are afraid of their bankers."

    "There has been a great reaching out by bankers in the last fifteen or twenty years -- and especially since the war -- and the Federal Reserve System for a time put into their hands an almost limitless supply of credit. The banker is, as I have noted, by training and because of his position, totally unsuited to the conduct of industry. If, therefore, the controllers of credit have lately acquired this very large power, is it not to be taken as a sign that there is something wrong with the financial system that gives to finance instead of to service the predominant power in industry? It was not the industrial acumen of the bankers that brought them into the management of industry. Everyone will admit that. They were pushed there, willy-nilly, by the system itself. Therefore, I personally want to discover whether we are operating under the best financial system.

    Both from Pg 177 of Ford's autobiography.

    And two from the next chapter, both of which i find quite relevant today:

    "The government, because it is essentially negative, cannot give positive aid to any really constructive programme. It can give negative aid -- by removing obstructions to progress and by ceasing to be a burden upon the community." -185

    "There is a pathetic faith in what money can do. Money is very useful in normal times, but money has no more value than the people put into it by production, and it can be so misused. It can be so superstitiously worshipped as a substitute for real wealth as to destroy its value altogether." -188
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
    Hmm. Sounds like a hootnanny.
    Yeah, the Fed returns, i believe, ALL of the interest on the bonds it holds.
    That is a feel good surface illusion, "oh look. it doesn't really matter that they own the system, control the policy, and that every bit of that policy benefits THEM and not US, look ... it doesn't matter, because THEY RETURN THE INTEREST THEY MAKE."

    So what?
    The inflationary policy directs ALL money TO THEIR HANDS FIRST,
    Do they return THAT interest? Fuck no. The reason they have to return the bond interest is because, if they didn't, they would essentially be charging you and I interest TWICE.

    Was this info attained from the findings of the Grace Commission?
  • Hmm. Sounds like a hootnanny.
    Yeah, the Fed returns, i believe, ALL of the interest on the bonds it holds.
    That is a feel good surface illusion, "oh look. it doesn't really matter that they own the system, control the policy, and that every bit of that policy benefits THEM and not US, look ... it doesn't matter, because THEY RETURN THE INTEREST THEY MAKE."

    So what?
    The inflationary policy directs ALL money TO THEIR HANDS FIRST,
    Do they return THAT interest? Fuck no. The reason they have to return the bond interest is because, if they didn't, they would essentially be charging you and I interest TWICE.

    Was this info attained from the findings of the Grace Commission?

    Um ...
    the premise of the Fed repaying note interest to the Treasury is textbook information, i believe.
    It isn't from the Grace Commission, it's just something that is known, and reported, i assume. You can find it mentioned in most good textbooks on economics. Of course you won't find much substantive debate over the nature of the Fed system in those books, but they will tell you how the Fed buys bonds, and returns the interest to the treasury.

    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • puremagicpuremagic Posts: 1,907
    Priceless as to how fast the Federal Reserve made the decision to release a $1 Trillion dollars to help the 'consumer', with no rate increase. The absolute last thing they want is the Central Bank open to public scrutiny.
    SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
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