The "When was the last time you..." Game

mca47mca47 Posts: 13,304
edited March 2009 in All Encompassing Trip
*Not intended to be dirty*
So on another message board that I frequent they are playing this game and it's quite fun.
The simple rules:
-First poster asks a question in the "When was the last time you..." format.
-Nobody can answer unless someone has done said event (it can be anything and the first to reply with a short description gets to ask the next question). If they have done that event they reply with when it happened (Approx. and can elaborate if they want) and ask the next question in the same format (it can be anything, but it helps to keep it similar to what was asked or discussed before).

-Do not replay with an answer if it hasn't happened to you, or you can't remember "when" (it doesn't have to be exact, just don't say "oh, it happened with I was 3...". You can reply with comments, etc. but you cannot answer and create the next question until someone who's experienced it has replied.
-Do not ask ridiculous questions that you know cannot be replied to. Questions can continue for some time until someone answers/admits/etc. to it so don't make it crazy.
-If you answer a question try not to get TOO personal in your next question. This can cause problems and slow down the game.

I'll start!

When was the last time you...laughed so hard you cried?

{If you know, provide an approx. time and a short description of said event then ask the next question...}
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