there was a report on the news last night that she doesn't' like the fact that when she flies from Washington to San Fransisco they have to stop and re fuel . so in other words she wants her own plane that doesn't have to stop re fuel. Paid for by us TAX PAYERS. :shock: and something like 30 million from the stimulus package to go to S.F. to save some sort of mouse.WTF I don't know about you guys but I wont be voting for any incumbents come next election. :x
there was a report on the news last night that she doesn't' like the fact that when she flies from Washington to San Fransisco they have to stop and re fuel . so in other words she wants her own plane that doesn't have to stop re fuel. Paid for by us TAX PAYERS. :shock: and something like 30 million from the stimulus package to go to S.F. to save some sort of mouse.WTF I don't know about you guys but I wont be voting for any incumbents come next election. :x
Exactly. That's what we all have to do. NO INCUMBENTS. How much easier could it get? Take 5 minutes to find out your district (if you don't know it already), find out who's in, and if they're running again, vote against them.
I'm pretty sure that she didn't ask for the jet but House Sergent at Arms that made that request. Since 9/11 all Speakers of the House have not flown commercial? Why? They are third in line to being President.
While I'm no fan of Nancy Pelosi, this is just another bullshit right wing rumor about how the Dems are spending us crazy
Pelosi's staff has allegedly been "berating" military officials to get the best planes possibly for the speaker to fly across country, according to e-mails obtained by the government watchdog group Judicial Watch (you can read all the emails on their site) and first reported by The New York Post.
She is at the very least a boldfaced liar, and at the most as complicit as Bush and his cronies in the death and maiming of our soldiers and innocent iraqi citizens.
I call her ms pelousy
She and her ilk, the harry reids of the world, rode into power in 2006 on the promise of ending the war and bringing real change to washington and the country.
They told us they would end the war, as thats why they were elected in 2006 in the first place.
But its been the same old garbage since 2006.
They told us they couldnt end the war in 2003 because bush was in power and they were scared of being unpatriot. Same in 2004. Same in 2005. In 2006 the country demanded the war end, and they promised us. In 2006 they refused to enact impeachment proceedings. They were "off the table" as Pelousy said.
I think the biggest joke is she and others act like somehow different than any other politician, that the D next to their name somehow makes them superior to Bush. The last few years have shown us the D is meaningless.
I have heard stories of parents and wives of soldiers in Iraq coming to talk to reid and pelousy and saying, "we want our family member home". And pelousy and reid actually laughing in their faces. Literally.
They continually in 2006-2008 told people who asked, "we will pull troops out and end the war when we get new president". They said that right after the 2006 elections. Yet they were elected to end it. They would continually move the date forward. people would say "why arent you ending the war" and she and reid would say "we dont have enough votes", or "we will do something about it after the 2008 elections" all this other bunch of B.s. and lies.
She is the ultimate in hypocrisy. I could care less about her.
Pelosi's staff has allegedly been "berating" military officials to get the best planes possibly for the speaker to fly across country, according to e-mails obtained by the government watchdog group Judicial Watch (you can read all the emails on their site) and first reported by The New York Post.
Pelosi's staff has allegedly been "berating" military officials to get the best planes possibly for the speaker to fly across country, according to e-mails obtained by the government watchdog group Judicial Watch (you can read all the emails on their site) and first reported by The New York Post.
Did you actually read any of the so-called "evidence"? This story is complete bullshit.
actually yes I have but I wasn't bashing, I just didnt "Quote" the person above me as he mentioned the story, I was just posting it so they could read it.
just saw her railing against I.C.E. agents accusing them of kicking in doors in the middle of the night and calling them un American :x .This is nothing but a kick in the face to law abiding citizens and to all the immigrants that followed the rules when coming here. WTF is wrong with this woman.don't get me wrong, Im all for someone coming here so they can have a better life but do it the right way. Apply for a work visa or get in line to become a citizen. Im really tired of my tax dollars going to illegal alien such as the ones who dont pay there hospital bills or the ones that are driving without a license or insurance.and the don't even pay taxes
There have been several cases involving fatal car accidents where the driver was drunk and here illegally and on top of that they already had a felony conviction. :shock: This has to stop
Indeed. She is a traitor to this country for doing what she has done to ICE. They are doing their job. She is the type of person that is ruining this country catering to those who don't belong here, those that are here ILLEGALLY, and undermining the American Citizens trying to protect our country.
