I think some of the detractors here are missing Ed's point, which is a good one that anyone with a minimum of artistic sensibility or understanding of art's social force should be able to grasp. This isn't about Ed "and his kooky blog", which no-one said but one or two implied. This is about the future of political art. If it can't survive in alt-weeklies, we're really in trouble. More than a million ephemeral column-inches, we need art as a mirror up to our nature, in order to understand who we are. If the artists lose their platform in a recession, we're all lost. Art is worth more than journalism. It lasts longer in the mind, too.
It's one thing to be broke. It's another thing to be broke and clueless, with no barometer or voice out there, gauging the measure of the times.
Ed's not just helping a buddy. He's not meaning to be insensitive to plumbers and bricklayers in testing times, by saying "My middle-class artisan chum hasn't anywhere to publish his work." You could spin his words like that, if you want to. However, if you value art with a bit of bite, that challenges you or pisses you off, whatever side of the political fence you stand, you owe it to yourself and to your children to protect the artists from extinction.
Show the demand, and the supply will be maintained.
I hear what you're saying, Fins, but seriously... everyone who thinks art is going extinct due to a 2 year economic downturn, raise your hands.
Did art go extinct in the 90s recession? Did art go extinct during the 80s S&L debacle? Did art go extinct after the Great Depression? I know my references are largely US-centric, so forgive my unworldliness, but art is not going away. Maybe certain traditional media outlets are transforming, but Ed's boy (and his colleagues) getting their comic cut from 12 out of [unknown number of] total papers is not the death of political satire.
You have to draw the line somewhere. What good is having your stinging, digging satire in a newspaper if people are spending their paper money on a box of minute rice for the week? Also hyperbole, but you get the point.
you have a good point, although i don't know that you can compare this growing economic crisis (predicted 50mill jobs lost globally this year) with the 90s recession and 80s S&L debacle. and as to the great depression, as part of the new deal roosevelt invested HEAVILY in artists, resulting in some of our country's greatest art, and helping to boost morale in the process.
and i applaud ed for not asking for taxpayer money to go to this cause, or even for you to send that dollar you otherwise would have spent on your minute rice. just a call. when money's tight, you set your priorities. he's just asking to consider this issue as a minor one.
not to jump on your post, just thought it was a good entry point for me to toss my two thoughts in.
BTW, some great discussion in this threat, including the post above that i'm quoting.
I'm well known at work for posting political cartoons up so the patients can read them. I live in a very "Republican" area and get sh*t all the time. I love it. Conversation city by my desk! Busier than the water cooler
Thank you fellow 10 clubber for saving my ass....again!!!
I worked at the Cleveland Plain Dealer as a graphic artist for almost a decade.
I know how Ed feels -- his friend is in trouble.
I know journalists that are in their 50's wondering if the Plain Dealer is even going to be a daily in the next few years!! Where in the hell are they going to work?
Unfortunately, newspapers are becoming obsolete. ARE obsolete. Young people do not get or read the paper every morning. Do you?? (political cartoonists, it's all the same)
An e.mail will not help at this point.
It makes me sick.
There's something about getting the paper, holding it in your hand, something tangible, and reading your local news before you "see" it on the news. Or "watch" it on a screen.
It's bullshit. That's the problem I have with technology. It's too much.
I know it's his livelihood -- but it's bigger than anyone can imagine.
P.S. I just read everyone else's comments. I don't think someone should be criticized for trying to help a friend.
"Cynics are simply disappointed idealists" - George Carlin
Everybody winds up kissing the wrong person goodnight. - Andy Warhol
Unfortunately, newspapers are becoming obsolete. ARE obsolete. Young people do not get or read the paper every morning. Do you?? (political cartoonists, it's all the same)
An e.mail will not help at this point.
It makes me sick.
There's something about getting the paper, holding it in your hand, something tangible, and reading your local news before you "see" it on the news. Or "watch" it on a screen.
It's bullshit. That's the problem I have with technology. It's too much.
I know it's his livelihood -- but it's bigger than anyone can imagine.
P.S. I just read everyone else's comments. I don't think someone should be criticized for trying to help a friend.
i agree with everything you say. denver just shut down of there papers as did seattle. i work as a collator for newsday and we are hurting badly.
Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
.... I think it's a little "self-centerd" in a way to use your powers of influence over a devoted fanbase on behalf of this one cartoonist whose paycheck diminished somewhat and, oh, just happens to be a friend of yours.
It's not JUST about Tom, but the 'industry' as a whole. He is not asking for us to write to tell us to give Tom his cartoon space back - it's far more reaching. He is talking about the art and 'voice' the political cartoon has and how this 'voice' will not be heard by the general public if not published in papers with a general distribution.
Thats' all.
A drop in the water, but a drop nevertheless in the ocean of shit this world is in. Ed is just fortunate enough to be able to write/say something and have people listen to him/read what he writes. No different than touring for change, lending your voice/image to a charity, etc. If one can use his/her celebrity status for such things, I don't see the problem. Lots of famous people do so.
Well put....is it really that hard to understand what he's trying to say?
Check out Tom's blog. You can link to his comics, comment, buy something, donate: all other good ways to give him support, if you feel so inclined. http://www.thismodernworld.com/
There's something about getting the paper, holding it in your hand, something tangible, and reading your local news before you "see" it on the news. Or "watch" it on a screen.
It's bullshit. That's the problem I have with technology. It's too much.
I totally agree. Especially on a Sunday. Nothing like spreading out the paper on the living room coffee table and enjoying a nice lunch while reading the actual newspaper.
As far as what Ed did, I can see points on both sides here, him using his influence to make this request of his fans . . eh, it's questionable. But, it really is your decision if you choose to act on it.
The problem is, some people will do it just because Ed requested it.
Some people on here claim to be fans of Pearl Jam and Ed, yet Ed (and pearl jam) can do no right. They want more and more and more from the band, not enough touring, not enough records, not enough posters, gimme, gimme, gimme...and when one of the band wants something from us, those same people just want to complain.
It's terrible that some of these fans can't see the real issue here. It's about your right to be able to read what you want to read - and others deciding you can't....this is a form of censorship, is it not? And when someone censored Pearl Jam, everybody went nuts - now a friend of pearl jam is being censored and some want to criticize Ed for asking for our help...I just don't get it...
And good for ed for using his "celebrity" for getting people to write in to stop this form of censorship! There isn't a soul in the world who, if in the same position, wouldn't do the same....
I'm gonna ask Tom if he publishes in canada and if not, could he. We embrace political satire! We are a culture brought up to satirize our politicians and their policies...this makes us a lot less uptight about our governments...
I worked at the Cleveland Plain Dealer as a graphic artist for almost a decade.
I know how Ed feels -- his friend is in trouble.
I know journalists that are in their 50's wondering if the Plain Dealer is even going to be a daily in the next few years!! Where in the hell are they going to work?
Unfortunately, newspapers are becoming obsolete. ARE obsolete. Young people do not get or read the paper every morning. Do you?? (political cartoonists, it's all the same)
An e.mail will not help at this point.
It makes me sick.
There's something about getting the paper, holding it in your hand, something tangible, and reading your local news before you "see" it on the news. Or "watch" it on a screen.
It's bullshit. That's the problem I have with technology. It's too much.
I know it's his livelihood -- but it's bigger than anyone can imagine.
P.S. I just read everyone else's comments. I don't think someone should be criticized for trying to help a friend.
Much in the way music has evolved over the years because of technology.
records to cd's to mp3's.
newspapers to computer news.
I think it sucks too, I do like new technology but there is something tangible about items like records and newspapers( I get the Cleveland Plain Dealer every sunday), there is something very comfortable and wonderful about holding these things in your hands and enjoying them.
Sorry to hear you don't work at the paper anymore, what happened if you don't mind me asking? I have heard the paper has been struggling to stay afloat lately.
A few ideas for Tom:
> Tom should create a facebook app that's tied to ad revenue
> PJ should license artwork for special t-shirt (proceeds go to Tom)
> License content to aggregators (Y!, AOL, MSN, etc.)
I worked for one of the biggest newspapers in the world for a long time. Newspapers are simultaneously burning trees and cash. They are going to keep cutting paper and ink until digital is all that remains. Costs of production are unsustainable. I love newspapers and I love Tom's work, but Tom needs to re-tool for new media and create the demand via multiple distribution channels.
