While We're all Waiting

freealcibiadesfreealcibiades Posts: 365
edited March 2008 in The Porch
Not everyone knows about my site, but for those that do I've gotten great feedback. Since there are so many members on the board right now, I'm throwing down the link. Please enjoy and let me know if you think anything needs adding by ways of songs.


Oh and if there end up being shows at the Garden once this birdy sings, we're all gonna get together before the show and party!
member number: 198,xxx
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Great site. I frequent it often. Keep up the good work.
    "When a person's soul is born in a country, nets are flung at it to hold it back from flight. You speak to me of nationality, language, religion. I shall try to fly past those nets." - James Joyce
  • Bump for the site. Great resource for PJ fans. All the obscure stuff in one place
    Well, do you need a lot of what you've got to survive?
  • Red MosqitoRed Mosqito Posts: 1,239
    Thanks for posting the link..I'll check it out this evening!!


  • I like the site. I have a suggestion for it: Can you please include dates of performances for the live tracks?
  • we're working on getting those dates added to the live songs. good suggestion though.
    member number: 198,xxx
  • pjten77pjten77 Posts: 225
    awesome site....thanks for sharing
    Toronto-96/Barrie-98/Pittsburgh-00/Toronto-00/Buffalo-03/Toronto-03/Kitchener-05/Toronto-05/Hamilton-05/Toronto I-06/Toronto 2-06/E.V. Toronto- 08/ Toronto- 09/Buffalo-10/Hamilton- 11/ London- 13/ Buffalo- 13/Detroit- 14/Ottawa-16/Toronto II-16/Fenway I & II- 16
  • ajedigeckoajedigecko \m/deplorable af \m/ Posts: 2,431
    good work.
    live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
  • good site
    "You're the eve of my destruction in the garden of fears"
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