I wish she would just leave, words cannot express my anger with people like her. Pathetic.
Indeed. She is a traitor to this country for doing what she has done to ICE. They are doing their job. She is the type of person that is ruining this country catering to those who don't belong here, those that are here ILLEGALLY, and undermining the American Citizens trying to protect our country.
I wish she would just leave, words cannot express my anger with people like her. Pathetic.
Agreed she is a traitor. She wants as many ilegals (I am sorry undocumented workers) as possible to enter this country all of the Dems do they see future votes. She is a fucking joke IMHO. Look at what the Drug Cartel are beginning to do in towns in the southeat it is pretty scary. Why do you think CA is in such a budget mess b/c of all the illegals.
there was a report on the news last night that she doesn't' like the fact that when she flies from Washington to San Fransisco they have to stop and re fuel . so in other words she wants her own plane that doesn't have to stop re fuel. Paid for by us TAX PAYERS. :shock: and something like 30 million from the stimulus package to go to S.F. to save some sort of mouse.WTF I don't know about you guys but I wont be voting for any incumbents come next election. :x
Indeed. She is a traitor to this country for doing what she has done to ICE. They are doing their job. She is the type of person that is ruining this country catering to those who don't belong here, those that are here ILLEGALLY, and undermining the American Citizens trying to protect our country.
I wish she would just leave, words cannot express my anger with people like her. Pathetic.
Agreed she is a traitor. She wants as many ilegals (I am sorry undocumented workers) as possible to enter this country all of the Dems do they see future votes. She is a fucking joke IMHO. Look at what the Drug Cartel are beginning to do in towns in the southeat it is pretty scary. Why do you think CA is in such a budget mess b/c of all the illegals.
Hold on.....its the afflent that use illegals labor.....have yet to see a single anti illegal supporter boycott establishment that use illegals or cut thier own grass or insist those building their house be "amerikins". this argumrnt is soooo freakin sad....blaming the drug versus demand. To blame illegals is simply moronic.....its the americans that pay them. Period.
there was a report on the news last night that she doesn't' like the fact that when she flies from Washington to San Fransisco they have to stop and re fuel . so in other words she wants her own plane that doesn't have to stop re fuel. Paid for by us TAX PAYERS. :shock: and something like 30 million from the stimulus package to go to S.F. to save some sort of mouse.WTF I don't know about you guys but I wont be voting for any incumbents come next election. :x
dont you watch the news ? it was on every station from fox to msnbc :roll:
She may not be the best, but at least she got out front and spoke about some of the stuff that Bush and his henchmen were involved in when 60% of the country still thought he was great! Even IF the only reason she did it was to try to get Democrats elected - I'm good with that.
Post edited by weenie on
~I want to realize brotherhood or identity not merely with the beings called human, but I want to realize identity with all life, even with such things as crawl upon earth.~
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
there was a report on the news last night that she doesn't' like the fact that when she flies from Washington to San Fransisco they have to stop and re fuel . so in other words she wants her own plane that doesn't have to stop re fuel. Paid for by us TAX PAYERS. :shock: and something like 30 million from the stimulus package to go to S.F. to save some sort of mouse.WTF I don't know about you guys but I wont be voting for any incumbents come next election. :x
dont you watch the news ? it was on every station from fox to msnbc :roll:
I've not seen this in the news....and I'd not consider Fox news so if thats where you got it......well
Indeed. She is a traitor to this country for doing what she has done to ICE. They are doing their job. She is the type of person that is ruining this country catering to those who don't belong here, those that are here ILLEGALLY, and undermining the American Citizens trying to protect our country.
I wish she would just leave, words cannot express my anger with people like her. Pathetic.