So Ed wants us to write newspapers about a friend who lost his job as his band gets set to re-release an album we all already have for an elevated price for some re-packaging and extra songs and videos - interesting. Seems maybe this band is starting to lose some perspective. Maybe Ed could give him one of his royalty points from the Ten Re-release? Sorry for the negativity but just can't fathom how we should be focusing on this guy or this industry specifically when so many in this country are hurting and in worse off shape than this guy. I'm sure there are plenty of 10 Clubbers who have lost jobs - can we write for them all too? At least Ed and the band are giving me this forum to be open about my feelings on this.
This really shows how the newspaper in this country is on its way to extinction. Hopefully, something can be done to help these writers find a source to get their thoughts out there to the people.
So Ed wants us to write newspapers about a friend who lost his job as his band gets set to re-release an album we all already have for an elevated price for some re-packaging and extra songs and videos - interesting. Seems maybe this band is starting to lose some perspective. Maybe Ed could give him one of his royalty points from the Ten Re-release? Sorry for the negativity but just can't fathom how we should be focusing on this guy or this industry specifically when so many in this country are hurting and in worse off shape than this guy. I'm sure there are plenty of 10 Clubbers who have lost jobs - can we write for them all too? At least Ed and the band are giving me this forum to be open about my feelings on this.
So why don't you (and everyone else here who has a friend who is now unemployed) write to your friends' former employers and ask them to rethink their decisions? The time you've spend here missing the point could have been spent helping your friends who lost their jobs...by asking all your friends etc, to help out your other friends...(I don't know, maybe you have...)
Tom Tomorrow is being used to exemplify the possible loss (and/or censorship) of published political cartoons, by everyone who draws them, which are an important part of everyone's culture, and the loss of alt-newspapers (also an important part of our culture).
So Ed wants us to write newspapers about a friend who lost his job as his band gets set to re-release an album we all already have for an elevated price for some re-packaging and extra songs and videos - interesting. Seems maybe this band is starting to lose some perspective. Maybe Ed could give him one of his royalty points from the Ten Re-release? Sorry for the negativity but just can't fathom how we should be focusing on this guy or this industry specifically when so many in this country are hurting and in worse off shape than this guy. I'm sure there are plenty of 10 Clubbers who have lost jobs - can we write for them all too? At least Ed and the band are giving me this forum to be open about my feelings on this.
So why don't you (and everyone else here who has a friend who is now unemployed) write to your friends' former employers and ask them to rethink their decisions? The time you've spend here missing the point could have been spent helping your friends who lost their jobs...by asking all your friends etc, to help out your other friends...(I don't know, maybe you have...)
Tom Tomorrow is being used to exemplify the possible loss (and/or censorship) of published political cartoons, by everyone who draws them, which are an important part of everyone's culture, and the loss of alt-newspapers (also an important part of our culture).
This is not about Pearl Jam.
thats the second time you mentioned the word censored....
is this guy really being censored????
or was he just laid off???? for whatever reason..
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Well - he didn't really lose his job - he was just cut from 14 papers...so he's lost a big chunk of his income...which most of us who still have jobs will probably have to face relatively soon...
I think the real issue is the need to retain political satire in the artistic form because it educates, is thought-provoking, and creates discussion...(oh, and is humourous)...deleting this, and the alt-newspapers,from popular culture to me seems a type of censorship...but yeah, it could just be about money...I'm not all about conspiracy theories I just don't like hanging out at the coffeeshop on a Sunday reading the news on my laptop, while my husband reads something different on his laptop...not really conducive to conversation...
What I got from Ed's note is that he'd like the fanbase to be aware of the importatnce of political satire, the need for alternative news sources, and the impact the loss of these will have on society. However, I must swim before I scuba (or sort out if there even is a need to scuba)...
Writing a letter or making a phone call to the editors of these newspapers (Village Voice, Seattle Weekly, the Georgia Straight, etc.) and letting them know that there is still a demand for their product could help save these alt-newspapers and today's Tom Tomorrows and tomorrow's Tom Tomorrows....
so the newspaper is cutting costs....and for some reason they decided to cut the syndicated cartoonists....
so this isnt about censorship..
or freedom of speech.
or the importance of political satire...
or discrimination...
its really about some guy getting laid off .............just like 10 million other people in this country....
c'mon, man...there's more to it than some guy getting laid off and newspapers cutting costs...it's about the fact that political cartoons and alt-newspapers are endangered...and its up to us to try to protect them and understand the importance of them, still in these tough economic times...
