Economy is in toilet and Obama puts money towards...war?

musicismylife78musicismylife78 Posts: 6,116
edited March 2009 in A Moving Train
seems like a good choice of what to spend our money on...

bombing little children in foreign countries. definitely where I wanted the money to go to!

Thanks Obama

Expanding and intensifying an unwinnable war! Right on!
Post edited by Unknown User on


    Unbelievable, isn't it? It's painfully obvious that we can no longer afford to fight these wars anymore. Common sense says, let's stop doing it already-- or at least quickly phase out of the whole thing.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    A couple of things about war...
    Wars are expensive... in lives and in tax dollars.
    Wars are easy to get in to.. extrememly difficult to get out of.
    Iraq... How much confidence you you have in the Iraqi Security forces? Are they competent enough to run all combat operations? Hell, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld were boasting about 400,000 trainned Iraqi forces in 2004... why didn't we leave back then? Because quantity (and skewed numbers) and quality are not the same.
    The U.S. runs the Central command and Control... all Air Support Operations... the vast majority of logistics support and supply lines... Military Intelligence... Combat Surgical Hospitals. Those operations need to be handed over... but, to whom? And you need combat troops over there to protect operatiojal personel... as well as support personel for combat troops. so, who do you pull out... do you leave combat troops without support... or support personel with out combat troop protection?
    And what about Air Support and armoured divisions? Do we give them our helicopters, jets and tanks? If we take them out... what would they do if Iran or Syrian starts to move in?
    Afghanistan... Having al Qaeda and the Taliban in operation is not a good thing. Not just for us... but, for everyone. The only ones who benefit from their ideology are the fundamentalists who want the same things they want. I think that with a focused view... and lots of hard work... we can convince the world that terrorism is not a good thing. We can start by stop terrorizing people.
    I believe that we should at least try to get Afghanistan (and Iraq) back up and running. Not because of vengence... but, because of all the shit we've done over there. And I believe we can... but, we cannot do it alone. We need the help of the world's nations... especially, the Arab Nations to accomplish this. It is going to be difficlut to convince other nations (mostly due to our poor track record in dealing with Middle Eastern nations)... and it is going to cost a lot of money.
    A quick bolting to the door has too many negative scenarios as possible outcomes... mainly, a Shi-ite Bloc of Iran/Iraq in the Oil Region and a nuclear capable Fundamentalist bloc of Pakistan/Afghanistan. Something that is probably not a good thing.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
    Cosmo wrote:
    A couple of things about war...
    Wars are expensive... in lives and in tax dollars.
    Wars are easy to get in to.. extrememly difficult to get out of.
    Iraq... How much confidence you you have in the Iraqi Security forces? Are they competent enough to run all combat operations? Hell, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld were boasting about 400,000 trainned Iraqi forces in 2004... why didn't we leave back then? Because quantity (and skewed numbers) and quality are not the same.
    The U.S. runs the Central command and Control... all Air Support Operations... the vast majority of logistics support and supply lines... Military Intelligence... Combat Surgical Hospitals. Those operations need to be handed over... but, to whom? And you need combat troops over there to protect operatiojal personel... as well as support personel for combat troops. so, who do you pull out... do you leave combat troops without support... or support personel with out combat troop protection?
    And what about Air Support and armoured divisions? Do we give them our helicopters, jets and tanks? If we take them out... what would they do if Iran or Syrian starts to move in?
    Afghanistan... Having al Qaeda and the Taliban in operation is not a good thing. Not just for us... but, for everyone. The only ones who benefit from their ideology are the fundamentalists who want the same things they want. I think that with a focused view... and lots of hard work... we can convince the world that terrorism is not a good thing. We can start by stop terrorizing people.
    I believe that we should at least try to get Afghanistan (and Iraq) back up and running. Not because of vengence... but, because of all the shit we've done over there. And I believe we can... but, we cannot do it alone. We need the help of the world's nations... especially, the Arab Nations to accomplish this. It is going to be difficlut to convince other nations (mostly due to our poor track record in dealing with Middle Eastern nations)... and it is going to cost a lot of money.
    A quick bolting to the door has too many negative scenarios as possible outcomes... mainly, a Shi-ite Bloc of Iran/Iraq in the Oil Region and a nuclear capable Fundamentalist bloc of Pakistan/Afghanistan. Something that is probably not a good thing.

    It is a very difficult situation. I sure as hell wouldn't want to start doing anything in Pakistan for all of the reasons stated above.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    It is a very difficult situation. I sure as hell wouldn't want to start doing anything in Pakistan for all of the reasons stated above.
    Our previous policy with Pakistan was not a smrt move, either.
    Pakistan's ISS originally set up the Taliban in Afghanistan, after the Soviet Union withdrew their troops from there. Holding them up as our 'Allies in the War on Terror' would be that same as posting the OctoMom as the poster child for Planned Parenthood. We should have taken the clue that one of the most popular name for males born in Pakistan was 'Usama'... but, typical American idiot policy of 'The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend... (as long as I line his pockets with taxpayer dollars and provide him with guns and tanks to help him remain in power)' took us and we are feeding the monster that created the monster that attacked us. Pakistan is to the War On Terror.. as Usama bin Laden was to the Cold War. Anyone who uses that phrase, "The Enemy of my Enemy is My Friend" is basically telling you... he is an idiot.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
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