Agreed she is a traitor. She wants as many ilegals (I am sorry undocumented workers) as possible to enter this country all of the Dems do they see future votes. She is a fucking joke IMHO. Look at what the Drug Cartel are beginning to do in towns in the southeat it is pretty scary. Why do you think CA is in such a budget mess b/c of all the illegals.
Hold on.....its the afflent that use illegals labor.....have yet to see a single anti illegal supporter boycott establishment that use illegals or cut thier own grass or insist those building their house be "amerikins". this argumrnt is soooo freakin sad....blaming the drug versus demand. To blame illegals is simply moronic.....its the americans that pay them. Period.
Im not blaming the them if I were in there position I would come here too. I blame our govt. as far back as Regan since he was the one in office when we first tried amnesty.I believe that most of the illegals that come here are good hard working honest people,but there are some her that are committing crimes and they need to go. I have a relative who married a guy from Brazil and he was insulted by her comments. When he came here 10 yrs ago on a work visa he had nothing and could barley even speak English.He has since started his own construction company,got a real estate license, built a 7,200 sq ft home for him and his family, drives a brand new lexus SUV, she drives a Mercedes SUV(both paid for) a 50 ft boston whaler(paid for).He became an American citizen 2 weeks ago And he's only 32 yrs old. Hows that for livin the American dream. and the funny thing is that he told me all the material things are nice but becoming an AMERICAN CITIZEN, and his family meant more to him then anything in the world.
Agreed she is a traitor. She wants as many ilegals (I am sorry undocumented workers) as possible to enter this country all of the Dems do they see future votes. She is a fucking joke IMHO. Look at what the Drug Cartel are beginning to do in towns in the southeat it is pretty scary. Why do you think CA is in such a budget mess b/c of all the illegals.
And how again do illegal immigrants vote?
While I do not like Pelosi, Most of the time when people throw around the "traitor", it's based solely on partisan bullshit.
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Agreed she is a traitor. She wants as many ilegals (I am sorry undocumented workers) as possible to enter this country all of the Dems do they see future votes. She is a fucking joke IMHO. Look at what the Drug Cartel are beginning to do in towns in the southeat it is pretty scary. Why do you think CA is in such a budget mess b/c of all the illegals.
And how again do illegal immigrants vote?
While I do not like Pelosi, Most of the time when people throw around the "traitor", it's based solely on partisan bullshit.
How is what she said about ICE partisan B.S.? When she became the speaker of the house she took an oath to abide by the laws of this country.
Agreed she is a traitor. She wants as many ilegals (I am sorry undocumented workers) as possible to enter this country all of the Dems do they see future votes. She is a fucking joke IMHO. Look at what the Drug Cartel are beginning to do in towns in the southeat it is pretty scary. Why do you think CA is in such a budget mess b/c of all the illegals.
And how again do illegal immigrants vote?
While I do not like Pelosi, Most of the time when people throw around the "traitor", it's based solely on partisan bullshit.
How is what she said about ICE partisan B.S.? When she became the speaker of the house she took an oath to abide by the laws of this country.
And how exactly is speaking out against our immigration policy traitorous? Seems to be by your definition, every time a legislator speaks out against an existing law then they are traitors.
Like I said, I don't like Pelosi, and don't agree with her entirely on immigration, but I too don't like the idea of splitting up families.
I tried finding a complete video or transcript of what she said, but all I could find is cut video or excerpts. Maybe there is some context to what she said, I don't know...
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
Exactly. That's what we all have to do. NO INCUMBENTS. How much easier could it get? Take 5 minutes to find out your district (if you don't know it already), find out who's in, and if they're running again, vote against them.
While I'm no fan of Nancy Pelosi, this is just another bullshit right wing rumor about how the Dems are spending us crazy
Pelosi's staff has allegedly been "berating" military officials to get the best planes possibly for the speaker to fly across country, according to e-mails obtained by the government watchdog group Judicial Watch (you can read all the emails on their site) and first reported by The New York Post.
here is Judicial Watch's site.. ... ary-travel
She is at the very least a boldfaced liar, and at the most as complicit as Bush and his cronies in the death and maiming of our soldiers and innocent iraqi citizens.