"Perhaps even worse is the lost connection to readers who faithfully turn to Tom and his sardonic penguin Sparky to help them survive the absurdities of the world around us.
Political cartoons have a powerful history in the United States. Many cartoonists were the Jon Stewarts of their day, quickly cutting complex issues to their cores. Decades before the Revolutionary War, Ben Franklin sketched a disjointed snake to rally the colonies to unity, creating a lasting symbol of the time. Herb Block’s incisive visual commentaries played a significant role in the public perception of Watergate. Alt-weeklies have provided a home to some of our finest subversive comic art..." Ed Vedder
OK...so, as I said before (and as Ed has said) political satire/cartoons are how some people become aware of an issue or have access to another (sometimes amusing) perspective of an issue, even understand the issue. In Canada, we tend to rely on political satire to get a more "ballanced" argument across or even point out inconsistencies in our government that we may have forgotten about. It all seems very 1984 to me to lose that different perspective.
and humour helps us all deal with the ridiculousness of some government issues, political leaders, and other cultural issues...(as Ed says)...even in very tough times, people need to remember to laugh. And if you can't find anything to laugh at, these cartoons sometimes give people something to laugh about..
I used to love Life In Hell and another, Marlys and Maybonne...learned a lot from them as an uninformed teenager who only cared about the Who and going to concerts....Our politics in BC are so messed up in a legendary and historical way - the political cartoons forever immortalized images of past premieres pulling the wings of flies, logging issues, ferry issues, et. We NEED this in order to learn and laugh at the sometimes unfathomable decisions or comments our politicians make....
No, there is much more to this than some guy getting laid off or newspapers cutting costs...(as others in this thread have pointed out)...
So Ed wants to help someone. And it's not the first person you would help, if only you'd just get up off your butt and do it. The man is a criminal, I tell you. What's the world coming to when people want to help each other???? It's a sign of the end of times. Mark my words and mark them well! :roll:
so the newspaper is cutting costs....and for some reason they decided to cut the syndicated cartoonists....
so this isnt about censorship..
or freedom of speech.
or the importance of political satire...
or discrimination...
its really about some guy getting laid off .............just like 10 million other people in this country....
c'mon, man...there's more to it than some guy getting laid off and newspapers cutting costs...it's about the fact that political cartoons and alt-newspapers are endangered...and its up to us to try to protect them and understand the importance of them, still in these tough economic times...
"Perhaps even worse is the lost connection to readers who faithfully turn to Tom and his sardonic penguin Sparky to help them survive the absurdities of the world around us.
Political cartoons have a powerful history in the United States. Many cartoonists were the Jon Stewarts of their day, quickly cutting complex issues to their cores. Decades before the Revolutionary War, Ben Franklin sketched a disjointed snake to rally the colonies to unity, creating a lasting symbol of the time. Herb Block’s incisive visual commentaries played a significant role in the public perception of Watergate. Alt-weeklies have provided a home to some of our finest subversive comic art..." Ed Vedder
OK...so, as I said before (and as Ed has said) political satire/cartoons are how some people become aware of an issue or have access to another (sometimes amusing) perspective of an issue, even understand the issue. In Canada, we tend to rely on political satire to get a more "ballanced" argument across or even point out inconsistencies in our government that we may have forgotten about. It all seems very 1984 to me to lose that different perspective.
and humour helps us all deal with the ridiculousness of some government issues, political leaders, and other cultural issues...(as Ed says)...even in very tough times, people need to remember to laugh. And if you can't find anything to laugh at, these cartoons sometimes give people something to laugh about..
I used to love Life In Hell and another, Marlys and Maybonne...learned a lot from them as an uninformed teenager who only cared about the Who and going to concerts....Our politics in BC are so messed up in a legendary and historical way - the political cartoons forever immortalized images of past premieres pulling the wings of flies, logging issues, ferry issues, et. We NEED this in order to learn and laugh at the sometimes unfathomable decisions or comments our politicians make....
No, there is much more to this than some guy getting laid off or newspapers cutting costs...(as others in this thread have pointed out)...
i just see it as some guy getting laid off.....
oh well....i guess we disagree..
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
But we had a good discussion...and I learned something today...I always thought that...dogs...laid eggs...
(but obviously I still need to learn how to do this [/quote] caper... [/quote]
ive always been interested...actually amused at who im supposed to be fighting for....
Bono tells me to go help a million starving people in Africa.....and i have no problem with that...
Ed tells me to support the West memphis 3 .......that i have a problem with...
the auto industry is collapsing
the banks need bailouts
10% of the good ole U.S.A. is unemployed.........
and now im supposed to fight for some cartoonist who got laid off???????
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
"Research your own experiences for the truth...Absorb what is useful...Add what is specifically your own...The creating individual is more important than any style or system" Bruce Lee
you have a good point, although i don't know that you can compare this growing economic crisis (predicted 50mill jobs lost globally this year) with the 90s recession and 80s S&L debacle. and as to the great depression, as part of the new deal roosevelt invested HEAVILY in artists, resulting in some of our country's greatest art, and helping to boost morale in the process.
and i applaud ed for not asking for taxpayer money to go to this cause, or even for you to send that dollar you otherwise would have spent on your minute rice. just a call. when money's tight, you set your priorities. he's just asking to consider this issue as a minor one.
not to jump on your post, just thought it was a good entry point for me to toss my two thoughts in.
BTW, some great discussion in this threat, including the post above that i'm quoting.
I know how Ed feels -- his friend is in trouble.
I know journalists that are in their 50's wondering if the Plain Dealer is even going to be a daily in the next few years!! Where in the hell are they going to work?
Unfortunately, newspapers are becoming obsolete. ARE obsolete. Young people do not get or read the paper every morning. Do you?? (political cartoonists, it's all the same)
An e.mail will not help at this point.
It makes me sick.
There's something about getting the paper, holding it in your hand, something tangible, and reading your local news before you "see" it on the news. Or "watch" it on a screen.
It's bullshit. That's the problem I have with technology. It's too much.
I know it's his livelihood -- but it's bigger than anyone can imagine.
P.S. I just read everyone else's comments. I don't think someone should be criticized for trying to help a friend.
Everybody winds up kissing the wrong person goodnight. - Andy Warhol
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Well put....is it really that hard to understand what he's trying to say?
I totally agree. Especially on a Sunday. Nothing like spreading out the paper on the living room coffee table and enjoying a nice lunch while reading the actual newspaper.
As far as what Ed did, I can see points on both sides here, him using his influence to make this request of his fans . . eh, it's questionable. But, it really is your decision if you choose to act on it.
The problem is, some people will do it just because Ed requested it.
It's terrible that some of these fans can't see the real issue here. It's about your right to be able to read what you want to read - and others deciding you can't....this is a form of censorship, is it not? And when someone censored Pearl Jam, everybody went nuts - now a friend of pearl jam is being censored and some want to criticize Ed for asking for our help...I just don't get it...
And good for ed for using his "celebrity" for getting people to write in to stop this form of censorship! There isn't a soul in the world who, if in the same position, wouldn't do the same....
I'm gonna ask Tom if he publishes in canada and if not, could he. We embrace political satire! We are a culture brought up to satirize our politicians and their policies...this makes us a lot less uptight about our governments...
That's the individual power of the human being.
3 Decibels Doubles the Volume
records to cd's to mp3's.
newspapers to computer news.
I think it sucks too, I do like new technology but there is something tangible about items like records and newspapers( I get the Cleveland Plain Dealer every sunday), there is something very comfortable and wonderful about holding these things in your hands and enjoying them.
Sorry to hear you don't work at the paper anymore, what happened if you don't mind me asking? I have heard the paper has been struggling to stay afloat lately.
I'll spin the black circle for you tonight.
> Tom should create a facebook app that's tied to ad revenue
> PJ should license artwork for special t-shirt (proceeds go to Tom)
> License content to aggregators (Y!, AOL, MSN, etc.)
I worked for one of the biggest newspapers in the world for a long time. Newspapers are simultaneously burning trees and cash. They are going to keep cutting paper and ink until digital is all that remains. Costs of production are unsustainable. I love newspapers and I love Tom's work, but Tom needs to re-tool for new media and create the demand via multiple distribution channels.
Everybody winds up kissing the wrong person goodnight. - Andy Warhol
So why don't you (and everyone else here who has a friend who is now unemployed) write to your friends' former employers and ask them to rethink their decisions? The time you've spend here missing the point could have been spent helping your friends who lost their jobs...by asking all your friends etc, to help out your other friends...(I don't know, maybe you have...)
Tom Tomorrow is being used to exemplify the possible loss (and/or censorship) of published political cartoons, by everyone who draws them, which are an important part of everyone's culture, and the loss of alt-newspapers (also an important part of our culture).
This is not about Pearl Jam.
is this guy really being censored????
or was he just laid off???? for whatever reason..
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
I think the real issue is the need to retain political satire in the artistic form because it educates, is thought-provoking, and creates discussion...(oh, and is humourous)...deleting this, and the alt-newspapers,from popular culture to me seems a type of censorship...but yeah, it could just be about money...I'm not all about conspiracy theories
What I got from Ed's note is that he'd like the fanbase to be aware of the importatnce of political satire, the need for alternative news sources, and the impact the loss of these will have on society. However, I must swim before I scuba (or sort out if there even is a need to scuba)...
Writing a letter or making a phone call to the editors of these newspapers (Village Voice, Seattle Weekly, the Georgia Straight, etc.) and letting them know that there is still a demand for their product could help save these alt-newspapers and today's Tom Tomorrows and tomorrow's Tom Tomorrows....
so this isnt about censorship..
or freedom of speech.
or the importance of political satire...
or discrimination...
its really about some guy getting laid off .............just like 10 million other people in this country....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
"Perhaps even worse is the lost connection to readers who faithfully turn to Tom and his sardonic penguin Sparky to help them survive the absurdities of the world around us.
Political cartoons have a powerful history in the United States. Many cartoonists were the Jon Stewarts of their day, quickly cutting complex issues to their cores. Decades before the Revolutionary War, Ben Franklin sketched a disjointed snake to rally the colonies to unity, creating a lasting symbol of the time. Herb Block’s incisive visual commentaries played a significant role in the public perception of Watergate. Alt-weeklies have provided a home to some of our finest subversive comic art..." Ed Vedder
OK...so, as I said before (and as Ed has said) political satire/cartoons are how some people become aware of an issue or have access to another (sometimes amusing) perspective of an issue, even understand the issue. In Canada, we tend to rely on political satire to get a more "ballanced" argument across or even point out inconsistencies in our government that we may have forgotten about. It all seems very 1984 to me to lose that different perspective.
and humour helps us all deal with the ridiculousness of some government issues, political leaders, and other cultural issues...(as Ed says)...even in very tough times, people need to remember to laugh. And if you can't find anything to laugh at, these cartoons sometimes give people something to laugh about..
I used to love Life In Hell and another, Marlys and Maybonne...learned a lot from them as an uninformed teenager who only cared about the Who and going to concerts....Our politics in BC are so messed up in a legendary and historical way - the political cartoons forever immortalized images of past premieres pulling the wings of flies, logging issues, ferry issues, et. We NEED this in order to learn and laugh at the sometimes unfathomable decisions or comments our politicians make....
No, there is much more to this than some guy getting laid off or newspapers cutting costs...(as others in this thread have pointed out)...
oh well....i guess we disagree..
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
oh well....i guess we disagree..[/quote]
But we had a good discussion...and I learned something today...I always thought that...dogs...laid eggs...
(but obviously I still need to learn how to do this [/quote] caper...
oh well....i guess we disagree..[/quote]
But we had a good discussion...and I learned something today...I always thought that...dogs...laid eggs...
(but obviously I still need to learn how to do this [/quote] caper...
ive always been interested...actually amused at who im supposed to be fighting for....
Bono tells me to go help a million starving people in Africa.....and i have no problem with that...
Ed tells me to support the West memphis 3 .......that i have a problem with...
the auto industry is collapsing
the banks need bailouts
10% of the good ole U.S.A. is unemployed.........
and now im supposed to fight for some cartoonist who got laid off???????
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....