I call her ms pelousy
She and her ilk, the harry reids of the world, rode into power in 2006 on the promise of ending the war and bringing real change to washington and the country.
They told us they would end the war, as thats why they were elected in 2006 in the first place.
But its been the same old garbage since 2006.
They told us they couldnt end the war in 2003 because bush was in power and they were scared of being unpatriot. Same in 2004. Same in 2005. In 2006 the country demanded the war end, and they promised us. In 2006 they refused to enact impeachment proceedings. They were "off the table" as Pelousy said.
I think the biggest joke is she and others act like somehow different than any other politician, that the D next to their name somehow makes them superior to Bush. The last few years have shown us the D is meaningless.
I have heard stories of parents and wives of soldiers in Iraq coming to talk to reid and pelousy and saying, "we want our family member home". And pelousy and reid actually laughing in their faces. Literally.
They continually in 2006-2008 told people who asked, "we will pull troops out and end the war when we get new president". They said that right after the 2006 elections. Yet they were elected to end it. They would continually move the date forward. people would say "why arent you ending the war" and she and reid would say "we dont have enough votes", or "we will do something about it after the 2008 elections" all this other bunch of B.s. and lies.
She is the ultimate in hypocrisy. I could care less about her.
Did you actually read any of the so-called "evidence"? This story is complete bullshit.
She is almost the Democratic equal of Ann Coulter . . . but that might be a little harsh.
actually yes I have but I wasn't bashing, I just didnt "Quote" the person above me as he mentioned the story, I was just posting it so they could read it.
There have been several cases involving fatal car accidents where the driver was drunk and here illegally and on top of that they already had a felony conviction. :shock: This has to stop
I wish she would just leave, words cannot express my anger with people like her. Pathetic.
Agreed she is a traitor. She wants as many ilegals (I am sorry undocumented workers) as possible to enter this country all of the Dems do they see future votes. She is a fucking joke IMHO. Look at what the Drug Cartel are beginning to do in towns in the southeat it is pretty scary. Why do you think CA is in such a budget mess b/c of all the illegals.
She's out of touch wth reality. Needs to retire,
and I am not a fan of pelosi
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
I've not seen this in the news....and I'd not consider Fox news so if thats where you got it......well
Im not blaming the them if I were in there position I would come here too. I blame our govt. as far back as Regan since he was the one in office when we first tried amnesty.I believe that most of the illegals that come here are good hard working honest people,but there are some her that are committing crimes and they need to go. I have a relative who married a guy from Brazil and he was insulted by her comments. When he came here 10 yrs ago on a work visa he had nothing and could barley even speak English.He has since started his own construction company,got a real estate license, built a 7,200 sq ft home for him and his family, drives a brand new lexus SUV, she drives a Mercedes SUV(both paid for) a 50 ft boston whaler(paid for).He became an American citizen 2 weeks ago And he's only 32 yrs old. Hows that for livin the American dream. and the funny thing is that he told me all the material things are nice but becoming an AMERICAN CITIZEN, and his family meant more to him then anything in the world.
The problem is that we (in general) complain about everyone else's incumbents but don't think ours are that bad.
And how again do illegal immigrants vote?
While I do not like Pelosi, Most of the time when people throw around the "traitor", it's based solely on partisan bullshit.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Personally I think ICE is one of the few government departments that should be expanded.
How is what she said about ICE partisan B.S.? When she became the speaker of the house she took an oath to abide by the laws of this country.
And how exactly is speaking out against our immigration policy traitorous? Seems to be by your definition, every time a legislator speaks out against an existing law then they are traitors.
Like I said, I don't like Pelosi, and don't agree with her entirely on immigration, but I too don't like the idea of splitting up families.
I tried finding a complete video or transcript of what she said, but all I could find is cut video or excerpts. Maybe there is some context to what she said, I don't know...
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon